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g AMERICAN LEGION, STEPHEN B. NHALEN POST=#Q7 (National American Legion),c/0
Q James Am erman,~Batt1egrove Avenue, Cynthiana. Founded 1919. Commander,
Q James Ammerman. Telephone 5802. Adjutant, Henry J. Luig, Pike Street, Cyn-
; thiana. Telephone 280-TL Terms expire June, 1945. `
Q Membership: 90. Qualifications, World War veterans having honorable dis-
E charge. _ _
6 Committees: Executive, James Ammerman; Child wblfare, Harold Ingles; Ways
g and Means, Joe Pressman, all of Cynthiana.
§ Purpose; Rehabilitation of veterans. Foster and perpetuate true Americanism
Ԥ by precept and example.
E Normal Civic Activities: Cooperates with Community Chest end Veterans Hos-
Qi pital.
R Defense Activities: _1ntcrested in Auxiliary Police, Air Raid Harden Service,
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Civiiian7n1rcraft·earning Service,-nuxiliary F re Protection, Collection of
{ Scrap hetaI$ and Other Metals. · ‘ . , · . .
Local Publications: None.
{ n§;RIC4N LEGION AUXILIARY, Stephen B. Whalen Unit #27 (National Lmerican
g Legion nnxiliary), c/b Mrs. Frank L. Duffy, 259 North Church Street, Cyn- ·
“— thiane. Founded 1926. President, hrs. Frank L. Duffy. Telephone ?O4-J.
f? Secretar"‘ yrs. E. H. Lui Pike Street Cvnthiane, Terms ex irc June,
 ,_, J: E: s .
sg 1945. -
Q hembership: 13. Qualifications, wife, daughter,.mother—or sister of legion-
Ei naire. . `.
in Committees: None reported. _
QQ Purpose: To assist the Legion and participate_in_all`patriotic programs.
3E Normal Civic Lctivities: Cooperates with local Health Department.
ii  t'i Defense Activities: Interested in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dress-
§ inqs, Ped Cross nssistance, Discussion Leaders.
t Local Publications: None. _ _ A
§ LVERIC;N RED ences, xinnxsor CCEETY CHQPTER (American National Red Cross),‘
Post Office Building, Cynthiena. Founded l9l7. Chairman, J. S. Whaley,
Cynthiana. Executive and Home Service Secretary, hiss Sidney R. neviland,
Post Office Building, Cynthians. Tomas indefinite.