xt7ftt4fr38t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ftt4fr38t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-02-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 1980 1980 1980-02-19 2020 true xt7ftt4fr38t section xt7ftt4fr38t 8
v i l\t\'ll s l09 Ker e] lniwnit) of Kentucky
, Triesdny. remain to. [980 m Independent student newswpfl [mngmn’ “mud"
k‘ # E
5.9, 3. . . .7. _ '. . . x . I»: Efibctonhostagasunlmown Odaly
, ‘ . . ( ,
.« . '~ a...“ z I
. .. s... A lanIry panel approved local .
) ‘~ . ‘ . ~~ « i» .2 is Litus'tn‘os. 'iiii, tits—
I 1 high, ’ J "i i i I f ‘ “'1'. HAND of an utisuccessltil guberna—
t.» <::-. {wig ' toritil candidate has been tailed on .i
U S I ra n U N 88 S charge of wanton endangerment toi
. . , . . .. . . . ' g_ by . I I I allegedly liriitg .i rilic at her .
' t“. ., , . ,. . . . :_ ‘ mg . . l-inic Binioii. Jl. was being held
‘we ’ f= ‘ i \L'\[L'fdit\ in lieu oi .i $5.000 Itill cash
. at .I . . . bond
,, WW M“ * "W“ ‘ 3’ the Assam" P'“ of the hostages‘ release as part of a Doris ltinion. who entered the
' . y ' . , ‘ package deal had not been finalized. 192° [)Cmttttlths .L‘Uht‘lnilltt‘htl
. K , ” The United 5m“ and Iran have but the commission‘s guidelines had anllr.‘ “it‘slut‘lt‘d h.‘ l‘t‘hs‘t'dwty
. , :r . g... acceptedthe membershipolacommis- been completed. ing her husband lllL‘ti .tl her “lift .1
_ g i ‘ é ‘ . w . """"-‘"’ ‘5 ' sion to investigatethe former shah and Iranian President Aholhassan Bani- 33~ctiliher i‘illc Satiiidat night .it
' "“ a the panel “1“ 80 ‘0 'Iehran in a few Sadr. who indiccated last week the lhc “mph-.2 hmm
. ‘44“ 1 o‘ 2% i' .j I“ ' days. the United Nations announced hostages might befrecd whenthecom- .
z ‘t . «4.. fiI - Monday. mission begins its work. was quoted in natlon
' “"hg'h ‘ x hosta cs held in the l: S [i b’ inqu”) C9“ hm ‘ 'I‘Uf lLanl to II”) \ESTI’.RD.~\\ to anyone
wsss‘wsm 5"“ 33;; g ‘- _ g . .m ass) ensure their release. He also repeated who might obtect to an ethnic iokc
. saw ' _i temé’“ ° ’3’ I; there' ‘ his demand for a l. .S admission of he told about Poles and Italians. btit
. . . I . em _’ » ~ " ‘ A spokesman for ”15 Moslem "“1" guilt for alleged misdeeds during the said ht: Intendcd H ‘4‘ an cwmhh't‘l
. ’ .. . ‘ itants at the embassy told the Japanese reign of Shah Mohammad Reza Pah- humor hc mm in poor taste
? _ > newspaper i'omi'uri there was “no layi. The L'nited States so far has “\oslurwasiniendedandltipol—
‘ 2‘ g ’.;._. . 3 need for the UN. to investigate the refused to apologi/e for past LS. ogtle to anyone who was offended
. ' f ‘ __. .. ;,. t crimes of the former shah.“ He said. actions in lran. h.‘ "7' ”W “Wm“ ( “1110mm .L't‘u‘r' ‘
t: ‘ a ' D .. .. KW warm
:i i . «g W the Iranian people are stiildemanding Secretary Cyrus R. Vance and the mile alternaiely mhmg and WW
I, f: 2'! ‘ . . _.* m“ 3 the extradition 0f the shah and the charge d‘affaires of the lranian l'..\', inanger 4 '
z k“: _ - . , ~ .. return of his assets before the hos- mission. Jamal Shemirani.
i. .. g _ y... .; tagesj Will be released; ‘ lhe Washington officials said a world
_. .. ' ,wn-I ' . '19.“me --.. “1 he United Nations' efforts to major pan of the Vance-Waldheim
A break the impasse by appointing a agenda was making certain both sides MOSLEM AFGHAN REBELS
. :_ ‘ ‘ w“ five-member commission to probe understood precisely the rules under killed ZtXiSotictiroops dtiringaltt- ‘
. ”gryz; “ lran‘s grievances is a US P10I being which the commission will conduct its d“) ham" that ”lm'nm‘j “”h {hc
as. 4'”? ’ . ‘ . perpetrated through UN. Secretary— intestigation of the shah’s regime. WW2 making the 1“”ij m ‘2‘er
= y ‘ " ‘ -'~° General Kurt Waldheim."the militant They describedthecommission as part ;mfizlncapgtdlfimrtrj:fd‘:uvii: 1
_ * 2 fv ..“"' :lisniggrifidna;os:{y‘i)ng in a dispatch 3:: tit-r25)”: understandingwith lran reported “Mum
. '.'_ 2 .y . r ” ' .» . ' . ‘ ‘ pposed It) ledd eyeniuall) m fhe Daily .laiig of Karachi said i
. ',~ “"22”" i ‘ ' .3... l-n'Washington. 'State Department release 0f the hostages. They said the rebels suffered 50 killed during
j . ‘ ~ offictals said the diplomatic plan for Bani-Sadr's three other requirements tighiing in hat/abad. but they also
' e 5 ”H release W35 "0“ ”Wk" hUl With ”0 do not necessarily \iolatc the terms of claimed to haye captured l.‘ ‘ioHL‘l ‘ '
. . ' firm timetable. The officials. speaking the understanding. tighter planes. destroyed I“ tan'.“ ‘
I , ' privately. saidthelinited States prob~ ln additiontotheimestigation.and and tour helicopters. and sci/ed
‘ -~ .-... .. W " .‘ ably will not be certain about the free- an admission of [3.5. interference in rifles. machine guns umd :lmmllnl' .
y _ .~ 1. ing of the hostages “until we see the lrtin‘s internal affairs. Bani-Sadr says “on i
m . __ “ ‘ y a whites 0f their 035‘" lran requires a pledge that the lfnitcd weather .
_ _ , . V “ ~ ~ . “ H‘ ‘ Vi.“ "v“..“fl . . Waldheim was quoted by a Vienna States will not interfere again. and will . . . . .
' " ‘ a, BENJIE VAN HOOK/Kernel Sun newspaper as saying the hostages not interfere lran‘s clfortsto extradite PART?“ Hf“ “‘“k‘f'jh‘v‘l‘ ‘ ,
. I would be released “in the course ofthc the shah and rccoyer his fortune. LR md‘” HM“ Show“! rum-“(,0
. ‘ . Dest|nat|on unknown commission‘s work. Otherwise one The administration has made acon— [‘le :3)pr it???) 22:33:ng paw:
would not hatereceived theagrcemetit cession to [ran by agreeing to creation L311” ”13w :“d 1‘0“”th my“
, Running away? Heading back home forthe weekend? It dock accomplnies telecommunications freshman Joe 0f the IWO sides.“ of the commission without first mmimm imam; hi,“ 5”.
. . is anyhody‘s guess as junior Art student Jayne More- (irubb to the bus stop. Stajduhar told reporters the timing obtaining the release of the hostages.
s ,. f ' o t t ‘ i
f I o ‘ e. ' ‘ i 5 - , ~ ’
e ra t t , ~
~ 1‘ ' t - - t .
.. W. Jr’, “I f l’ ’ i \t ""724",: .
- f The doves those opposed to the draft ~ . ’ .4 - s ~. M“ t . . -
i‘ I ’ “I? f '1 t2, mi .', ,.._/
. ,'2z I... '_ b '3. I- 3". .
' / / t t iews "V wt» st; °' , ‘ er". . .*3 ~ i \
organize oca group 0 presen v ts u, .. 1,», .31 at , , t. z .
' s ‘ ‘\ - \/ ‘ f I ‘ ,I ’ .
' - By \\ .A\l.'l RR l’ \(iti topics of the meeting. “There are over 20.000 people here " ‘ ‘5': " ‘ . W .- ' ' " ' ' . ' 2 i h v
suit: wt 1c: lhey read and returned to the steer~ on campus. and even more in the high h i \ . y ‘t ' "w ‘e: . fl
ing committee a statement of princi— schools and the general community.“ '9 - i M_ j. - 2 3 i .
\\ in the 'isot. students are begin- pics that said LCARl)'s goal “is to David Blair. ofthe Lexington Friends g‘ p ’. " ‘ § 2,;- g
‘ iiingtoiallintociimps the hiiwkson oppose bylegaland nonviolent means (Quakers). said. “if we don‘t get our ~ . ‘ 3 ‘ ,. i t v, i
. ti'tv ~tdt'. th‘c dmvs on the other and the mandatory registration and con- objectives accomplished. Congress _ Q ~ ’ ‘ 5‘
. ihem.tioiity in tlicmiddle scription of Americans. We are may havethelaw passed before weget ii: ‘K \X . 'i . ‘ 'é \ "
ltic dotcs are now organized and opposed to registration because we a shot at them." ' ' ~ ~“ . ' ,‘ :
ictids to resume .J protest that isonly a feel that it is the first step toward the "We must get organized and get the ' 2’ f ‘ ~ If .
. 2' \titlllt; memoit to many l'K students. enactment of a program of compul- students to realize what is happening .- " 8 {£1 ‘ . ' '. _ y ‘
‘\\ c hate to consider that there is sory military senice." to their future." Blair said. . ' ’ , 7‘ ‘ t ‘ ‘ '
I. ”t” ““hWWC-ld WW" Atldtm'lht‘dtult lhestatementalsosaid.“Weintend Melanie Miller, another steering /« .. “is; ._ \ . >4: 2 “a
. yet." s.l!ti l oc! \ieckcl. steering com» to express our opposition to registra- committee member. agreed. . I: . ‘ - I y ‘w‘ -.l. y ‘I 543‘
mzitcc member of the lesittgton tion and conscription through draft "OUTS is i051 3 start. We must make u v ‘ J ‘2’? ’ i ' '
. (ommiticc Against Registration and counseling and education. lobbying, it snowballin ordertobeeffective and ., 2. , -
tiic “mil ti (ARIN “\se‘rctryingto petitioning. letter writing campaigns stop the draft." Miller said. adding ‘ 3* . . ‘ ' . g ‘ ‘
tlcsclop that spirit hclotc ll is too late and by serving as a forum for the dis- that they need to begin applying pres- I‘M , a k | . ' ., a ' y ‘ L I
and the til‘Ji‘i is ptirt of out lite “ cussion of rele\ant issues.“ sure to government officials imme~ ' f! ‘2‘“,‘1‘54‘ f . Q?!- I‘ _, _ " A ' , _ '4 ‘;
the: 5H \tttdctits diik'litik’ti a “lhisthingisgoingbeforeCongress diatelv . '. “-1 .. “'1" ti . his 3* -- . ,_l ‘ ' “‘- ' “>6va ‘ s It
, . ' ' awn ~K ‘ ' “‘ " \\ " . {“ J’JV'V‘ «o‘ a, ' ".2 .
it \ltliiiiectmg last week. including pretty soon. We want to be ready “We‘vcgot to stop them before they “ - ‘ “‘t ""' ‘ ’ ‘ ~ -‘ - " ‘
tictiils .‘ii “tiltlt’l‘. Registration. the belorc lht’) are." said Jim Peppgn a stop us.“she said.ldon‘ttrustmycon- .. . _ . , ,
Lilrli' dilui ii\ t‘lic‘cls \ycrc the central member Of the steering committee. Confinugd on page 3 Opponents ofthc draft fear this Scene above may become 3 flmlllll' Sigh' If leglslltlon '5 passed '0 reinstate the draft. ‘
H k h ' d 'a' d ' h ' ' f ' t ' d 0’ ft
8W 8, apat BUGS, U]? 90/ 8 S VOICE t Elf 0WD perceptlons 0 reg/stra [On an ra
3) “ “-1 [R l’-“-* year-old father taking graduate William Moore. undecided freshman. reactions. some students are ready to cent believe that women should be “if she (the draltce) is capable. she
. W“? “Hm courses at L'K. “A tank gunner is just “Conflict has followed mankind since support it, given combat roles. should be allowed to fight. Women
that. a tank gunner lhere is no civ- the beginning oftime. and our society “The registration willbe beneficial.“ “I‘ve got two daughters." Bowdan may not be physical equals. but we‘re
‘~\ hilc tlic tfotcs dcciare ti symbolic ilian correlation. is no different. Butman believes. “The conditions of said. “I would be proud to have them mental equals.
“all .igiiinst icinstittiiton of registra~ “'lhe military has always been .. . , world affairs and the part we play serve in the military. But never in a “l don't want to go. I hate the
littti and the draft. the litiwks.;iptithet- stewed as a necessary cut in our cul- We can‘t evade whats already necessitates preparedness. combat situation. It‘s not realistically thought of war. I couldn‘t kill a per-
“- “id ‘H‘th'f‘ld’s‘d‘ 8'1”“th I” Cétvh one It may be simply considered found'us. If.” get shafted.noamount “The actualdraft'.’ltdependsonthe feasible. son." Bauchcr said.
. ' . ' fervtn Will sto it “ Moore said. . . . . . . . . . ,
. t‘lhtt necessary inthe ncartuture."Bowman o .. .' g p ' .. conditions. But. when it comes right “fhey arcnt as physically strong. Students often think they can do
in .i recent random stirtcy on cam- said. . lm suppose to control my future. down to it. I would enlist." Butman and men assumea protective role over something about their future. Others
pas. most people had somethingiosay "(‘ommunism is here to stay and said Polly “Baucher. communications said. women. which in a combat situation think something is about to bedone to
about their tiittire arid the effect the their basic belief is expansionism. freshman. BBL." seems that I dont. According to a .N'ewsweek pollcon- would be disastrous. Men have been them.
tildil could hate on it. lhey venture out oftheir borders and I m "0‘ influential enough. ducted last week. Americans are still brought up fighting. women haven‘t. “You have to trust your leaders.
“ltciore Vietnam. our attitude didn‘t we think we haseto respond."Butman “Most middle-class people say ‘the virtually split over almost every issue Our cultural heritage completely rally around the flag. that kind of
make ti damn i“! of difference." said said. “lhere will probably be a war military is for the other man.‘ and ofthc draft.exceptthe mandatory reg- denies women the role of combatant." thing." Baucher said.
Ron Hutman. a business .idministra. within our lifetime. but not immedi- they‘re right.“ Bowman obscrved.“Do istration of young men and women in he said. “As Jim Morrison ol the Doors put
“0“ (”M “K‘ltth’tlt irt‘thmkm- "Hut tht‘ ately "A warinthisdccade will occur you want to volunteer or be drafted? combat roles. "If I was drafted. l would go; it it. we‘re )USI ‘Ridcrs on the Siorm.’
reaction to that war was so shocking. only it America is directly provoked.“ Of course not. Ofallrespondents. 7S pcrcentarein would be my duty." Baucher said. waiting for something to happen."
the leaders had better listen to us. Butman theorized. “The nation isn‘t behind the draft favor of the registration of all young again adding that shethought she was Moore said.
Most people are ready to light." he ()ther students are more apathetic. now. It wont work. We aren‘t pre- men. Ifthe draft is to be instated. 50 speaking for the majority of the Summing up the uncertainty of
Wild “Why give my opinion? lts totally pared to support such a military dur- percent think women should be females. “And if women are going to America's teens. Moore said. “The
"We are a tighting force. supposed meaningless, Argument on this ques- ing peace time." Bowman said. included. be drafted. they should be given equal future is uncertain. and the end is
1“ ht“ at lea‘tbatd Mt'l Bowman.a44- mm is oni)‘ counterproductive.“ said However. accordingto some survey But. ifthct are drafted. onh '0 t‘t‘r- dilllt‘s .i’u.~x~ "

 KENTUCKY l)ebbie Mclhniel
Ill/rm m ( lrit'r Muir (ireen him Aubrey Thomas ( larli John (‘Iny (ill’) lenders
le hissetl Bob (ochrlne lIiit'I/ullirrrr/i/ lt/lltrl \Iwiy I‘m,” lhrt'tlur or I’htrmgmph.
('Iry Willis "\HN hm lt/rlun Paul Mann .
\Iuriueinc liliim ( indy McGee Mil lurhln Brian Hielerd "I‘M Mun-rd
.lldti Rudd sits/slum -ly\I\IimI \I'viirly lt/Ilur ”WI“ ”ti/WK"
Steve Massey Lisa Dousslrd ( o/u Ill/lt‘l\ Illlt‘llulrl/llt’ll/ [ill/HI
editorials & Comments (am/my hit/or l't/r/oriu/ [than
‘ SdtCt ' trth'tb 'd
With inflation pushing the total cost of education percent of the student body polled by a Student Jo Mertens. lhere are problems with installing rooms, empty cafeterias. and maybe. an empty Stu- (
‘ upward nearly as fast as gasoline prices are rising. the (ioyernment expansion advisory committee f‘ayored energy-efficient heating. yentilation and air condi- dent (‘enter not to mention its addition. But. it‘s
’ unlucky student who is barely scraping by economi— raising the actiy'ity' fee to pay for the addition. tioning equipment. And 32.000 feet hayealready‘ been too late now to question the foresight of Student
cally may be out of luck next semester. l hat 76.5 percent represented just of” students. cut from the original 80.000 square feet planned for (ioyernment and the Board of Trustees. Both bodies
Not only can students look forward to payingaSl0 Although the SU committee hoped to reach the addition. Apparently. all the addition will hold approy'ed the student actiyity fee increase.
, , student actiyity fee increase. but l'K President ()tis between l.200and l.500 students outofa 2.000 name now are the theater. the bookstore. a few meeting Wouldn‘t it bea shame if because of the high cost of
Singletary told students at the noon luncheon Wed— sample. only o0l people responded to the suryey. lhe rooms. offices and a yending machine area. attending college few full-time students were on cam-
. V nesday' that Kentucky residents can also look fora tur- fate of the addition was decided by fewer than [.000 ls the addition worthwhile or a waste of students‘ pus to use the addition? Ifthe composition ofthe stu-
rlon fee increase soon. Add to that increase the rising people; most students who will pay the increase next money? dent body changes as officials predict and the number
. cost of. textbooks. lab materials. insurance payments. semester had no say in the matter. 'I he addition should be ready in tw‘oyears. accord- of married. and part-time students increase substan-
, utility bills. room and board payments and the Why should the 23.000 students taking classes at ing to Vice President for Business Affairs Jack Blan— tially. there is little doubtthatfewer students willhave
increased student health fee. 'l here is nothing students L'K now pay for a student center addition many will ton. [sing the red tape effect and adding the normal time to spend in either the addition or the Student
can do to ayoid these increases. except open up their neyer see'.’ it‘s rather like selling a “personal studyear- construction worker‘s inefficiency. two years will (‘enter building itself.
>~ ' wallets and hope green bills fall out. rel" in the Ml. King Library to an incoming probably expand to four. By that time. the square At leastthe completed expansion will“bringl}K up i
. . Watching the student actiyity fee increase toS3l.25 freshman. footage may haye shrunk eyen more. Look atthe (‘en- lo a rightly respectable leycl both in the state and
- next semester is the final insult. Not because it is too lhree years ago. the addition probably sounded ter for the Arts it missed its construction deadline among other benchmark institutions in the nation."
. muchto pay to receiye priyileges suchasfree seating at like a good deal. loday. facing the fact that enrol- substantially. and the Board of lrustees is still according to Mertcns. Apparently we hay‘en‘t done
- " athletic eyents. but because theSl0 increase will fund lments will shrink substantially in the next fiye years. approying construction of’items such asthe orches- that through research, teaching or the athletic
the l‘niyersity‘s latest white elephant. the Student the additionis notonlya bad idea butan economically tra pit lift which were eliminated from the initial program.
. (‘enter addition. unfeasiblc one. plans because of expenses. Who'd hay'e thought one building would be so
, I ': And there‘s nothing students can do to changethat. Construction of the addition was slated to begin in With decreased enrollment and fewer full-time stu— important to l'K‘s good name‘.’ And shouldn‘t we. as .
' On April l5. I927. the Kernel reported that 76.5 June. \ot so.saysthc StudentCenter‘s Director Mary dents will come empty classrooms. empty dormitory students. be more than happy to pay for it‘.’
. l
I There's no place llke Kentucky “‘“
* for basketball debate dance
. _ , I I I a, «(ilk a I (ivy . I
7 - . By JAMES (.‘RIH‘IN those who wish they were." "Milli-faceted avionics program , .. "’ .l‘t l' .‘~/ ‘
I Of course. this isn‘t the only actiyity When 1h" dance “"‘W'l begins ”“~ (g ’1 i l .' i ” I1 \‘ ~ .
,. ' " I' i \k'hatllikeabout Kenttickiansisthe Kentuckians support When the CW” before 11 starts. W'ldC‘“ mm “l" ( a l r," i ll ' 0 /O .~ . '1'
' y. 5 way they fanatically support their debate season begins no. eyeii fond 0‘ “‘3'“? ' ~ 0 i .l‘ . huff,“ “7
. ' V I .' teams l‘his isn't surprising. since the before it starts. Wildcat fans are tond "lthrci‘ no PI‘WC 1'“ Kentucky ll” / . it)" :iI, ilk/Ir , - ,2 '
‘ l . Z ‘ Bluegrass is known the world round of saying danIce.‘ _ . I/ . - I . ‘ . I.‘ ‘1 ' \‘il‘l Mrf‘ ~,. D / 4
, ’ for its fine hospitality We hear any "lhere's no place like Kentucky for \f’ ““9 dares PWdlCl anything I?“ i . ’5; I.-"‘.I'"y1;‘qe1:t‘\.\¥j '1 ,Ill‘fi} 3‘ tb‘lfi' @kyfiflx/ a f’yC‘I
' ' ' burden. pay any price to keep our debate." than “1“" ”"3“" l‘" the team. ”19." \ $53.. 1&1m‘" 2‘" ' Italy. If '31:;ng ,‘zstgiatiIIrI..j‘-5 it.“ "i'
. _ ' teams number one \o one dares predict less than a ““3 “WWW “'1 Kentucky " ‘1 l‘K *5“5’I“~€~9§K¥5§.”a“,\QII':;~,?‘;‘;I:‘J' ymlltcsilif'
, V , lake I K basketball. for example national championship for the team. dance fan.and ”WU“ lLN moyed hy'l't‘ NO" i ' “J IlttII’i‘iligé‘fi" ’. .,;.’§.\~RI‘\;I (031;: _ Ig‘ :Hffiy
‘ When the hoop season begins no. lhey say eyeiyone in Kentucky is a '1 ““Uld h“ '5‘“) I" hCI'C‘C fax“ /\' flit sq - ii‘i‘i’ii‘g‘ilm .2 ’11,; 3‘19.“ this?"
i ' i eyen before it starts. Wildcatfans are l'K debate fan. and if you'd just Ilhe i‘ine Arts (icmm 0”“ [0 lhk‘ ' ’2\\ll lI . :KI‘I. J11. iicz‘:~"-?7;;1‘~“i f 1,1111: '10
l ' } fond of saling. moyed here it would beeasy tobelieyc brim. practice 5”“ arottnd ”l“ “in" .' O 7 l V Lima-“1‘3“. izkii‘I’u‘s ‘ '- ti\"°~‘ to has; I
“'lhere‘s no place lke Kentucky for —-————— arc rammed and pcuplc camp (wt in y I/\ 'ilfi‘fi33,$£.I‘flt 03.; 591‘? '.. 'I ‘f 5.1%; f1:I.'—§~ “.7
. . . .v ':I, basketball " order to get tickets to watch the team. M II' ' .wkl.‘g “-19”: - 937'.“ ‘ 21 1.7; 151111 i':I
. _. .I I . \o one dares predict anything less rl'fi'l'r’ lhe alumni smile ContentcdlyI know- I II/ Lima ,~ 3i. 353‘s} I1IIIIII1II.I,_~tIy.4 .. 1 ; yI
. I I than a national championship for our 9 mil lht‘.‘ WWW” and “WWI the ht“ i‘- ,7 I)- uEI‘_..*-.i.tf‘§_‘: . 'r-IIiI' $3; .1' “ ‘II. ' - I
', r 1 team. lhey say eyeryone in Kentucky dance team ”1ch 15- fig? it“ 0"? fi-zf‘ 1’. ‘n’IS' :,;~" i .
4 is a l K basketball fan. and if you'd ‘— Kentuckians ”C‘Cl' 2101 CYiUlll—‘h l7 ' Thu“. 1 ‘I . r115: ': 5
. ' ,. IU‘I moyed here it would be 94") [1, Patterson ()ffice 11m” “HS [1, the dance. and they watch their fayorite \ ’4 . \ y‘u%;1.51 7. I . ‘ ..~. 1—" _ .. 1; ‘ .
‘ . ‘ belieye. brim. practice sites around the state dance stars on MC‘NW- INC” and *.I I’ 57‘» 57,, , ‘%?‘f':‘" ‘5 : ' .i ' I
- ' Rupp Arena “11‘ to the brim. PM“? are jammed. and people camp out in talk to them on the radio. buy their ' 'I’fi I.‘I I lIIt ’ ; ..- . ' ’ 45:11:; ' P A 9.; ‘37 "'
‘ _ - . . free sites around the state areyammed. order to get tickets to watch the team. pictures '“IhCWW-“ml readallabout ‘ r l . wig-'1 . - _ ‘J’flfiér'i 'f, .. .. . 1 . la “2,
' .‘ and people camp out in order to get lhe alumni smile contentedly. know- them in 1h“ ”W‘PHPV“ and maga— ‘ l tar/:75?! ‘4 i 3;? ' liltiiiifi d. ~ " "I fa: ‘: - in I".
- . ‘ . . tickets to watch the team lhe alumni ing they support and attract the my litres. ()ur dancers are surrounded by 1‘ ’ :I‘ltli : ' i . it)?“ ' 'l ' ’ . ' ,
’ . smile contentedly. knowing they sup- debate team there “I attentionand autograph houndswher~ -
' . ,I [Min and illll'ilc'l th‘ hm! basketball Kentuckians ncycr get cntyugh UCY' {he} go. ‘W
i ‘ ‘ team there is debate. and they watch their fayorite SUW- there ”W 1‘ l3“ people “00 '
’ ' . . Kentuckians neyer get enough bas- debate stars on teleyision. listen and don‘t go along. bl” our dance fansare Letters to the Editor
. . I' ketball. and they watch their fayorite talk to them on the radio. buy their ‘lU'Ck ‘0 PUI them in their P135“ “”h I
. .' 'V I basketball stars on teleyision. listen pictures1nthesltyrcIand[cudullubtyut letters to the editor. and they hate
I V' ‘dlld léllly' l0 them on the radio. buy them 1n the newspapers and maga- bccn hCHrd l0 thmflfly'. M
‘ ‘ i ii ‘ mm pictures m the “"m and read all “n” ()urdebaters are surrounded h) “lhere are [“0 kmd“ m dance fans Little support feel gUilty that l am writing this letter packed picture of Wendell ()yercash
.' t by attention and autorra h hounds S r‘ Ith' ‘ ' . ' l‘“ ’i |* wh But wait. that‘s riot all there isto do crate dean m" (-radiiatc Studies and ing for thc draft. Bm I MI [I necesary steps M 1m. layy library.
.- . I - whereyer they go. 5 P don: gnarl); ‘brtit‘burtdelziieriainsar: at I K. When the baseball season beg~ Research in the ( olIeIge of IlIducation to take a motnent and thank some With an informatiyeI campus news-
. It ‘. Sure. there are a few people who quick I0 put them in their place with ins . . . and the ( ollcgy‘ had .0 pcrtcntIof all deyoted persons. PiiIPer such as the [H’Illlu‘ly'l two-
i .' don't goalong. but our basketballfans letters to the editor. and they haye (Seethat‘s w hat I like abotit this place. minim?“”limits“:.l._mun'd IHIMI “It hm 0' {UL I would like to thank minute IU’HH’I. I am sure wecanlook I
. .‘ ' l are qurck to piit them in their place been heard to remark. — lhere's so much to do. especially if “m, ,nju,l\l,n,g ‘ Plating [.Kl'uil‘f you. Mr'. (oyle. for bringing us the forward to future stories and “10“.”
. i‘ ' ' with letterstothe editor.andthcy haye “There are two kinds of debate fans you‘re willing to camp out for tickets.) if".yiu'liiiusamhk-infirm furl! Him story m mt stranded eat. It th‘luuli answering wth. questions as: Did ‘
, I I been heard I0 remark: - those from Kentucky and those - aItItrI t Iain III; e IowIsiin LIIotIittiiitII ityof'always being rightthereontop of WendellIImIake it to the top of the
I * ' t- ' “lhere are two kinds of basketball who wish they “m “ i. ‘ James Griffin is a speech junior. His ti: oIrIt k :21: TISRUIT. quIn things. “uh camera ”.1 hand. that fit-PS '. Was the law library open. ‘ I .
II fans those from Kentucky. and \II ‘I II b .- 1 I , l'K‘ column a ears ever I Tuesday. 1 tI“ dIl “WEI ~I PWI‘I'" 0 “I‘ IN“ “I" makes a good photojournalist. lt I‘DId Wendell find what he was look-
. I _ . atura y.t trtsa otmortto s DP 3 . ate fellowship applicants were from would heiptohayegood photographs; ing for or was the “Library Rescue
* RI. hrs and freedoms t [h’I‘I‘ImN‘Im and ”ml mean “”1“ honeycr. l‘mIsure that the cat photo leam"IIout on another perilous
. . II g 008 wtrLIat tht mean of thr. l niytrsity on being shot with a loom lens and the mission.’
'3 .u l - I l the (iRl' and (il’:\. thesocial sciences ladder and rescuers being shot at a ‘
1 f t I.I ls AmerI ca nh f ht f 7 11‘" 35‘ WWW“ 0’ 1h“ 'L‘H‘mfh'm normal range. andthe two photosthen Jeff Greer
. '1 i W0 '9 Ing O r I "‘1 present.the (””L'P'U” ["ll'm‘mn being cut around and pieced together Business Administration senior .
. I' ".I ‘ ‘ I . I . is receiying2of thcl niyersity'sSofel- like something on the coyer of the
. I‘ . . By B. “AVNE KAHJN warsin anefforttoprotecttheir homes corner of the Middle East dodging I‘m‘h'lW “hm” 3 arid it hit“ PC'W'” National Enquirer was no fault of Th K I [I K pic/welcomes
. . . . « , ' . .. . .,._ , , I . . i d I know that by iny ’etsiri . ' _ , ,r ., . C "’1 “l".l' t”
i ' I I i ' In the days since the President diiitiihjdhrtighrtfnillilfii‘irhttii‘ltriirilit. bullets and praying [hdl I Inc long :rnllt‘l'lillilfc‘ students in in die iaiti‘rii‘fft yours. h “d.“ probably [hi “I depart— all contributions from the UK
I I i I I I - ( enough to make it back home. in fact. - . l ment or layout department that gaye I . . - .. ~ h i
g , , '. . ' “le‘CCd ”‘6 P‘Mlhll'l} 0' reinstate- commitments and sacrifices of these it scares the hell out of me. Howeyer. “m .iboyeayerage "Nth“ New” ‘1‘ Us that front page yisual catastrophe. community for publication ont e
: « .II '. .I I, ntent of the selectiye seryice. or draft. people. the chance that we would haye we. as mature citi/ens of this country aw hole “”d that our “mm pl'hh‘hc‘ But at least you tried. Mr. (‘oyle And editorial and opinion pages.
. _ ‘I A’ I. ‘ many PCOPIC haWHPWSSCd- bothyer— as many rights as we do is yery slim who enioy the freedoms we hay'e here well aboyethel mwm‘} mean I‘m '1 you know the saying. “If at first you - .
‘I.II'I ‘I I-UI bally and in this paper. a wide range of Indeed. the yery birth of this nation must be willing to pay our share of the surprising that we m” get quality ‘1“. don‘t succeed. then iry. try again; letters. opinions and commen- y
I I . I‘ I. . thoughts 0n [his \UbJCCI and on draft M PHCC for them i don” when ”Kit I\ ‘0 lllllt‘ \llppttll Which by the “3H “ii-N “()l’nlnatC’d {or [2;] 1:11nlzsédbcgsfledrritifldlenfiifé
. ';. I' 1 registration Many peo le seemtofeel - n , _ from the l'niyersity’s administration. . .- i ' I ‘i . a 5 ac ' 'I 7
4 op/n/on
.-.' I' by the threat of possible military ser- terms but history has shownithatlthe stand the meaning 0‘ (“sill”) pound unless the bird is re ' h ‘ phone number. UK students '
. yice and that they shotild haye the . i ' . L i ' H p gant.t en ‘hOUId '"CIUdc their year and
_ . I . I. I - “— prises forthethings we yaluethe most . . you can eat scrambled eggs for ma'or and l7niy'ersity' em Io ees
I ’t‘ . .- right of choice to not support this occurred in the midst of bloodshed in art‘the highest. Historyhasalsoshown :ygrdon I'Iidl:e_ h l (. breakfast " shtluld list their pbsitiopn )and
. . . I I. . cotIirIiItcrIchiterIrIiilIietaIrIyIIIaIctiSnIhis needeth the search by a people for a land with that . any Iciyililation.I or country. iég‘l;::1';;::m SH 0 0:" and ounsel- Secondly. i would liketothankyou. department.
. , I I I P PI g 1 many 01 the freedom to liye their liyes as they whose crtt/enry is willing to take Mr. Schaeffer. for setting us straight
. ,t . II I :IrIyIIIseemtIinIfIceIlIItIlIiIatItnheIiIrItriggtIItIiItclIreIeI- .IsarieyZI;iItIIIIHt;wIIeyI:r.IiIrIonrderto:ttainIthe tidy:ntagI€kof the freIedomsIayailablIe Good photographs? on thewhole situation. l must cIom- Ilhc Kernel Imay condense or
. I I, .. . choosing to serye or not serye in the am u IIICIIILIII dcy songIt.‘ many Iwit outta Iing Icareo the accompany- W II M (I I IIII . h 'k' mend you and your fellow librarians rel“! contnbutttmIsI and frequent
I , I military. but the right to freedom of lgiyes in: rem nee onyahnI tyItIn IthIeIir iqg responsibilities. including defense I IIc . r. :0 e.ItIa a (IiItIit Zia ing forbrayingthe gray‘e dangersotrIescu- writers may-I be hmrredII Editors
. 1 , the press». communication. religious must he IIIIgI iIIiIoanIt Itpéicc which 0 Ii‘ts ideals. is doomedIto failure. an tinIue out 0 not |n3I~ w IdlI 0 it“; ing that poor defenseless feline. Nowl regene the “gm to ed” forcorrect
. choice. and cycn free speech are all “III“: IUrpH I“ (If e Ire oIm they . Is Mr lutl said very well in hisIIet- C0651 ICIF )(Iilefl chhénlfi-OIYIWII‘lnC-s 0 only ask you and your cohorts to
.I “free" for the taking and these rights 8mm haycc:- ar wou d the l Inited ter in the kernel. Feb. 5. each of us “I “III” ltiI T- - t d6 ICT- vI n infor- please combine theireffortsand locate Contributions should be deli—
, ' were bestowed uponthem rust because we be ri ht noirfquor wdhere would muIyt decide for ourselyes whether the "1:11": essay Iytn the day of a Iyerriel this book for meII9|769X. 50 865. It y'ered to Room ”4 Journalism.
I .I they were born as American citi/ens had bask“: 2miIIIi uIr oun IyngfatIhers rIigI ts and freedoms that we enyoy as p Iotongdphcr, h h , I was last seen lurking about somwhere l'niversity of Kentucky. Lexing-
. but no rights III liberty “IIWIIII trecl ti htin III th- yI rgm ItI L idea of till/ICES of this country are worth the I t ts a s time: t 0ng . as ytiuIsay. on the fifth floor of the M. I. King. ton. Ky. 40506.
.i All the rights that you and I haye‘ gI "If“ Id (In hrIet om Iposti lc price of dying in some place With d” the “Grid pm '9th5 Ilht sIH- AnId thirdly. I would like to thank
and take for granted. hate been ri ht minddle Idt h:tIIrIio one in their arhronIi hIomein ordertodefendthose 515 In Iran. the UN:\ In Alghdnlbtdh. the [term/staffitsellIfortheircontinu- For legal reasons. contributors
, I bought and aid for. not I t . f 8 (U appy about the rig ts. . like Mr. lutl and many oth- the 885 prism. inflation. unemploy- ing effort in presenting the news and must resent a [K ll) before the
I , I I h p h . n erms o prospect of going to war. As a person ers. think they are. ment. the firing of Bert Parks that facts as 0n|yr they see them. hearthem. I p 'h I h
I, IratIrIiIeyI. aItIIiniIrnyIIIedrzqzhhcsyfistysrsflrcnrs :yIIfedIZicfrIbIleIagIeJIamIrontthrilled about B “I . I . there adre people whonould actuallysit sirmakethemup. Forinstancethereis IlIngrnglaIwill be a Ie to accept t e
ing or mam people who hate gone to of my hf P ng enexttwoyears . Iyne Knelin in- third yen Phlr- emu" . ‘I‘mmtlII elf“ complaining the Iteme/stalfphotographer.(hester
. t _ c in some (rod-forsaken mlcy student. about stranded Cd“ I mean. l almost Sublett. who gave us the action-

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. . ., N 1' 13-5- 3 1’ ”3'3." 5“ I » 1 Enhance exams “\L'llltl .iiitl llliil\tl.l\ l m II .11 the Ldlltlltldlk" publitm .111tl pith. ,' I, If.
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