i vocational educational adminis- support personnel and commu-
t   trator in Kentucky by the Gov- nications specialists who install  
  Paul Howell Howard ’32 ernors Council on Vocational and maintain telecommunica- Pan-ick _]_ Furlong ’61 ro-
  spends much of his days pour- Education for 1985. Woodrow tions products and information oontly had his book, [,id,*a,m_. An
  ing over records and accounts lives in Louisville and earned a management systems for cus- [glurtmled Hiring, publishod by
'Y: in his family-owned general bachelor of science degree in tomers throughout the area. He windsor publications, {no Ho
i store in New Haven. The 50- agriculture. began his career at AT&T with is Currently history brofossor
i year-old business, named C. F. the Bell System as a college em- and chairman of the history do-
i Howard   Son, was featured in ployment trainee in 1960. Since partrnont at lndiana Uniyorsity
H Southern Lzvmg magazine and in then, he has held a variety of in South Bond His Wilco is tho
  the Louisville Couriertjournal   positions in personnel and busi- former Gortrnrlo Alioo Grigio
  Sunday Magazliné.   DCSS SCI'ViCCS operations in Ala- ’62_ They are activo members
1 J°° ‘ “ . as l°‘“" bama and Tennessee. of the UK National Alumni
  the staff of Lexington Central Association
    Bank & Trust Co. as the vice `
t   president in the correspondent D ld H_ S h ’dt ’53 m;
{ Lyman Ginger ’42. ’50 has banking department. His re- appgiiitea disedlfhr an   nuke M cr .60 .64 ·
‘ been ndlncd the 1985 Central sponsibilities include calling oorsonnol-ndministration do Clinical mrgssosr Of ngcd. . ls a
3 KCD{UCk18H Wl'1O best €XC1'I1pli- the bankls Correspondent cus- r i` h T I P . func at
l . . pa {mem 0 l 6 MVC Us Texas Tech He isa ointed to
  fies 21YlC1C1'l( GfCCl{ ld€3lS of CX- tonelgrs and prospective Custom- Companies in Hartford Corrris th   i h .   .
  cellence and virtue. The award ers throughout Kentucky and l-lo joined tho oonioanyiin 1960 coinigzgisgngMO;};tacO€?;c;3v§
l was given by the Henry Clay contiguous states. Hall is a as afield assistant in Louisville. south plains igidno Dlisoaio
  Chapter Ol the Amefman Hel Cynthiana native and a gmd¤· ln 1967 he was made manager Center 3 26-st t· y t {
  l€n1C Educational and Progres— atc of the University of the at Columbus until 1984 when thC_aN, d- i · ai mn, S atipig
> sive Association. Ginger, the South Sewanee Tr-;nn_ Prior · . la ysls Center W lc
. . . » i he was assigned te the heme ef- opened in November 1985 and
executive director of Cardinal to coming to UK, Hall coached hoo in Connootiout_ the West Tc a R i L b
  Hill l`l0_$Pli¤l. b€§9·¤ his €&1”€€Y at Central Missouri State and mr which gi Encgn; D; mai
  as a hlgh seheel teacher in Regis College in Denver, Colo. bc`?] 1985 Pl; . I A/Fem
i Winchester and has held sever- jim Urbaniak ’58 was in- was the bh. rcVl?uS yrr ygrs
` gl positions at UK including i , ducted into the Society of Mary Or th? Pi)ain;mH0Z;ita;:
ean of the College of Educa- Franklin W. Sanders 56 Scholars atjohns Hopkins Uni- H d h. .r h h
; tion. He is past president of the has retired from 27 years in the versity. The award was estab- dai Eggers ls W1 C ave I me
` Kentucky Education Associa— Fayette and Harlan County lished in 1967 by Dr. Milton g i
i tion and represented the Unit- School Systems. He headed the Eisenhower, then president of
  ed States at the Third Asian division of federal and state Johns Hopkins University, asa .
3 Leadership Training Confer- programs during the last 17 way to honor those who per- , Charles T. wcthlngton JL
t . . 62, 65 was named chairman of
  ence. He has represented the years. He and his WlfC, the for- formed postdoctoral work at th N t. i C .1 r K
  United States in the lnterna- mer Barbara Gambill ’56, the university. There are 172 tuik ilsmg? t Oligicl E) cnr
i tional Conference on Education have four children; Bill, Ken- members in the society. Ur- Comilnunit ajcunigscgtii ei;
  five times. ny, Mark and Karen. The baniak is chief of the division of . Y. ‘ g _
i S . · . Wethington is chancellor of the
i ——— anders are active members of orthopaedic surgery at Duke UK C .t C ii S
  AI QW th€tiUK National Alumni Asso- University. Urbaniak gradua— mm Wh(;::r;:g11§cS ?4€C?mn3,;
    Cla mul ij; T_;g?€ic?\;;1hl;LL?[i) gg; nity colleges located throughout
l V   rc _» ., . Duke University School of cmdcké A mmvc Of Mcrrl
i   \“;l~ U M d. . . 1962 H . _ mac in ascy County, Weth-
1 »   ‘» . Y   C lcmc m ` C was m ington holds a bachelor’s
°     -’ l l  ‘ . dusted imo the UK Hall ef Dis- degree from Eastern Kentucky
“ M    V i  tinguished Alumni in 1985. Universit ,
.   g  y and a master s de-
i     I - . V  i **" gree and doctorate from UK.
§ { ,   I  li . ’ .. 
\ s~ .   , julie Webb Corbett 59,
i T ic  ~ .  Q/$3 Yccclgilll eegngletedtwegk at Robert B. Ligoni ’63 has
ri  James Clutts ’49 is the 1986 . Pha;/)n€_ _a C nll/cr? Y hor la been promoted to vice presi-
i president-elect of the Texas ‘ {In ms"u°u°:a tee mc; dent of NCNB National Bank
é Society of Architects. The ‘  Ogy` cr mscarc. Cemclic in Tampa. Fla- He j0l¤€€l
 _ A.......-ba.ar ...g..n.an..n is a emum atiult leamms egg ··?· News in August was in the
· 5,()()()-m€mbor regional compo- Orris Everett Phil Ot Jr Sduitmn; Qc célslod P F ss real estate lending division. Be-
i nent ofthe American Institute , P . ‘ “'“l’.°Y° Y. "’?S°. Om 5 {ere that he was employed at
’{· . . 56 has been named area vice Public Schools in Michigan and , ·. ·
* of Architects head uartered in . . _ · Ameflum N·ail0¤8l lnsurancc
l ’ q resident of services for AT&T b f D lt K ·
 “ Washington D_(]_ P _ ls a mem et ° 6 a appa Company in Galveston,Tcxas.
  ’ information Systems of the Gamma, an honorary educa-
  Southeast with headquarters in tor’s society. She and her hus- " 
  james E. Woodrow ’49 yl/215 Atlanta. Philpot heads an or- band,_]ohn, have two children, Wayne P. jones ’64, ’65
  selected as the outstanding ganization of technical and james andjohn. was appointed to the board of
  u•< 27