science degree in computer Corporation and senior vice ety ofAllied Health Professions of the UK National Alumni
; science. president of the Kentucky Hos- and is the treasurer of the Vir- Association.
i   pital Association. He is a ginia Association for Allied  .
i Carl Fahrirrggr ¤73 has rg_ graduate of Kentucky Wes- Health Professions. Ashok K Agrawal ,78 ,79
  ceived a grant from the Louis- loyoh gollogo a“‘l_r€°°l"?d his M is chairman. of the division of
  ville Community Foundation master S tlogroo lh S°°l°l°€Y Gary B. Grant ’75 is a new mining engineering technology
l for a project to improve vocab- rrorh UK· manager in the management at West Virginia Tech. He is
. ulary development in his stu- ‘ consulting department of the an associate professor and a
~ dents. He teaches English, William Ellis ’74 has pub- Peat Marwick International registered professional engi-
S coaches academic teams and is lished a biography of Kentucky Public Accounting firm in neer, a member of the Ameri-
V  a yearbook photographic advis- Baptist leader E. Y. Mullins Washington, D.C. He has been can Society of Engineering
ti er in a high school in Louis- called A Man {Books and a Man with the firm since 1982. Education and a member of the
ville. He is an active member of qfthe People. Mullins, a religious —; American Institute of Mining
i the UK Alumni Association. leader who tried to steer ayvay James Marlow Garrett 776 Engineers. He is married to the
ri   from the teaching of evolution, was awarded a Certificate in former Peggy Morgan ’77.
{ i  was president of the Southern rrrarragcrrrgm in aCc0umirig_ HC They have two children, Chris-
i / Baptist Theological Seminary successfully completed a cOm_ topher and Nicholas.
    V   in Loulsvmci at tht? thm or thc prchensive examination of ac-  
    i"   . Cohturlh Ellis Slooolollzos lh tho counting and related subjects Stephen C. Hendren ’78 is
l ’   ii G hlstory ortho Sollth» Sollthorh and satisfied the required two a project manager with Edward
    Protostahtlshh aho Progrosslw years of management account- _]. Gerrits, Inc. He and his
Z rv   ism ahd ls thc author nf 16 ing experience. The CMA is a wife, Martha, live in St. Croix,
  Jourhal ortloloS· program of the National Asso- the Virgin Islands. He is re-
i ‘  ciation of Accountants, the s onsibl for th hotel a d re-
  David B, Fisher ’75 has world’s largest organization of sort corfiplex folic Davis lheach
§ joined Citizens Fidelity Bank in management accountants. resort, He is a life member
  Michael D. Kegley ’74 has Lexington as an assistant vice L; of the UK National Alumni
  joined Health Concept Corpo- president. He previously was Thomas E_ Miller ¤76 has Association.
  i`3tl0¤ 35 vicc PT€$ld€¤t of t`l€· €mPloY€d bv Cchtral Bahk arrived for duty with the army M
  velopment. Health Concept & Trust C0· in th€ cquinc training and doctrine command Mary E. Billinger ’78 was
  Own? ·3Ud m3¤3g€$ l0¤g‘t€Ym and lcaslhg o€Partl'h€_hts· HC in Fort Monroe, Va. Miller, decorated with the U.S. Air
  f3C1l1t1€S, 0·ifcrS management €3F¤§d 3 b3€l1€l0¤” 0f•$€1€¤'€€ d€‘ an armory organization and Force Commendation Medal at
i 8.DCl COl'lSl1l[lHg’ S€I‘V1C€S lI`1 {hit? gI`€€ 11'1€l€CU`lC8lCI1g'lIl€€I“lT1g. equipment ()H·`lc€t·, was pre- Bafksdalc   Force Base in
r health care field, owns a medi-   viously assigned at Fort Knox, Louisiana. The medal is
i cal equipment supplier and de- Stephen B_ Bright >75 is the Ky. He earned a bachelor of awarded to those individualsl
  vclops ¤`€3l €$t3t’€ in Ktmtufltlli head of Sguthgyn Prisoner’S arts in history. who demonstrate outstanding
g Tohhossoth Qhlo and Mlohl' Defense Committee, an organi-   achievement or meritorious
  gmt K€sl<=v¤S1¤Fbéfs¢ nf real zation which represents indi- Lonald R_ Adkins ,76 is scryicc in thc performance of
Q estate related activities, devel- gsm defendants in capita] n Cnrnnrnn: Cnnnnniinr with their duties Ori bghalfof rhe Air
  oprllcllt Or “°“`h€*‘lth Caro Sllb` cases. He is a frequent speaker BO`jarigies> [hg iii Charigrrd Force. Billinger is a clinical so-
i sidiaries, and consultancy with rg law groups Ori issues relating Nlcr Previously, he was drvr_ cial worker with the Air Force
i Publlf and Pllvm "l‘°‘“s· H° ls rn cnpirnl punishment and has sional rommiior for jornro, H<>S1>¤tnl and r<§¤¢¤v¤d her mas-
  married to the forrner Ann bash engaged iii direct repre- Inc., Operating Our Of their ter’s degree in social work
il Holland DUPPS 74 who sentation of many defendant- regional ofliee in Atlanta, Ga_ from UK-
l snrned hir ¤¤d¤rsrn¤;l¤¤t¢_d€· oopouomo. He is rmo of two He and his wife, the forms,. —
  gree in eementary e ucation. · · · -
i Both are life members of the lawyers regularly mwlvcd m Orma R‘°har‘li°"’ have “”° Jnrncs L- J¤¤¤b¤S ’78, ’80
  _ _ representing capital defendants ehildren, Brandeis, 7 and Sum- n I . . d K k
S UK National Alumni Asso- · · · · _ ns r€oohtY Jolho ohthc Y
l in the South. Bright lives in At mer Rae 4_ . . .
r ciation Int G ’ Utilities Co. as a customer
l H a’ a` service adviser in Danville. He
  I _ Thomas j. Martin ’77 is a was a vocational agricultural
  I P3t1'1¤k   ·F3ni`3l;g4 IS 3 Jnnnin D. Snntnn ,75 was new senior rnanagerrat Peat high school instructor in Lan-
  ance COFPOY3 1¤ t·€ - ·_ M3· nnmnd nssistnnt dnnn nr tnn Marwick, an international ac- caster. He is married to the for-
    COYPF- Ht ls Smncd School ofAllied Health Profes- Coming Hm i¤ Clncinnntt me MOM K*=i·=*·=t *9 Whn
  with Marine Flghter Attack . . Ohio. Martin, who joined the owns and o erates Moll ’s
. · sions of the Medical College of . P Y
  Squ&dl”0n·2·5l, Qnd M3F1n€ vn inin Snntnn an nssnnnnn firm in 1981, works 1n the tax Flowers and Things in Dan-
i Aircraft Wing, in Beaufort, g ` .’ i n d d department. ville. Both are life members of
‘ S C He earned a bachelor of pro €SSOr’ prcvmus Y ca C M h UK N ‘ l ‘
. ~ · r - - t e ationa Alumni
, arts dn renin Gnnnnn the school s continuing edu- A _ _
  g I cation program and was coor- Sandra A. Mayer ’77 has ssoclatlon
  dinator of the Veterans Admin- been promoted to the position
  William R. Davenhall ’74 istration Medical College of of manager at Peat Marwick, Elizabeth Clinton Langley
  is assistant vice president of Virginia’s Center of Allied an international public ac- ’78 is director ofthe gifted stu-
  marketing and planning at Health Education. As assistant counting firm in Dallas, Texas. dent program at UK. She re-
  Methodist Evangelical Hospital dean, she is responsible for Mayer joined the firm in 1983 cently completed a master’s
  in Louisville. He was previous- interdisciplinary studies and and works in the private busi- degree in education and educa-
  ly executive vice president of continuing education. She is a ness advisory services depart- tion specialist certification at
  the Kentucky Hospital Service member of the American Soci- ment. She is an active member the University of Georgia.
  us< 29