AND (Y6/IL?  
v P »$· ei
(C()RRI£C'I`I()N—The Summer 1957 issue of Kentucky Farm and Ilorne Science was incor-
rectly (Ie.s·ignaIecI as "Vo]. 2, No.   The correct designation is Vo]. 3, No. 3.) ’
Volume 3. Number 4 ....................... Fall 1951
A repml of progress published quarterly by the Kentucky Agricultural ‘
lfxperiment Station, University of Kentucky, Lexington ~
IQICNTUCIQY AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT Material appearing in this publication may be (
STATION reproduced without further permission, provided ‘
Famuc ]. \VELClI ................................................ Director that full acknowledgment is made of the source F-
\V. P. Cruuurzos ................................ Associate Director and that no change in headings or text is made 4
II, B, Prucr; and \VILLIAl\I A. Smv .... Adm. Assistants without approval by the author. ra. `
]. Atom Ssurn ................................ Agricultural Editor Address Correspondence about articles in this lm!} . 7
Kgntmi-ky Farm and Hcmc Scicncc lication to either the authors or the Department of °i?'
1......-.. o. n..s¤A.~. ................................................ Editor l’ul>li¤ lui<>¤¤=ui<>u uu·i liducariuudl Aids. l3><=ri-   _
Oiuxmz _l()IlNS()N & Biatrrr F. Etnsiumanr Asst. Editors lllelll Station Blllldlllg. UlllV€T$lIY of KCUIUCK)', L€X· PT
llonnnr C. Mw ........................................ Photographer iHgt0H. gay
In This Issue . i
~Z~ `
Ilow Loxo CAN Pnocizssicn Music BE Kaur? Page 3
By \V. E. Glenn. and T. R. Freeman rl
Vmos Srzsriiroms ns Lmousnas Page 4 `
Hy Slep/zen Dine/nm and Lawrence Ilenson fi ‘
(luiusirsms T1u·;1·: \\ll£I£l)—CIlASS C()N'I`ROL Page 6 l,_ . K
Hy O. .\I. Davenport and ]. IV. llcrron
\'A1.uu or Soul Ixsuctricimss \\iIIl£N Page 7 A JV
Tl\ANSI’LAN'l`IN(I Toxuvroiss QUas’r1oNAnr,ic  
Hy ]. (J. Rodriguez and   M. Emmert