~— ·- How Long Can
._ Preliminary results show flavor to be
. • ·
. ,”'i°i     satisfactory after various periods of stor-
7;,     3gG lQiIll€S Hlld t€l]lI)€l'21tlll‘€S; €(ZOllOIlIl€S
A ’i are indicated -
it . By WV. E. GLENN and T. R. FREEMAN
l in Before \Vorld War II most commercial milk proc- bacterial action there is as yet no known procedure ~
”" essing plants made home deliveries every day. During for restoring its original quality. The bacterial count ·
___, the war it became necessary to conserve manpower, of the raw milk largely determines the initial bacterial
~ gasoline, and rubber by delivering to the homes every count of the pasteurized milk. Apparently the number
"V° other day. \Vith greatly improved plant sanitation of bacteria generally found in milk increases very
**7* and refrigeration, coupled with the high cost of labor slowly in milk stored at 35°F, somewhat faster in milk
. and the strong drive for economy now underway, stored at 41°F, and considerably faster in milk stored
**1 some dairies are now considering twice-a-week de- at 5()°F.
 _ Jr liveries. As an outgrowth of this economy drive the   As previously indicated, the usual bacteria
` Y University of Kentucky Dairy Department has under- found in pasteurized milk increase very slowly at
YA taken a study to determine just how long commercially 35°F, usually requiring 5 to 10 days before a sig-
_' pasteurized milk will keep with an acceptable flavor nificant increase occurs. As the refrigeration tempera-
` at various refrigeration temperatures. ture is increased these bacteria grow faster. Coliforms
‘Y grow extremely slowly if at all at 35°F. They may or
_,_ Pu"P°$€ °f sl'“dY may not grow at 41°F. depending on the strain in-
-1 Tl1iS Study is F may bt. &,xl);.CtQ(] to luwli
" *'l at each of the refrigeration temperatures, 35O. 41O, and A Sutisfuctorv Havm. after 6 days of storage; at 4101:
f)·• 5(lOF‘ A Sllllllllc flilllll Eilcll Stfllillge telllllflliflllllic is about 16 days; and at 35OF about 26 or more days.
withdrawn every 5 days for flavor and bacteriologieal If rurthm. Study supports thcsl, Hmiingx it w(,u]d
° ‘ J llllflll/Sls‘ indicate the possibility of important economles in dis-
4* The lieslllts llftflli 6 lllllllllls (lf Sl‘l‘lY lllfllcflw tlllltl tribution and use of milk in the home. There are now
i ·_ (ll The llilcfelllfll fllllill of fllg l`il“’ lllllk lllfly lllhlct eommerciallv available table refrigerators holding two
M the initial flavor score of the freshly processed milk. 1
_,, Once the quality of the milk has been impaired by ((;,,,,,;,,,,,,,[ ,,,, pug,. 3)
' Kizxruttkr FARM Axo lloxnc Sc:ii·tN<:i·:—FAi-1. 1957 3