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 ·A   V , A, A ¢   . ` , j`} A {   . __6'¤A  A   ~·`,T "5s._5 —‘¤.._¢?.f, *_·;· __
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./   I' .· King l   ‘··//.'. .· V ·J‘;_ ·. JU?   l/ij? i.i.."\ '_:t;.·i.:ii.f_   !·-;;—*.‘f!l        TlllS Sl’l0\VS ll POYUOU of A
      _ '?      %{;A_;_AAéé_T_·;§;V _ ~ A.  A·jA*_   A .   ‘.A/AA Vt ’,’"€jl~f€·f,,__._·_a`;   j___A AAV.;¤€,!A·_;*’__’@?:_A_`A, __ the Eden Shale FKIITII OH Wlllill  
  ‘ I     ·‘   · t   .: VM.?   vt. '?   " I ·fi *·‘ ‘;:i=:r    ¢‘*‘~i   ’     ·
, T · " ii`   _   ‘»`l»*·‘“    V ¢  ;.   ·; °j.,_1»j§;»·,;V_;,';.;-;=~g;;· .A_ _. ,__ ‘,A—‘   Scotch pme have b€€I1 plélflltfd. j
‘   ;   .   »<’.’l };~’{2'¥1"’{].·‘ it i‘$‘·""¤. 1.‘.—$tir·l‘-*3-~ ‘ ¤   ·- `.’.’   I      Vt`.? V»‘· ‘ d ly ure the P
A"{yAA.{¢- ;»,A; ~   _AAt;z&/‘_..—_.rAA¢¤g   _ __A    ,A__;A _A_. _§‘&A;§§%A;A§A,~_=  A; Weeds 3]] gI‘1lSS 0 SC A.;4
·~.‘ lihéf; " "    i,  ,$~,;f'i; Ai      i.   [l‘€€S. D1ll&ll)0l'1 1l])l)ll€(l OH thc
·.   ~ V . ~   V" *?   éiI·Z* ‘: Y ·t- ·' ni. .- =’¢ ; ~*. ?§·_.»i     rj ~` $· . '¥»· » _-...»,’_‘»T  ,j?*· . · , ~
  I ¥· `\· ,’,’ {:'·*}`I,»\€   !i`*{hQ¥?§?i;€r,Z?*i;}§'l;’;!.f“,  " · SK}; `       l)l0[ [O (l1€ left of thc VVlU[€ stake "·`,
i ~".»`   .}`ii"e§·f`i(·‘:il,4,;,¤`¤`i{fax  ;4’Q·?'i-:   ,2   _ A.•s’j~§:: had 11 ITl2lI‘l(€d CRCCE OH the A
*"»°i-sf}- "bf;       {i‘;~`2i`°`•·i"   J` `t.&*::` ’i!#l’!A§?i¤.   growth of   1lS[€l'S, COTl"lpHl`cd ‘, »
if fd il} ..“,_ft‘ `i.Y';"u.=,~ .‘ ).j€3L;*§‘{;' '>$%»;.l;}V>’i   _,.`_*.‘{'V”*..   -:.¢·‘* ‘ A     ’}¤·:;.§' an-A _ , 1 »
5,/ ” · V ’*’*`~V"~" "’¤·"”···*’€* V`» `.··Q***¤ '{‘     <»»·*r¥"·*'Z ·. 1 ’··  ·‘*"$»   ·   ~ 1   , ·¤V¤;# with the check plot on the rtgtt.
{A.;A.rAA}AA/A~ ( _A§   , A   , f:;AA_  ;~Ajé.AA·g$_ ,,,7%:1* f. VAA       __ _ _.    
V*·>,;»·   ;;r·¤·'     V c~2n. ~-t;si¢¢;· et.:-3‘¤’~a&V~—* -.9   or     .·¤’~*e,»
` ·__  A, —;~_ ·   A 2.;;} .·*AA_:A_aA_,\_._vA5%A,A·'A_AAA§_{AA?%7,_A.¥V··   A A ·-  ;._:_·A`_»· _ A·A,`A     . ‘A_AAA
t ,,V‘ A"A_;L Aa"; ~·~ =£_. j, A;   g ,._A;’_l7{g—gvA_ :‘¤ s -<\ , A.   ·. 4 . _§_ . 5 A ‘ -,;. _   r•_
" '~.` Z·~  ~` `. -   Vi? ~?`·:—I¤` " `.`· ·~i W- Q! ¢"V ‘· . . J _ ·. ~ .. WY
··  11* ‘ ‘ .     r  .;·· .~ ·-   -_       ~ Ts,
v . . ' »
Various chemical treatments tested at U-K s Eden Shale Faint to find A A
most effective and safest method to effect *_AA.~.
° ’ I ' e W ed G 0 ` ‘
I°1StIIl&S I°€ 6 - I‘3SS 01] I' ·
sdf E
A RT A W HFRRON per plot concentration. _
By O` M' DAVENIO dm J` ` A Two-and-a—half gallons of mineral spirits fortified *
(l()llfI`()l of gl'k\SS€S Lll](l \V€€(lS lll Cllflsflllzls tree \Vlfll   OUHCGS of 1)(;‘ll(k1Cl"llO1`()l)ll€llOl \V€*1`G llPpll€(l to {_·
plantations on the Eden Soil Series lllily be a major the last plot. A _
factor in both survival and quality of the planting. After 8 days, considerable browning of the gmsse; =O
l»l|lllt(‘(l experience of the Kentucky Agricultural Ex- and some broad-leaved Weeds \V2IS zlpp211€llf {ill TIA QA _
[)(*l'llllt’llt SHIUOIIS \V()l'l< lll Clll‘lStlllzlS tI‘€€ Cllltlll€ lll stllps illltl I]]OSt of tll€ plots. Tll€ PlOt §plHy€‘( \Vlt  
• .
this area indicates that plantings made in old pasture (Cmztmucd on Page 8) `AA
. · · a V · {  tr-  A  = _.     V M  -,.  “_
Zll'(’ilS \Vltll S()lllC S()(l C()V€I` k1I'€ OV€l`t()l)l)€(l lll ll]l(l- t`; AAA M ‘ ; tx AAAAA.;A.. A       4  ,.   A A
"   Y ar!.- V··.’t:——; »   ..%=  ¢·  . 5;    ` g
· V ‘ . '   ··.i‘         (     ·=i·-¢    r~.  —. Q,
lune by grasses and various weeds. By late August   ””A _t;·,‘l;;g, {A _ A. -... V.    A..     __._    
‘ 0* ’—   , x   ’    "   °‘‘’ `»·‘' ‘     ..,_,,..  .·  . "   ......, >  
· . . . · ~ . .~·.~§· * ; .. Ve »;..?$: ·* Ji .  we;.   · ·-*    ¤     -e.-· ·w—2..  
the weeds (chicorv, tagweed, bergamot, and othets) al sg .®_  ____,;  A}!    A   .__.A__    ..A       ,.. tg .  
_ _ ' , ` . `       it ·» .- ·1 .~·:= *”      .,. .     ..--;   =V;¤§      ’’’‘
are waist lngh. During the second year these condi-   _A_.       
- - ` ‘· = ·.--».   ~   Z  ‘                .,..         ··..;      
ll()llS ()ftl’ll CllllSl* ll ll(‘llVy tI`¢:‘t‘ ll]()I`tllllty LIS \V€‘ll HS ll.     fin';       
— ¤ '>’` 3%   ‘» » =VV    ‘“T‘[   ,   ;__  tg ,_,, 3    —;?’§* AV
Slll)l)l't‘$Sl()ll of l'll(‘ l()\V(‘l` l)l`illl(}ll \Vll()l'lS Oll tl]? tl`(‘("S.   _,*  t  A éfég         `E
. - — . " ~ V      ,-+ Fw ne ‘‘`'`·   · ’ 5) `  »—··-       _   .. »!’-M-‘*"Z‘.) 1 » 'V .,-  . V»_ <
'l`lllS (lll`t‘Cfl\’ illll`Ct$ flltlllw tu`? (luuhty·    §i ¥§é?T if   '·    if      
. . ' - ·    .   .·»·    2%   ‘=..‘’. EQ  ’‘*‘`   ==‘‘-’ 2     ·‘ttf   =·»     .‘.  " ··».  .    -
l.llIllf(‘(l L`l)llil`()l \V()l`l( \VllS Cill`l`ll:‘(l Ollf lll 11 t\V()-   A;A_.-K *~&·lAAA£‘§;:&A$A _  _ ___   A _,AA_;  _A   AAA A A  .§, A  A t
· ‘ · · " < ‘" # 1 Q   · wi        ·  
year planting ol Scotch pine on july l1_ lt)01, nit}       A___   A _
· · · · · ` · · ‘‘.-·`     »   “·.`“*Z.»‘~..§:,° `·" e?]      ;#"~’?;’v   .:=-$    is “   . 4.
(l;llill)()ll, illlllllll tl`lilZ(}l(‘, l\]lll(‘l`&Il Sl)ll`ltS f()l`tlH("(l \Vltll       ,._   g.           nt. .._;     4},. _
· ·   ·'`i =."Y‘   ,.   " · .   ;" f   ?v ‘ "»qQ.??¤..Q:,_.   — _ gi ~   ‘ -
DCIlfi\Clll()l'()l)ll(‘ll()l_ and inaleic hydraznde. The dala- bg}  »__.   _A_AA AX A   ;A_  
V - . . . ·   ° .   q ·=·       s · . V .>      »... tg 
pon was applied on three strips each 20 x 300 feet by A tg   _  A AVA A___A__   1//.;§A!_ ,      AI AQAAA
. · · ~ .   · ·—.v. · "‘·Z’·:€F` K ‘“i’     ...       Q ">_ ‘ * ,..‘».   y   ‘  t      ·..   .
boom spraying equipment at rates ol 0, l0, and 20 ` ¢V.A.Aigié...?§;___sj   _. _A_A :1. A AA  .  A  
l)()llll(lS l)(‘l` 1lCl`(‘.   \V1lS lllS() ill)l)ll€(l l)y gllll Spflly Ol] A:   _A;_`A_¢; _   \         L ,__  _ As  
. - - · - -· - ° J'·t *   V . `»   · ' ?T‘iZ`i·.;   i~·.¥    ’    ·. ` 2 ’'.—
toni- pIots_ each 2a x nt) feet, at rates of 0, 10, 10 and ` -»,,·;_ gtAy._¤_._?_·AA_]_  xr _.V   ·.,, j       V .V.—    A
·~ ` · . ~»   "" ··Z ‘ » -;`»‘Z·~ ?¤;·-’·",·`;¢ "ii·""\` I `?’·?`·"";·. ·¤Y     ` . =. ei? . ·
  l)()llll(lS ]_)(‘l` 1l.Cl`(’. l' lV(‘ gllll()llS of S()llltl()ll \Vll.b .;A~,’_{* ..4; {A-   A? Ang A    AA A        
.~ · "L ° -..`“1°t   " ·=' ~.   * ·   :_·?=f=· ‘~?<*-. _..,i·‘    
Sl)l`ilV(‘(l (lll <‘llCll plllt LIS lIlllf()I`llll}' 2lS l)()SSll)lt‘. ",A"\_   {   .   {YAAA {  A,     _;_ "•
The amino triazole was likewise applied in 0-gallon     . -   A  LA A         sa _ _ _. .. _ A   __
- ' · ·»· · ` · ·· *   · "ttes of _ _ A _ _ •_A
Mllutmu lots on HUM plots of thf Mmdl SU? at .l{ Fig. 2.—(lcl`t) Scotch pine showing little or no injury from a
’ · i · . · ·,» . . v · · ,. · · — _ _ _ . , .
2*   and 5 l)0uH(l§ pt! Jcli ` Nidlelc h}( rdzu ( \YJ5 51)()llll(l·l)€I`-il(Tl`C2ll)l)llC2l[l()l] ol (l2Il2Il)Oll§ (Ylglll) S(TOICll [HUC ·_L
llsvtl lll Sllllllilf f1\$lll0l* Wltll il Wgillloll solutlml showing serious injury from a 20-pound—pcr·a<:rc application
tlllllllllfy &ll)l)ll(`llfl()Il ill: ·f Ollll(`¢‘S illl(l S OUCCS of     ol` (l2ll2ll)()ll. ,.,,
. 1 -»-· 4.
6 l'{l·IN'l`U(ZKY Faux: Asn lloxns S:<:1·:——l·A1.1. 19m .