V1 fS'lI t"d Wh
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1.-1. Dlppulg was dei-Hutely dctruueutal; (ui, none of the 11·1sect1c1de treated plots 111 either
Q type of t1'(;‘kltl]1(:‘11t yielded as 111a11y to111atoes as did
° gI`3lll1l3l` lll€th0d WBS Ollly 0l1€ tl1e correspondi11g water check pl2`ll]tS.
`;~.·» to Show any proluisc D1p treatments were (l1SCOl]tlI1llC(`l‘tl1C following ‘
d seaso11, and a test \V1tl1 gl'1»llllll31' 1l`lSCCt1C1(l€S was sub-
. stituted. The granules were placed i11 a l)3.U(l kllOllg
By   (L. RODRIGUEZ and E. M. EMMERT . _ . . .
_» · — tl1e srdes of a furrow 4 or 5 111ches deep 11ltO \Vl`l1Cl1 _
tl1e plants were set. The insecticides used, expressed
`jr AS the use of Sett tuseettetdes lUe1`ee$ed» it was i11 l)Ol1ll(lS l1er acre actual material, were as follows: i11 1
A Pe1`h3P$ 3 lmtuml (leVetePmeUt to attempt tv add them tl1e tra11spla11ting solutions, wettable powders of aldri11,
  A to tl1e water used i11 tl1e transplaiiting of certain plants. ()_25 and ()_5i dieldrin, ()_l25 and 025; tliiinnra ()_5
Vt Considerable interest was sl1ow11 b Kentucky farmers . . . - ~ . . · Y ·. . -
i V Y , and 1.0, 1eptac1o1, 0.25 and 0.5, 111 tl1e granular
".v* i11 tl1e use of i11secticides in tobacco transplanting solu- {Oi-in, nldriin 2%, ()_5 and lll; dieldrin, lei), ()_25
tions, but research proved the CU1‘1‘Gl1t l0l'lUlllHtl0US and ()_5, thimet, 4%,, 1,2 and 2,4; heptaehlor, 2%%,,
 `VA used to be lmtmtul fe Pl“~Ut$· 0.5 8.l1(l 1.0. A water check agai11 was 11sed with tl1(‘
 . V, _ Altheugh the Sell pests attaekmg temtttees *tPPe*U` t1'H11Sl)lk1l]tll1g solutions a11d an untreated check witl1
te be te“’> Feet dmmige b}’ Such geucral met teetlets tl1e granulated formulations. One-half l1i11t of water
it HS Hee beetle lai`V¥‘~e or the garden $}’mPhYhd is tt was used to transplant G‘2`tCll to111ato plant which was
_' possibility. Accordingly, it see111ed advisable to in- ti-Gnterl Wirli din giniiiiliirerl rt0rinnlnri0n_
~ ‘¤‘t`*zt tl f ’1‘ t"le~‘1t·. I t' r , . , ,
V ;§li1l1g(l€c; IC 11se 0 so1 111sec 1C1( s 11 1'lllSp 3111115 Dlfferent vqnehes In 1956
‘ » ' Varieties 11sed in 1956 were Early Giant &lll(l But ters.
l The experinients COl]tlDLlC(l (lllflllg two seaso11s 2·ll1(l , _ . . . _ _ '. . E
4; \re1y httle pla11t 1l]]ll1V was l]()tC(l 111 2`tlly of tl1e treat-
. were conducted wl1e11 l1otted tOl1l2`lt() plants were ments showing ,1 w,,;(,H,,i dinyereucc in tht, YGQPOHSC
‘ ,, *` tl'HIlSl)l3lltC(l to the field. In 1955 tl`C3tl11€l1tS were · ’ ` _ ` _ . _ i. _ _. `
. r _ _ _ _ of tl1e plant to the t1a11spla11t111g b()llltl()l1b llllllllg 1955
Lv npphcd m two WayS_aS trtmsplautmg Solumms   "lIl(l 1956 Tl1ere was tl1e possibility th·1t ch·1ngin *
1i11t 1er )lHl1t a11d as di s tl1e soil core wl1icl1 was . _ l . _ . ` _ ` ' _ l`
I 1 I . P , _ llIbC‘Ct l)()Plll21t10ll5 111 tl1e 1oot zone, as well as s11cl1
knocked loose from tl1e l1ot was (l1Pl)C(l 111tO the solu- { __ _ _ . — _ _ _ _ ‘
_ _ _ , actois as 1HlI1l'&lll Ol t(‘1I]l)(‘1<ll1(”, 111ay have C2IllbC(l
tl()11 for Hl)Ollt 2 seconds). Al(l1']ll, (ll€l(l1'lll £1l1(l l1ep- this SG_N(m,li (iiii;Q1_(_uc(_ '
‘ tacl1lor at 0.5 l)()llll(l per 100 gallons for dip SOllltl()llS Eiiyccig of h_(__mm_ut< ion Vicki, in 1956 W(_l_(_ (_l_l__mC
ik 2lll(l 0.5 pOLll1(l per acre for t1'8llS}_)l2ll1tll1g solutions, , _ . _ _` T _` . _ . _  
_ _ _ _ lla11ts given tl1e tlilllbplillltlllg §Ollllfl()llh 111 some cases
\ X kllltl l11](lk1l1€ at ().25 l)Olll1(l 111 l1otl1 types of solution giwwcd Slight inclvweg Ovcr the Check Almiygig
Q ‘ _ _ _ i . ( . . ' ' . ( t 1
were used 111 COll]l)l11`lSOl] \Vlt'l1 water (the check). _i _ . _ _ _ _ _. ..
  s 1owed these ll1Cl1;‘i1b€b, however, to l1e ll()t b|l.{lllflC2lllt.
“' Vqyigries Used in 1955 Granular applications of tl1i111et at l1otl1 levels applied,
yin. Varieties used i11 1955 were Carden State 2`1l1(l of dieldrin at 1.0 l)()llll(l l1er acre illlll heptachlor at
A ,* Valiant. To111ato yields were evaluated according to 1.0 l)()lll](l per acre, increased yields significantly over
j early llIl(l late harvest as well as for total yield for the check. Other granular tI`C2ltll]C1ltS showed slight
gw eael1 variety. i11creases.
 Vt 4 Tl1e general effect of all types of tl`(321tI]]€l1tS n1ade lt may l1e concluded, therefore, that tl1e use of soil
” tl1at year was llll(lCSl1`&ll)l€. Plant i11j11ry was notice- i11secticides wl1e11 transplanting tomatoes Illkly ll()t he
V -.Ir able. Yields of plants glV(‘ll tl1e dil1 treatments, C\’(*l] beneficial, and, i11 fact, is often detrimental. The
those of tlI(‘ water checks, were C()]lSl(l(‘1'i1l)lV lower (1111111* )l'()()(‘SS as llS(‘(l i11 1955 was definitely detri-
_* _ . 11 l- 1 .
. tl1a11 tl1e yields from tl1e corres )OIl(llllL’Q trans 1lantin·r mental; a ))21l'(‘l]tl\’ so111e l)(‘ll(‘flt n1av l1e rained from
. 1 . 1 r ¤~ ll . . 3—»
Q solution treat111e11ts. Tl1is INHV l1e 2lCC()lllltC(l for by so111e lllS(‘()tlCl(l(‘S i11 trans )l&Ultlll’ solutions dnrinr
. . l   A
. _ tl1e fact tl1at tl1e dipping process C1`llllll)lC(l tl1e soil C(‘I`t2llIl seasons, a11d i11 this series of tests, tl1e addition
“ core 21l'()llI1(l tl1e pla11t roots and the dil1ped l1lants of granular insecticides ])I‘()\’(‘(l to l1e tl1e 111ost l)I’()l]]-
;-, did not start growth as readily as tl1e others. How- isi11g l)l'£l()tlC(‘ of tl1e tl1l'(‘(‘ methods tested. A
° l(I·ZN'l`UCKY Frxnxi Asn Iloxnc S(ZIl·ZN(Zl·]—l?Al.l, 1957 7
f .