Virus Sylnptolns in Lcgumcs A. l l)ALAPt)N TREATMEl\TS t Q _ ·
Strip l (5 lbfacre rate) Boom spray. Minor yellowing of a _
(C*"*U'*“€d lim"' Pvge 5) limited number of Scotch pine needles. Fair to good grass   ` 
control. Little or no eftect on most weeds. at l
imc virus €mPlmSlZ€$ thc (llmculty if 'mt impossibility Strip 2 (ll) lb/acre rate). Boom spray. Serious tree dam- ii
of identifying virus diseases of red clover on the basis age, with more than half ol the trees completely browned `·
nf field Symptoms nlnnn Wjthnnt the hen) nf ]nbtn·at(n·y and the rest in varying degrees. Good grass control. Sonic _ li 
tests. eftective browning of weeds. *?¤<,4 
Also the presence of such diverse genetic reactions pslnp 3 (20 lb/“°"° mm} _BOOm Sptuyi Almost tml two ’··•*` 
* _ ill. ,·\lmost complete grass control. I·an to good weed ton- ~ -
to the virus suggests the possibility ot breeding virus- not { l
resistant lines of red clover based on clones selected Plot 1 (5 lb/acre rate) Gun spray. Some tree damage. Y?. 
{tn. l.(.SiStnnC€_ with scattered trees showing complete browning of needles. el? _
This variant from strip l may be explained as resulting `
Iirom the difference in spray application. Fair-to-good grass il"
. - control. Poor weed control. `
HOW Long Can   Bc kept? Plots 2, 3 and *1 all showed serious tree damage with  
(Continued from Page 3) good grass control and increasing degrees oi weed control. _>,
3-gallon metal cans for automatic milk dispensing plot 1 (2 lb/acm mic). No Hl)Pm.€m tmc (tmmlgcr M(,(n_ ”•`*’ ,
in the home. lf the demand arises, no doubt smaller tim grass C0mmi_ Slight yyggd cOmm1_ gg/YK
capacity units would he offered to thc consumer. Plot 2 (4 lb/acre rate), No apparent tree damage. (lood
Since these refrigerators maintain the milk at 35°F. grass <‘<>¤¤tr<>l. S1ight»t0—mcdium wccd control. F—~i
h·(¤(lu(>]]Cy of (l(¤HV(¤]·y Could hp greatly I·(>du(j€d_ Th(¤ Pl()l 3 (8 ll)/2I(`l`C TEIIC). A/I&I‘l(€(l ('l]l()\`t>SiS Ulf ll`(‘(‘ Il(‘(‘(ll(`S. 1 _ 
re-usable metal containers could reduce the packaging (;""‘l grim "‘“‘“`°l· Medium “`°°‘{ "‘““""l· _*.
cost of milk considerably which, together with one tz. MINERAL SPIRITS PLUS PENTA TREATMENT |·
stop per week for the delivery man instead of the Spotty tree damage. Poor lasting grass control, Metliuni- ;_ A
present three stops, would make milk distribution and *°·§0°d W€€d 60mm}- 4
lltllldlillg more p1‘()i'ital)lC, 1`edtlCe the retail p1'iCC to D_ NIALEIC HYDRAZIDE TREATAIENTS (BIH gg)  
the €Oll$Um(`l`— OY both- Plot l (4 oy/5 gallons ol water). No apparent cflcct on -· .
trees, grasses or weeds. ·
Plot 2 (8 o//5 gallons of water. No apparent eflect on M
WPBII klllll (;¥’klSS C0lltl`0l trees. grasses or weeds. litv
((7mi!inuc1] from Page 6) G€I1€I’¤l Comment l
The results so far obtained from this work illustrate
mineral spirits and pcnta cliloroplienal showed an tho tn{t]Cn]ty ttncnnnttn-(td in nttglnnting tn cnnttnl V,
almost complete browning of all vegetation and S()l11t‘ wntittn and thirass in Cntisttnns tt-et. nlnntjngs bv C]nnn_ t
t"*`*` }"‘ll"“’l"i—¥· AS this Slmly was °`$$€"tl*lll}' il Colltiwt icals. Of the materials tested, only the aminoitriazolc  
¤·¤=¤f<‘··i¤¤l~ Sllcll (‘*lYlY *’H(’•?t$ “'<’“‘ *’Xl’*`€t€d· at the lower concentration used seemed safe for use 2  
()n September 10. 24 days after the applications, a on the 2-year-old Scotch pine plantings. None of the `
further study was made and the following oliservations materials as used gave satisfactory weed control, ex-   l
recorded: cept at concentrations that caused tree injury. rx R
. . t . . . Q.,  °
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station A. ._\
University of Kentucky t
Lexington, Ky. _
©4,.»4,€~//,44 _
FllEE—Annunl Report or Bulletin  
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