Civilization. He might show how Spain grew so great and
powerful that she surpassed Rome in the days of her greatest
might and extended her rule over many times the territory
Rome ruled. He might show how, ignoring the example of
Ancient Rome she endeavored to rule the minds as well as the
actions of men; how a bigoted and mind-cramping ecclesiasti-
cism fastened its tyrannical shackles on the aspiring thought
of the time and threatened to destroy Civilization in its strong-
    Then he might picture the great awakening throughout
Europe; the apparent workings of Providence through the gen-
erations-which produced the Mariner's Compass; Gunpowder
-and noblest of all inventions: the Art of Printing. You
should see the light of the New Dawn extend as far as England,
and there through the pious zeal of the Scholar Priest, John
Wyckliffe, suddenly reach the people and as with the en-
chanter's wand, quicken them to life. Then you should see
this awakened and quickened people declare against Foreign
Ecclesiasticism, and, for England-and, from this time you
should see the fierce struggle between England and Spain; the
Saxon and the Latin-the New and the Old-the rights of the
Englishmen and the pretensions of Prerogative: Civil, Mili-
tary and Ecclesiastical.
    All the middle of the Sixteenth Century was a long strug-
gle between Spain and England-or, more rightly, between the
Old and the New. And Spain had allied herself with the
former and England with the latter.
    Happily for the world, then came in the Providence of
God to the throne of England a woman with the brain not only
of a man, but of a man far beyond those who usually wear
crowns. And yet more happily, she found herself at the head
of an aroused and quickened people at the flood-tide of their
force and genius-most of all aroused to the perils of Spanish
domination; from which England had escaped by a hair's
breadth. She had the blood of the English Gentry as well as
of Royalty in her veins and she hated Spain with all her soul,
and had good right to hate her!