The curriculum is so arranged that there are no vacant hours from the time a student enters the Freshman year until he graduates and this causes the student to learn to work. We contribute the success of our graduates largely to this element.
The first graduate of this department was in 1893, and since that time we have established an alumni of over 200 with a graduating class this year of thirty.
Each alumnus is mailed every month a bulletin containing the events of the month.
One of the essential features of the course are the inspection trips taken annually. The Juniors go to Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton and the Seniors g'o to Chicago, Milwaukee and Cudahy.
In May this year, the Seniors will also visit Birmingham, the "Pittsburg of the South," and while there inspect the mines and iron interests located at that center.
These inspection trips are of great importance to the young engineer not only from the fact that the)' serve to broaden one's ideas in connection with engineering practice but also the fact that in a great many instances the student has the privi-
lege of visiting the company and their shops with whom he will afterward accept a position.
The course consists of four years, beginning as a Freshman, the student takes wood shop, lathe and pattern work and a training in English and Mathematics.
The Sophomore spends his time in the foundry forge and machine shop and higher mathematics, while the Junior takes up designing. Strength of Material, Mechanics, Dynamo Design and such laboratory tests as serve to illustrate the desired principle.
The Senior deals with only such subjects that have a direct bearing on Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. Thorough instruction is given in Valve Gears, Thermodynamics, Steam Boilers, (las Engine, Dynamometers, Photography and Alternating Current.
The third term of this year is devoted entirely to thesis; and the student takes a thesis on a subject that has a particular bearing on the line of work that he expects to pursue. The course is so arranged that the graduate has a well rounded education and a training that if properly used will enable him to become independent in the world.