ROBERT CRAIG TERRILL, "Hoss,"  B.C.E.,  Bedford.  Kentucky.
President,  Patterson  Literary   Society;  First   Lieutenant,   Cadet  Battalion, 1905; Y. M. C. A.; K. S. C. A. A.
Thesis:   '-Cement Tests for 0. & C. R. R.
"The tartness of his face sours ripe grapes/'
HUGH WILBUR TAYLOR, "Governor," B.Agr., Lewisport, Kentucky.
President,   Agricultural   Society;   Patterson    Literary   Society;   Orator,
1905; Giftorian, 1906; K. S. C. A. A. Thesis: "Live History and Methods of Combating the  Mealy Bug  (Psen-
dococcus citri").
"A youth to fortune and to fame unknown."
WYLIE BRODBECK WENDT, "Brodie," B.C.E., Newport, Kentucky.
Manager, Varsity Basket Ball Team; Associate Editor "The Kentuck-ian;" Assistant Editor "Blue and AYhite;" Class Prophet; Varsity Track Team, 1905 ; College Band; Orchestra; Brooks C. E. Society; Y. M. C. A.; K. S. C. A. A.
Thesis:    "Design of Wrater Works System for Stamping Ground, Kentucky."
"The frivolous work of polished idleness."