ALICE MAY VOLKMAN, "Donk," A.B., Louisville, Kentucky.
Black Cat Sorority; Delta Psi Alpha; Associate Editor, "The Ken-tuckian;" Captain Girls' Basket Ball Team; President, Neville Literary Society: K. S. C. A. A.
Thesis:    "Rise of Epic  Poetry."
"That is the best part of beauty which a picture cannot express."
ANNA WALLIS, "Big One," A.B., Lexington, Kentucky.
Psi Sorority; Neville Literary Society; Treasurer, Y. W. C. A.: Class
Historian. Thesis:    "Woman in Primitive Culture."
"Where all perfection makes the sum of bliss."
FANNY LEE WEIR, A.B.. Louisville, Kentucky.
Psi Sorority; Philosophian Literary Society; Y. W. C. A. Thesis:   "Influence of Magic and Religion upon Civilization."
"Like  many  another  shy  young  thing, Hustling around to find a ring."