
Alumni flag?


vice from Carrol A. Duncan that his
address has been changed from
Power, W. Vn., to Box 111, Chocs,
N. Y. Mr. Duncan is still construction superintendent with the Snnder- Portico Lngineors of New

Alumni Secretary


Wayland Rhoads, Experiment
tion, Lexington.


Dolrnit, Oct. 31. (Last Friday
HoRiilar) dinner al Dixieland

Philadelphia, Nov. 1. (First Satat
urday HcRular)
Engineers' Club, 1.117 Spruce
Somerset, Nov. 7. (First Friday
Regular) 7:30 p. m. at Dr.
Norflcet's office.
Lexington, Nov. 8. (Second Satluncheon
urday Kegtilnr)
12:00, Lafayette Hotel.
RulTalo, Nov. 8. (Second Satur1:15
day Regular) luncheon,
p. m Chamber of Commerce,
corner Main and Seneca streets.
Chicago, Nov. 17. (Third Monday
Regular) luncheon at Field's

Sen. J. W. Stoll Fayette
Chairman of Bond

Senator J. Will Stoll, president of
the First and City National Bank,
Lexington, has always been a most
loyal supporter of the university. He
fought for its needs in the Kentucky
legislature and has gone to the front
for it many times when it has gotten
into hard straits.
Recently he was elected Chairman
of Fayette county committee for the
$75,000,000 bond issue and has been
able to surround himself with such
an able group of workers that there
is no doubt about the success of the
measure in his county.
Through his efforts the business
men of Lexington have been shown
the value of this plan and realize that
it is the only sane way to meet the
needs of the university and the other
institutions of the state. He .threw
the spotlight on the
plan, which is now the semblance of
a shadow so far as the merchants
and business men of Lexington are


Win. Town.xend, (105 City Rank
Hldg., Lexington.
Dr. Geo. II. Wilson, 18 N. Upper

"There are four State men here in
our office, nnd I am always running
into someone from the old school, so
we can't very well forget those associations that we look back on so
"Elizabeth nnd I are always glad
to got back to Lexington and we nro
wishing you all, all kinds of good luck.
R. F. Bamber."
"Elizabeth" was formerly Miss
Elizabeth Marshall Allen, '23, of
They live at 2115
Mr. Bamber
Drive, Louisville.
hns offices at 1301 Starks Buildins.
Together with Gilmoro Bobbott's


Miss Clnrn Keith, ex- -, was in Lex
ington Inst week attending the state
conference of the W. M. U. of the
Grin-stea- d
Baptist Church. She spoke to that
body October 10. Miss Keith is on
her third furlough, having been sent
to Nigeria, Africa, which is on the
west coast, by the Southern Baptist check to cover alumni dues, nnd reMissionary Board, as n missionary quest for reservations for the Centre
nurse. She is doing a wonderful work game, came the advice that he is now
among these people.
at Hazard. He is an engineer there,
nnd his address is Box G31

street, Lexington.
J. Frank Bnttailc, 427 W. Second
street, Lexington.
W. D. Hamilton, 112 Security Trust
Rldg., Lexington.
It is expected that C. C. Calhoun
and W. C. Wilson,
of this committee and president and
A. C. Carman is principal of the
secretary, respectively, of the Alumni high school at Athens, Ky. He is also
Miss Irene McNnmara,
Association, will also be present.
a teacher of agriculture at this
of the Kentucky Kernel, 1922-2is nn instructor in journalism at
He has held the above position for
STUDENT SPEAKERS BUREAU the Inst three years. Mr. Carman the University of Kentucky this year.
mnrricd Miss Jessie Clark, October Miss McNnmara is also on the staff
of the Lexington Herald.
21, 1917.
The following letter has been reMiss Sarah Blanding, dean of woEarl McGuffey has been practicing
ceived by Robert L. Porter, organizer law in Lexington since he was dismen at the university, was elected
nnd first president of the Student charged from the army. Recently he
of the Association of
Speakers Bureau from Herbert Gra- formed a partnership with Chester D. Kentucky Deans of Women, which
ham, former secretary of the Alumni Adams,
They have offices in held, its nnnunl convention
at the
Association, nnd now editor of the the Fayette Bank Building. Mr. Mc- University of Kentucky this week.
Scottish American, New York City: Guffey married Miss Adelaide SpaldO. W. Cain wns unanimously se"My dear Porter:
ing, of Paris, December 8, 1917. They lected by the County Committee re"I am proud indeed to receive to- live at 474 West Second street. He cently as G. O. P. Campaign Chairday from the president's office your is nlso secretary of the Class of '1G. man for Johnson county. He will
very clear and forceful exposition of
be in charge of Republican headquarthe 'University of Kentucky and the
ters, and M. O. Wheeler, county
Bond Issue.'
Thomas L. Crcekmore, who hns chairman, says that he has talked to
"This alone would justify all the been practicing law in Lexington for a large number of Republicans since
work done for the Speakers Bureau some time, recently moved to
the committee met nnd finds them un
where he hns opened law of- animous in their approval of the new
and the fine research enrried on there.
and reports arc that he is doing campaign managers and hearty sup
Without your enthusiasm this bureau fices
would not have been established yet unusually well in his new location. port is promised.
In a letter from Mr. Cain he says,
and I think it is now one of the uni- Mrs. Crcekmore was formerly Miss
versity's finest assets.
Ruth York, daughter of Judge York, "and am also an advocate of the bond
of Pikeville, and they have one child, issue."
"Best wishes for you, old mnn.
a girl almost a year old.
Mr. Cain is an nttorney-a-lawith offices in the Bayes Building,
He received
Paintsvillc, Ky.
Virgil Chapman was recently nom- LL.B. in '24.
F. A. C. Thompson was a visitor in
inated to the national Congress from
the Seventh Congressional District, the Alumni Office this week. He is
and has no opposition at the Novem- with the Kentucky Light and Power
He has law offices with Company at Fulton, Ky. He will be
Mrs. Lelia Calhoun Liedinger, ex- ber election.
and Mrs. C. C. Calhoun have just re Franklin and Talbott in the new among the many alumni cheering the
turned from a most distinguished Guaranty Bank building in Lexington. 'cats tomorrow.
summer in Europe during which they Mr. Chapman married Miss Mary
of Paris, Ky.,
were entertained by Lord and Lady Adams Talbot,
Mack J. Morgan writes to change
Colquhoun, their kinspeople, Lady Ab and they are living at 315 Transylhis address to the "Superintendent,
erdeen and other notables. Mrs. Cal vania Park, Lexington.
House of Reform, Greendale, Ky.
houri is expected to accompany Capt.
Mr. Morgnn graduated from Berea
C. C. Calhoun, president of the Alum
Paul F. Anderson, Jr., is now visit- college in 191G. He taught one year
ni Association, on his trip to Ken
ing his parents, Dean and Mrs Paul at the Farm School in Asheville, N,
tucky for the Centre game and dedi
F. Anderson, East Main street, Lex- C, and one year at Berea.
He was
cation of the stadium.
ington. Mr. Anderson is assistant to in the army and was superintendent
the president of the Varnish and In- of the schools at the Kentucky State
Walter L. Brock, until recently pas- sulator Company, of Irvington, N. J. Reformatory at Frankfort, from Jan.
Mr. 'Morgan
tor of the Immanuel Baptist Church, He married Miss Elizabeth Erdman, 1922 until recently.
Lexington, is now pastor of the Bap October 15, 1921. They live at 94 graduated from the Law College of
N. J.
Munn avenue, East Orange,
the university in June, 1924, and took
tist Church at Appalachia, Va.
was a the state bar examination, in April,
Frank Lancaster,
in the Alumni Office this week. making a very high average grade
He is now General Superintendent
Willet Lee Bowling, physician and Mr. Lancaster is with the Lebanon
surgeon, has offices at G5 North Ray- Oak Flooring Company, of Lebanon, of the Kentucky House of Reform,
Greendale, Ky.
He Ky.
mond avenue, Pasadena, Cal.
"Please enter me on the roll of almarried Miss Marguerite Newman,
umni and change my address from
December 22, 1912 and they have two
Mrs. Harvey L. Livesay, formerly Spottsville, R. R. 1, to Liberty, Ky.
children: James Robert and Irma Lee.
They live at 1270 North Hill avenue. Margaret T. Bird, is now living in Also send me the Kernel for the year
Washington, D. C, where Dr. Livesay as I don't feel that I can be true to
is with the Army Medical School.
my Alma Mater and not keep up with
.Terrv Bromairen. an active member her progress.
I am principal and
Mrs. C. B. Ducrson, of Mt. Sterling,
nf tbo Association since his gradua teacher in the Casey county high
formerly Miss Nellie Whitfield of Lextion, is with the South West Bell Tel school here with
in high
ington, has announced her candidacy
school and 175 in the grades.
for membership of the Mt. Sterling ephone Company at Dallas, Texas.
"Enclosed find check for two dolschool board.
lars to cover this. Please advise if
Mrs. Duerson graduated with hon
Bailey is high this is right and I will correct it if
Miss Margaret
ors at the university in class of '03
and received her M.S. degree in '04 school librarian of the Cleveland Pub- not enough
"All together to beat old Centre
and B. S. Edu. in '10.
lic Library system. She is living at
2021 East 9Gth street, Cleveland, O. and dedicate the new stadium in a
Miss Elizabeth Irene Evans was fitting manner.
James H. Williams, ex-- "
Miss Emma J. Woerner was a vis- married to Eugene Gorham, son of
Mon- the late Dr. and Mrs. Boswell GorThe following has been received
itor in the Alumni Office last
C. Vest, 44 Folleu
day. She is here attending the con- ham of Lexington, October 21 at from Douglas
ference of the deans which is being "Winton," the home of the bride's street, Cambridge, Mass.: "Enclosed
Miss brother, Mr. Howard
held in Lexington this week.
Evans. Mr. please find my check for $2 for a
n and
Mrs. Gorham left by train for year's subscription to the Kernel. I
Woerner is principal of the J. M.
high school for girls, Louisville, Kansas City, where they will visit am in the Harvard Law School, and
am anxious to keep in touch with all
and lives at 20G1 Eastern Parkway. Mrs. Gorham's brother, Lynn B.
From Kansas City they will that goes on at 'State.' "
McCubbing, ex- is
Upon their remotor to Colorado.
Wallace Newberger, for several turn, they will live on Mr. Gorham's principal of the Picadome School,
years a draftsman in Louisville, is farm, "Forest Home," on the Newton which is about two miles from Lexnow addressed at 220 Cambridge st., pike, which adjoins "Winton," and ington on the Harrodsburg pike.
Dayton, Ohio.
will be at home to their friends about This is one of Fayette county's most
progressive schools.
November 1.
Fred K. Augsburg will leave LexThe senior class will erect a bronze
Hal E. Townsend's address is now ington November 3 for Barbourville,
changed from 521 West Market street where he will become editor of the tablet at the entrance of section O,
to 408 South Fifth Street, Louisville, Barbourville Mountain Advocate, the on the south side of the stadium, in
according to recent postal advice.
only newspaper in Knox county. Mr. memory of Price McLean, star center
Augsburg was on the Lexington Her- of the Wildcat football team of '23,
ald staif for several years, and for who gave his life for his Alma Mater
Theodore Slade is District Manag the past three years he has been sec- on November 7, 1923. His death was
er of the Kansas Gas & Electric Co., retary of the Lexington Auto Club. the result of a blow received on the
at Wichita, Kansas. He has held this The Herald says of him: "He is well head during the third quarter of the
On known in Lexington and his news- Cincinnati-Kentuck- y
clash at Cincin
position since January, 1921.
September 19, 1911, ho married Miss paper activity in the mountain is ex- nati on November G.
James Darnell will make the ora
Porter M. Thomas of Lexington pected to be of the progressive type.
tion in connection with the unveiling
They live at 39 North Vassas avenue,
of the tablet between halves of the
game tomorrow.
enclosing check for my ulum-n- i
"I am
The wording of the tablet is as fol
Sorry to have waited so lows:
Miss Virginia C. McClure is prin- long.
cipal of the Faulkner high and graded
"In Honor of Price Innes McLean
"I have been with the Northwestern
Nov. 7, 1923
Jan. 13, 1901
school, located on the Maysville pike,
Mutual since July, 1922, and have no
Who died of injuries received
about four miles from Lexington room to kick, as I have been able to
This is one of Fayette county's model
'take unto myself a wife," as the old
Football Game
high and consolidated schools.
saying goes. Wo were in Lexington This Tablet Erected by Class of 1925"
Mrs. Cleo G. Hester is principal of
Louisville-Stat- e
game and are
school, lo for the
the Greendale consolidated
looking forward to seeing "Old State"
cated near the Georgetown pike about beat Centre, November 1..
miles from Lexing
Those men who are to usher and
five and
guard at the Centre game tomorrow
ton. Mrs. Hester is the daughter of
afternoon are requested to report for
Mr. E. L. Gillis, registrar of the
duty on Stoll field at 12:30.



The group listed below missed their
chance to form part of the bunch who

attended the Centre-Wegame at the Polo Grounds, October
25, and also the first regular lunch
.eon of the season on October 28, be
cause mail addressed as given below
was returned marked "not found" or
"moved left no address." If any of
them see this issue of the Kernel, or
if any of their friends see this and
know of later addresses, they are
urged to notify W C. Wilson, Alumni
Secretary, and Robert L. Acker, 11
Lyon Place, White Plains, N. Y., 'Secretary of New York Club, at once, so
the second notice can be properly directed.
Arthur R. Bennett, 133 E. 121st St.
Robert C. Kay, 50 W. 94th St.
James A. C. Lewis, 32 E. 58th St.
Samuel H. Ridgway, 78 Court St.,
Apt. 21.
Anna B. Sprague, Morris Hall, Columbia Univ.
Mark K. Venable, 100 Morningside
Drive, Apt. GG.
Mamie M. Woods, 1511 E. 2Gth St.
Sincerely yours,
Robert L. Acker, Secretary,
New York Alumni Club.
Since the list of names were sent
to the secretary of the New York Alumni Club, the following new addresses have been received:
Robert C. Kay, National Industrial
Conference Board, Park Ave., at

4Gth St., N. Y. C.
Samuel II. Ridgway, Shepardsville,
Mary K. Venable, G13 Second Ave.,
St. Cloud, Minn.
Mamie M. Woods, 45 Mentelle Park,

We had our October meeting last
Saturday and although the weather
was so fine that some of the boys
couldn't break their golfing dates,
of twenty
still, wo had a turn-ou- t
members. This is not as good a
crowd as we generally have, but as
soon as the snow flies we expect to
hit around 00 per cent, every meeting. Wo also expect to have every
man hero a member of the Alumni
Association. Those who are now
missing will be sent in as soon us

Yours truly,
Herman Worsham, Treasurer,
falo Club.

The executive committee of the
Alumni Association will hold u meeting Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock
in room 701, Guaranty Bank Bldg.,
The members of this committee





some day soon. It will be a revelation atid you'll come back



cx-'1- 3.










Lexington Laundry Co.
W. S. MATTOX, Student Agent




A Quiet and Refined Place To Eat
Luncheon 11:30 to 2:00
Dinner 5:30 to 7:30


Sunday Dinner 12:00 to 2:00

Ev-nn- s.



149 South Lime

Telephone 5722--



Carrier Engineernig
750 Frelinghuysen Avenue,
Newark, N. J.


Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia



with the help of the following

one-hu- lf



Ihen Iry luncheon or dinner at

ex-'1- 9,











Wilson, for muny
years an active member of the Alumprincipal of the Rus-sni Association, is
Cavo consolidated school which is
miles from
about five und one-hu- lf
Lexington on the Russel Cavo pike.



We are m roeetyt of dues and ad

J. I. Lyle, '96

Sufficient money for final payment on the Dean Lufferty portrait for the College of Law has
not yet been subscribed. Checks
may be sent to W. S. Hamilton,
'07, 707 Marion E. Taylor Build-iuLouisville, Ky.

J. H. Bailey,

Smith, '08

R.'L. Jones, '12
J. R. Duncan, '12


University of Kentucky,


M. S.


H. Worsham, ' 6

L. L. Lewis,

Dues and the Kernel
One Year

J. E. Boling,

E. T. Lyle, '00





R. R. Taliaferro,


Waterfill, '20


W. B. Thornton, '2

'22 '
A. P. Shanklin, '23
N. O. Belt,




