—     20 KENTUCKY ALUMNUS ·  ·
.   ‘ I 7. The Beggar ...........,.... .. ........ . ............ Fox Trot V ’
  VN `       8.   SH]. ....4.............,................. ............ Fox Trot  
{ I ,   I I had no idea that old U. of Ky. was being so _
  _I I _ well advertised in these far corners of the earth. _ I
_   RI %S'63·Hd3·1`d Oil Co. of New Y01`k» My chest protruded visibly as I announced to -
  Swatow, China my (s) table mates after the usual self introduc— _
  » - Nov. 8, 1929. tions had taken place and a pause of the required -
  Dr. G. D. Buckner, Pres., length to conceal my enthusiasm had occurred, .
‘   _ glumni Assogiitioig, k that I was glad to note that the young Rhythm
,   I1iV€l`Si Y 0 GH UC Y, · Kings came from a very good school. Thereupon
j I . Lexington, Ky., U. S. A. all those round the table, strangely enough, ac- p
r   Dear "Buck": cused me of being from the U. of Ky., to which ac-
; I I A few m0HthS 6230. 3f’¤€1` having had my ap- cusation I was leased ver modest] ? -to ’ `
gj   pendix "pulled" on a table in one of the bedrooms plead guilty, p y y ( )
    of my hOIIl€—th€I`€ b€lI1g` HO hospitals in Swatow Needless to add, I met the young   Kings  ~
  I . I —by a couple of Young d0C’601‘S—0¤€ 3 Scotsman. after dinner and found that they were made  I
I ~ Q the other a Chinese, both under 27—there being up Of:
1 . . g · no older experienced surgeons in Swatow,—-I Muddy Berry,  I
g 3 . went to Baguio, the hill station, down in the Zave Schuler,
"  1 rn e Philippines, looking for some much needed re- Gene ROYSB,  I
    cuperation which I found having garnered some Max Kem., and i
’ J 25 pounds in 20 days. (Ladies inclined to .
Toy Sandefur
· obeseness, apply elsewhere! I I) A
, Mrs. Kirby and I transferred in the Hongkong altfsggiienfgrof Old   of gy', b 1 d b I
  harbor during the afternoon of July twenty-first the DOH; Sbéelgglsshi a Coaggf them (Imp Oyeth y -
L   _ from the utue ship on which we had ieft swatow, Ooled the, b k p t· d ;"’ SISIEEIY kw _
. *   I to the bigger transrPacific liner. "President Jef- E ht II an accoun S Own m O entuc y’
 » ferson," which was due to sail in a couple of .0IIg a Fore and headed fOr_S€atI°l€ Where they A
  V hours for Manila. Jomeld tlgetihirg They very kindly gave a photo-
A The dinner hour came along shortly after we ggigntlg Som; WI;;;€I?;dt};;S..§;;u;II? 51 ;`;n;;I§,€€V;SI;-
  · sailed out of Hongkong’s beautiful harbor and we I enclose it if you desire to publish it Whethell :
I made our Way toward the dime SeI¤<>¤- We en- you do or don’t please I-am It to me when you’ve
. tered the saloon to the accompaniment of some finished with it. ‘
Q jazz music with which one usually eats in that en- A fi _ b h _ _
· vironment. No, the music was not especially for ne unc Of lads, they Were' That mght Out »
I Mrs. Kirby and me. Everyone got it if they hap- gn Eck tlil/lei; Very kindly played all of the Old  I
i p I pened to be in the dinning saloon. KOH t Qin He Odles and Kentucky SOngS—My Ol?
· I I Seated at table I glanced at the elaborate menu   Imhir Om? SQYGMI tIm€§_and We Sang mm] ‘
I . d then at a less elaborate but no less interesting UII mg and SIIGIZ VQHIY It was a Kentucky .
_ I , [ an , _ _ night on that ship in which all of the other pas-
, program of the orchestra s intentions for the eve- ld] . . d M t. tl ,
ning. You cannot imagine my surprise when I Sengels ga y wma ` QQ mg wm out here »
A p read: - was like a breath of a Bluegrass breeze and
i PROGRAM caused me to recall again the manyhappy days I
· p TOY SANDEFUR spent "out on South L1mestone." .  I
l _ I have thought that this little party of ours out I ‘
, I and hls here on the China Sea might be of interest to you. ,
, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY With kindest regards and best wishes, I am, I
 , , RHYTHM KINGS Yours aye, ·
`~   Sunday, July 21, 1929 A- M- KIRBY» ,07- _
  1. Remember I Love You ............ . ,,,,,,,,, Fox Trot   p
  , 2. With a Song in My Heart, From Spring is Here Professor M. E. Ligon, principal of the Univer- I
  3. I Wonder ...,..,,,..,...,,.,................,..,.,....,.. .. Waltz sity High School was chosen vice-president of _
g p . 4. End of a Perfect Day .,...................... Request the Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools . i
g t 5. Somebody Sweet is Sweet On Me   . Fox Trot of Southern States at the annual meeting of that  -
    - 6. All the World IIs Waiting group held on the University campus in Decem- I -
Q  For the Sunrise ,...,,......,...........,........... Request ber. .
. P It
I——;·—` » ·   »--·.. ._ ,...   ... ..... ._     _ _ __ ··· I ‘ ‘ " ’ wi»)I   IIIIIIII II