  ` KENTUCKY ALUMNUS 25 '      
ity 3 UNIVERSITY RADIO STATION EXPANDS a Large Percent of Chicks Hatched," by Mr. S.    
— Clayton.     .
(Continued from Page 9.) February 18—"Review of Contemporary       `
_ _ January 22--State Music Fest1val Contest Drama," by Frank C. Fowler.   ` `lfé   §Q
lll . Numbers. A three minute talk concerning the February 19.;AgriculturalTalkS·     1
l contests by Prof. L0lliS Clift011. February 19—Musical Program by Phi Beta     1   li  ' 
January 23—"Some of the Duties of the Dean musical Sorority     _ _j ; _  A
ng- of Men," by Dean C. R. Melcher. February 20—"Our Native Wild Flowers," by-            
es- . January 24—"What Farms Folks Are Asking," ])r_ Frank T_ ]v[cFar]and_ A ‘       E
0m - by Prof. N. R. Elliott.     i 3    _  E
ess — January 27—(a) "Legumes for Kentucky," by JAMES GRAVES SCRUGHAM          ;    
Mr. Ralph Kenney. (b) "The Use of Lime in Ken- (C0ntinuEdT}§n‘ Page 12) ki _'   ;  Q
 , tucky," by Mr. S. C. Jones. . . , `    o      
en-  . January 28—"Some Educational and Eco- m the Qfflcers Reserve Corps aml lll 1919 was » gl    ll F .   
_ . . , . . commissioned L1eutenant Colonel in the United 1 2 F ali  ;,. ;
ad- nomic Aspects of the Reserve OHICGTS Tra1n1ng St . . , ~   ·   .
,, . . ates Army. He served as chief of the carriage (   ·· ,   _ 3
»rk. Corps, by Major Owen R. Meredith. Sectio d t. d wl d. . . f h ; ,   ·  .
. January 29—(a) "The Use of Marl in Ken- . ll pm uc lon an ar 1 ery lvlsllmsj O l 8 1   ”  = l
A tucky ,, by Mr S G Jones (b) ucount Your Orldigance Department. He was commissioner of ( E    _.,j  A i
. ’ ' ` ' ' ,, ex i its for Nevada at the San Francisco exposi- l i     j _
my y glliCl{;ll§'W3lii§;l`€ They are Hal°h°d’ by DI" J' tion in 1915 and chairman of the Jury of Awards V 3 ° .’.. »     i
°lS‘ O m S ` . . on machinery and manufacturers at the San Diego ‘    Y? A 1
ille, January 29—Un1vers1ty Concert Band under E . . . . _  _ -§
the direction of Elmer G. Sulzer. thxpfmloll lll iglll lllc {gg?) Vlcglgggamalgdel of 7  al 1
 · January 30——"Extension Program of the Uni- mgmbereggaélaucgzig gli Si ll; Chi ljhi Ig ls a     `
’°h' Velisllyfl by Dr' Welllllgloll Patrick' Phi Mason Elk He has,congtl·Iibuted,to a nugiblei »   ll  -
i6' ’ by'l;;lglfalagI Eélmgat Farm Folks Am ASklllg’ of technical magazines. At the present time he `_    = 
Q e' ( l ' ' ` Q, . ,, is publisher of the Nevada State Journal at Reno, l:{     
my  €§l`?a;yK3—(a) Eegklélleé lll Bl/siltuckyip by Nevada. He says that his hobby is aviation and in     I  _
€€t’ lVll£,,;pM. €l¥l€5};'u( gt ~pl*lllg l lllelly Omh within the last few years he has made a largeg   I     l
. Caijb ui ls; Silwieged Oggfolm in Kentuckyag number of spectacular air photographs. One   ·  ` gi . 
B   ry _ l l . which recently received national recognition and `   .·  . It  ll.
V ef Negotlable Instruments LaW’ by DL Colvlll P' mention was that of an actual picture of an earth- Q,    _ 
· at  _ ROuS€‘ _ _ quake which occurred high up in Sierras. This »'    
» February 5_Agllcu_ltlllal Tails: . O _ h is the first picture ever taken of an earthquake. `   _ 
February 5?UmY€‘ Slty Pllll al molllc lc QS- In recent years he has done considerable prospect- . · T  2 j 
Lbi_ Q tra under the d1r;ect1on of C.‘i1,r] A. Lampert. k T ing for mineral deposits from airplane and has `    
vte- M lifbliuagy 6` Our Tr€€S’ by DL Fran ` located a few promising indications which will be ( iy  1 Q, 
Cairn- l·dlt.Hl`s`R ,N da. A.  i ll
the February 7—"What Farm Folks Are Asking," Exp   ·   d i 
tuc- by P1`0f. N. R. Elliott. DEAN ALVIN E. EVANS I J { A ~. »e.l
Q _ , February 10—(a) "Necessary Equipment for .1 * L l  Q,
_€X  . Brooding Chicks," by Mr. Charles E. Harris. (b) (CQ11'¤1HU€d i1“0m PBEG 8)   gi
p r "Frames as Aids to Garden Earliness," by Mr. lished in Law journals in recent years are as fol- f l, 1 
c John S_ Ggydng1·_ lows: "Public Lands," Cal. Law Review 267: ‘   ‘ 
mm. I February 11—Monthly Book Review, by Prof. 1921; "Ownersh1p of Community Property, _, A- 
and   E_ F_ Fa1.quh3_1._ Harvard Law Review, 47, 1921; "Commun1ty _ g g  
high V February 12—(a) "What, How, and When to Obligations/’ Cal. Law Review 120, 1,922; "Pr1- · Q   i 
lrns l Feed Chickens," by Mr. W. M. Insko. (b) "The mary Sou1;)e;3of C§mmun1tyE.Prope§tyi{ gal. Law Al g   I
l Grass Seed Bed," by Mr. Ralph Kenney. Review. i llC0l`P0Y& Km 0 9 Bremcv ‘   i
. February 12—-University Girls’ Glee Club, Columbia Law Rf->Vl€W. 1325S. “C0mPt€llCY _ Of F  
SSiS_ , under the direction of Lenore Wilson. l Testamentary ·W1tI1€SS€S. ·Mlgh· Lflw R€Vl€W· ·    
r1 of ` February 13__..Th€ UniV€1.Sity’S Extension 1927; "Republ1cat1on of·W1lls, I-Ia1v.”Law Re-     _
Outh I Program in the High Schools," by Prof. Louis view,Q192€§ 1“Q;l;;;MaIr1ta$ I;;l2§1%1;;amCé;1;$;l    
_ Clifton. LRW ua? €l`Y» ? ncl an “ l .   ,.
February 14—"What Farm Folks Are Asking," Execution," Ky. Law Journal 199; N0l3€ 0ll D€·   if Fi;   
4 b P* f N R Ell' tt pendent Relative Revocation," 16, Ky. Law   Q?  Q .;
· h- r Y ‘°· · · *0 ·   ·· t— · R ·· 7;.1** 16 _¤  .~·‘ V ll  »·
t`g(én_ 5 February 17—(a) "Floors and Floor Cover- Journal, p. 251, Testamell 13lY €yl\ , 4;   ;~_  IL
by ings," by Miss Ida Hagman. (b) "How to Raise Ky. Law Journal 47. · hz if   J L;