c i
  l Dues Are Due n
  ·· Unless you have sent in your dues for the year 1929-30, your Alumni .
  dues will be due on june 1, 1929. A prompt payment will assure you a
  I copy of the new Alumni Directory. Use the following blank so that the  -
g . Alumni Office will have a complete record for its files. .
i   Enclosed find $3.00 in payment of my Alumni dues for one year, $1.50
Z I of which is for the KENTUCKY ALUMNUS. _ c
IQ   Name ·
Q   (If a married woman give married and single names both)
  2 •
  _ h Class n Degree  »
I l  __ 
:   Business Address
. 1
» Residence Address ·
  (Please indicate by a cross which you want used ‘
Occupation and furthe1TinformEon  
. r ` i
  Ii N Al ’D' t Y
I   ‘ I O t'  
n I S ll . R
I Complete information about every graduate of the University of Kentucky .
j * is contained in the new Directory  i
·   Your $3.00 check for dues entitles you to the Alumnus and a copy of the
  ll Directory free of charge . A
 _ A   Use the blank printed above so that the Alumni Office will have a com- A.
{   plete and correct record concerning you p
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