it i Going Global
,  __ r;;;j  , i »‘ _ ' *“’.·;,   _ month —— having them over for dinner or going to a movie j
j W   " · .`   v_  {T     _ — anything that’s going to get them off campus and into ‘
g ‘ rr.- r   ° an American home." _
I ·  »“`    Q r y This fall OIA received about 90 requests from students r `
L  gi  "  Q   to be assigned a host family. “The students realize if you l I
; ·   r   ·_—`   =-   just stay in the dorm you’re probably not getting a real pic-
l   ·  *_r_r   ture of what American families are like. And most of them
1 .  ....  ._; ‘i'tr     really want that as part of their American educational expe- r
. _ _ y  QQ.!       rience. ”
] l _ t . · _    "¥·i*?‘.‘**{’   Beshan Kulapala, a senior electrical engineering student
I I r\r . { * r `    from sn Lanka, is very enthusiastic about the Hospitality
r in   is I Program and his host family, Nancy and Philip Dare of Lex-
l I l . r \_\\ r Z--,.-¤;— ington. “I have a host family and they’ve been pretty great,”
. fri: li   ,) · he said. "They take me to see places in Lexington, like
l r   F   " ° _ Z--d-  McConnell Springs, and I can go there for supper. When I
i; it  i · · . didn’t have my car and I needed to go to Wal-Mart, I just
. . . . . called them up."
igzfnlglgiczicztjribézirglziiizstgge Z/Zernfbm {hi Om  Of I The Closet is another useful service provided for inter-
‘ : y . P O .67* m erm; uma national students by members of the UK Woman’s Club.
students and with OIApr0gramm1ng. Ptctared here, le]? to The OIA makes available a Small mem On the rhrrd Hem Of
Hgh? amjmg Tam ,61 SOpbOmOr€p_r€'PhaT?naCy major Bradley Hall so the club can display donated clothing and
gggggggfgvgpjggggrjgggjéfarjrgggjyrggjggjgi 5;;% U5  household items for ooioooo ro select. This oooioo is ooo
camo; whyose {muy now zwogn toirmaroi ang Bostoom “°“l“lV useful fm imdcms ’*rF‘““g OH Campus m Jmumy
· · . . . . ’ . from very warm climates. Typically they are not prepared
Kulapala, an electrical engineering senior from Srt Lanka. for jusr how Cold ir can ger and The Cleser erm be 3 blese
‘ ing if a wann coat is available. "I came here in ]anuary,"
said Kulapala, “and there was an Australian girl who lost  
Al:[€I` [hC SC]TIC$[€I` SIZIITS, Zll`)OU[   S[U(.l€Il[S T I`OUghly   her luggage fOr abOut a Week_ She used The ClOSet a lOt_” l
American and half intemational — visit Namral Bridge State The QIA alse helps re make srudenrs avvare ef seme se- ‘
Park for an overnight cross-cultural workshop. The work- cial events and Opportunities mar are available en Campus  
Sl]()l) lI`lV()lV€S Cl`()SS-CLll[LlI`2ll g2lfIT€S 3H(.l I`Ol€   to g€[ Specifically fOr them, The   eneeuyages Students tO get  
people talking about culture and what it means to grow up invelved Wim individual Clubs re build a network ef *
Within rr Prrmcrlkrr $0Ci€rY· For €X3mPl€» iris rmt Surprising friends, such as the japanese Culture Student Association,
that students from different backgrounds approach the me Arab Student Unienr and the Malaysian Students Orga-
PrObl€m of rm Am€ri€¥m mommare Plwrng 1OUd musk in nization. A popular social club is the Cosmopolitan Club,
IISSOITCCI WZIYS. S[l.lCl€U[S fI`OH] SOITIC CUl[LlI'€S believe [l’I2I[ an Organization Where bOth intei·natiOnal and Anieriean Stu-
rh€`Y are iivim: in rh€ Amcrirrmls €OUmrY $0 rh€Y must be dents can interact and have fun in informal settings, like an
quiet and put up with the noise. Others believe that they annual hiking nib re Red River GOi·ge_
should boldly speak up and confront the roommate. Dis- rtliere alse is an inrernarienal grudenr Ceuneil and Cabi-
cussing Sl[lI2l[l()I`lS   this CHI] l7€ S€lf-I'€3llZlI`lg fOI` YHZIHY S[U· net that represents all intei·natiOnal Sti_ldentS_ The eOunCil is
¤l€m$· composed of two representatives from each international
AI]()[ll€T WCll·f€C€lVC(l pI`()gI`2lITl is tl'l€ IIT[€I`I]2l[lOH21l HCS- Club, and any individual Students Chosen tO represent
Prrr*llrY 1’r¤s¤¤m. rim rhrrmgh rh€ OIA bY 3 v¤1¤¤r€€r bwrd countries or groups of countries not officially organized.
of directors. The program matches students with an indi- ·~We#ve been eneeuraging Students re be mere invelved
Vldlllll Ol` l:2lIUllY ll'] {hid l()C1ll 1II`€2\ {OY [h€ pl,lI`pOS€ of l:I`l€l'Id·   Student GOve[nfnent On Canripus and vOte fOr repre,.
Ship 1lI](.l Sllllfllig CUl[UI`€S. Mllny lI'I[€I°IT2I[lOI'12Il S[LlCl€I][S l'