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· _ Clark and his ,,__,
Treasure _ .  
QDIaoto_/9·om UK Special Col-
. Thomas Clark spent about °`°°‘°*=*. I-
   "    " jg. V a year between 1941 t0
U.,  IV   1942 0n sabbatical
.      “· ”   VV _V V A   V collecting old records and  
ri . .         I other material from Q · ____;
  , VV VV V   S ;  ‘ fV..-_ ,   `   V   _}::   country store merchants
Nr ‘ fj '__V;I ,   V , " is * 5rQj,@W "       while traveling all 0ver
’ *   g , /   · , r I   I V V         the South. "ThVat’s a gold ». ~
‘   _ ` ’ `} VV V _ ,]"`_ " V V V tf g_¢V       mine of material Southern _ .
— VV U .   _V QV.!   ”   ··_V_   V   4,   V QV; ll  as   historians had never V .
1 V     V   e~__ V       tapped, Clark sard.VHe is  
, * .  V   - g__·,    yr,    V , ,  V   ,.     shown here examining his
°           ` "··'’     g' ~.   I ~ ' ` bounty in the basement of I
  »*·`   » ;~   I I I    — the M. I. King library after   V  
  .V ·_ I M" ·   . . 1-V       shipping the items back to tg Ib
I ,VVV__`V _ VC ‘   VF- I.   i’ Lexington in the early V_ ·  
·     ·, V   · 1940s. He researched the   V   [//`
I »:.»   I ._Vr 2   ___V;    L  I    ”,» T ’ , l material and used it as the I i l 1
  V   · {   __ V V r   l  A   { basis for his popular 1944 ' I
jr 5     f I     ’ , book, “Pills, Petticoats and _ I I
if    if-;·3?l-T”f.· \ "     I Plows " r` I
·     “.§"‘ ,r;{Z,   I i» . .. ’   .   ` . ~ ,
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Q view. When I went to see the sister only cantankerous. I once went had only wanted to see if we ,
she immediately raised that fateful to see an old gentleman whose would return them. I overloaded "
question, "Do we want to let father had been most active in my car with these papers and
Papa’s papers get into the hands of the affairs of his community in drove over most of middle Ten-      
a stranger?" I went away for a few middle Tennessee. His son had nessee during an express com- I   L
weeks to let the case cool off, and preserved his records in barrels pany strike before I could get an .   1
then I came back to reopen it. This and boxes stored in an outhouse. office to ship them. But -— woe ,.a A l
time I did my best at softening up They were, nevertheless, in good unto us — the old gentleman I
the lady, and finally she consented condition; and more important, asked for his papers a second l,.__\
to my taking the first set of records they were complete so far as I time, and so far as I know they ‘ —~ ` * -..9,,
her brother had given me, but on could tell. He let me have the pa- are now back in the outhouse! »~»——-· I 4 I
what I considered a hard condi- pers without much tedious dis- r,     L I
tion. The bulk of the records was cussion, but before I could get 7Z2e f*7\',·“llZl}IlHf xlS5()ClCl/I~(JII   l
large and my supply of pasteboard back to the University of Ken- jo/"zzs D12 CIr/rk /otIrry in remiml- ’ " l V L Wl  
boxes limited. She said that a tucky, he wrote the comptroller a Irzgynrr Ilrazyozr are apr:/1 Q/`/be _V {4,  
corpse was to arrive on the train at letter that seemed to indicate that [IIS/()Ijr' cg/`IIlI>s Ihr1/_1·e1/ /bi/Me {PK ,    
Frequently a man with a local old gentleman. He said that I /nre/H be U//ere.