I H ded for 'lo'tal Recall
V o ma`n ainin memory a an a e
Keyst 1 t g t y g I
  , , Ca Ze M O] (Z V- ‘
» . Byjo/an Sclaa1y‘e1/zlaevrger
V Two things are said to be certain; p {
l\/lea! or ioty gl I E     death and taxes.   (
I I fi   _”   · But some would add a third: loss of I
,·L· V f·   memory. It’s an ailment that, as folks
     V grow older, is believed to be as com-
  73,,; ‘_ é _> _   IDOI'1 QS f1'13l(lI'1g fl'lOI`€ fI`€C]Ll€I][ [I`lpS to é ]
QQ V“     the bathroom in the middle of the V {
it             xs night. j
y _,;i;,;._‘  -T_:.:_T____ _J i     jonathan Golding, an associate pro-
I ‘°€‘.§;V l  Y    ,j’ .   $_   “ fessor in psychology at the University of
    _ V V   ,    ` 5 Kentucky, says it doesn’t have to be. i
 ‘Tgé’?' 3   3. lg,  _ 4t `  .    `‘'   I  E;   ;;_ “There’s no reason we can’t improve i
V  .V · 2   ll   _; .. _  ___  Q    V. V ,   our memory as we grow older," says 1
A     'Y., > ~. . [  ~  V _V   I- Golding. “But I warn people that im- ‘
`T    V _ j g I- .   .  V if · proxgng gheir memory takes a lot of
j,j=fj:·‘a   “   -e e  .,_ i   A .‘   wor an time."
  /  ,* 4;}* Golding is a staunch advocate of im- I
. ’ `     e . pI`OV€d I1'1€I`l'1OI'Y HS 3 S[€pplI1g S[OI'l€ to 1
“   . . `   · _ j a better life. He believes this may be es- (
Q ‘ .     ,° pecially important for young people, 1
_1 ‘·     j§__»·—   J`, striving to do well in school. 1
V P _ I V  Neg? ` Hr, gy: Vj  “Memory is a skill," says the 41-
i Q_ . y   ;{ gg {   ····   ‘``‘ ` I g -    year—old UK professor. "You don’t just
  ‘     ‘='   '  ' . V }jg ,.»5  develop it overnight. . .and right now _
I _ ~   { I  —t 2 i  .. I   K ·· _A`.   ,.—  ·  V there is no magic pill to improve `
V' .<·  r .: Y*‘i"¢‘·      ‘ r -`   G J , .     i` 4 ’ memoryni U i
V   M AV I 4   V        __ “_  _A ` l ‘ 4      ’ V H€I`€ 2.I`€ GOldl1lg7S S[f21[€gl€S fOI` 311 I
J W VV V      ' V 3:,;} l1T1pI`OV€Cl IT1€fl'lOI'y'Z (
  ,7 ,¤; "VV'?-iVV":>·VW Vr ..   " V. "   .' 1
· _j  __ _ r _ _   `   “We don’t always see the implica- Q
f1 y __      I`    `V"     Pi tions of losing memory skills until We 1
»· MZ,]      * i     ‘ forget to unplug the iron and SOme- ]
.-  ‘e ‘ ’ thing bad happens. Even something as
simple as unplugging the iron illustrates
g ___.   ._ the need for this first principle. Paying _
; V. ' ___. L   _ _, attention is half the battle." In trying to  
L _VVV     V V Study Or in getting ready for an impor- _
*4 V . _   V     7 tant meeting, he advises finding a place
V .      V ` VV to prepare that offers few distractions. A y
busy library or the desk at work may I
, not be the best place.
_/mzat/Jan G0/ding, associalepro/essor of psychology, says bis goal each ‘ I e _- to
  S(’))Ie'SfC}’ is lo I'0}7I0}77bUi` CIS I7ZClII;)/ $l`Ll6l(:‘}ZfSV I”ld77’l€S GS /96 66172. H6 believes Ygu remember what inteygsts YOU
V* fllkfllg [170 [UNC to /3}lOll’ S[lilCl'C’I’lfSV }Z6H7'l€S is GH lV}7ZpO7'[(17Z[_fdC9l° OfI€6lC]9i7’lg. mOS[_ AS an example, he CRES the inuj-
_ cate playbooks and the volumes of
il 22 KENTUCKY Atuivmus