s a teaching psychologist, Golding specializes in how
the memory operates and in the perception of memory
in the courtroom. Since arriving at UK as an assistant profes-
football plays that athletes must remember to excel. sor in 1988, he has taught Introduction to Psychology, and
I L. ,     i A. estimates that as many as 5,000 students have taken his Me-
"Take what you know and associate it with what you meme] Hell elees m [hp fell _ K, _
need to know." vistairze. He Cites the Case Or 3 student _ Upppt lpvpljgppppp hp ms ppspt ppp 1¤$}¤dp<¥ Cpsm-
who associated phone numbers with UK basketball play- [Ne Preeeesest Eyewlmess Tesumeeyt and Leemmg and
ers. To remember "3224," for example, this person would M€mOYY·_ _ , , _ _ ;
think, "Richie Farmer/Jamal Mashburn.” Rhyming can also Lppmpp he Swdppp names 15 lmpelmm T fer hlm and l
be 3 gOOd technique {Of SOm€ p€Op1€· them. Golding believes both benefit when the professor
is , shows this kind of interest. He strongly recommends that .
» r he _ _ 77 _ professors work to remember names, believing it increases l
Develop C21[€gOI`1€S, [)21t[€I`1"lS, “CllL1l'1l<1f1g — lLlIl'lp1Hg Student S€H:_COnfid€nC€ and S€lf_WOr[h· ~
facts together. As a young man, Golding would visually In fact, years after graduation former students approach
  Orgemze pages pf netes and Whprp feels appeared On him with the phrase, "Apple-Gold-Bell" which brings a smile
fheee pages Sem Mehmgs te Del, hem to his face. The greeting can be traced back to the students ·
  ’ nb . first day in his class, when the professor introduced himself:
; Rehearse techniques when everything isn’t on the line. Kind of Apple = jonathan + Gold = Gold + Bell (sound) = l
Develop memory tests on the way to work. \X/hen there is Ding yields jonathan Golding. l
a need to remember a list of names or facts,
"test yourself." ` ~ .
A It is important to get away from constant, _4       ‘   _ g     > ` . I
' fomral learning. Reduce activity between ‘ -   _ ` `" ei Q
learning and being tested on that learning. ,.__‘ (_ ‘ _ l-. `_ ." · _ - _’ -··"‘ I 5
"Prepare, study, then go to sleep." ‘ _   (  wl    in r·‘ { ¢
' ' " ' " · \ jer.b·;:"•&?l»`€~:;.· el-   {ji   A`, _ .  
Develop important reasons for maintaining   ll #_     ·'  ei,.   ·· e _;$ — ‘ · ._   _
the learning process. Think of the car sales- ..    ?` _,   `‘_· , tg? §_   »¤,;.,¤  ij ’}’r*·&-.   N 3 =
man, who usually is an excellent example of   ` ,> . °._   »_ Q" ' r    {TQ \ ·‘     ,r _
one who is good at remembering         ·     __ i   `~   » (ll ,
names. . .because it’s important to his busi-   *_ Ag         ` ._. — Q ., `“"· Sy —‘ `·—   y g
ness.   =»· &’ "      .,<. . D ‘  _.. lj ,.'- . ··<.s _ l    h` l` ’ I
The use of datebooks, calendars and   • ii if i" It`, ¤°— l       j
sticky notes can all help. Leave items that are I     7 (  ig " **¥~  
needed close to the door. Golding said these   _   ````
things only became important to his father af- `   `
ter his father retired. He believes things be- .;— “   =.— ~  _,.,,,_. l,   __  
came "routinized" for his father, as the `J 4   ·'” '  .V    t _,,, .;-.1%,*  
manager. Of 3 Slgn Cempeny But as H remed Associate Professor jonathan Golding pac/es the house in Memorial Hall jor i
edule he father Sew 3 need fo? exteregl his lower division course, Psychology 101. His Introduction to Psychology  
m¤emOmCS’ and {Odell Wppldpt be Wltheut couise often draws close to 500 enrolled students each fall.
his calendar.
Techniques that are effective vary from person to per- Hp Says Smdemsf may forget ether mfefmeuen ppm hp  
son. Some may rely on numbers, others on rhyming. "Do elassi but ppldpm hls neme  
whatever you need to do" to improve your memory. \What Dppp Gpldlpg pfeeeee what hp pfeeehes? Appe,l`emly‘ A  
Wmks {Of Ong p€r5On may DOI Wmk {Or SOm€On€ 6156 quesuo; he yasks himself when he exits his car is, Do I have  
my car eys.
, The result? Golding says, "I have never, ever, in my entire
life locked my keys in the car."
Can each of us say the same thing? Or do we remember?
john Schaifenhergei; APR, is Assistant Directorfor Puhlic  
Relations, UK Alumni Association, jgscha1@pop.u}ey.edu  