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UK Alumni Association l
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Introduces New Weapon to Fight Bram Dram 4
Politicians, professors and pundits are about it,"’ says King, the President and The UK Alumni Association caught  
talking about it all across the country - CEO of MyCareerNetwork.com. on to the MyCareerNetwork.com phi-  
brain drain. The concept of "brain drain" UK and MyCareerNetwork.com are losophy early. T
is based on a shift in our modern econ- new partners in an initiative to bring "\X/e think it’s a great idea," said Stan  
r omy. The muscle of manufacturing is no Kentuckians back to the Bluegrass. Key, director of the UK Alumni Asso- E.  
Z longer the mainstay of the American Mycar·eerNemer·k.cem is a web site de- ciation. “\X/e’re all for anything that will  
S marketplace. lt’s the influence of intel- voted to linking college—educated pro- help UK alums grow professionally."  
lect that pays the bills these days. fessionals with Kentucky roots to jobs in King hopes MyCareerNetwork.com  
In states like Kentucky, where people some of the best-known corporations in will become more than just a site that  
have long relied on occupations like the state. Kentuckians who accept a job links people to jobs. He wants it to  
farming and manufacturing, jobs for citi- function as a community where alumni  
zens who s ecialize in intellectual capi- · • from all Kentucky colleges and univer—  
“ tal have trallitionally been few and far Pannershlp wlth sities and members of professional or- h  
between, forcing the best   brightest MyCareerNetw0rk.c0m ganizations can meet and network to E ft?
to leave for hotspots like Silicon Valley. _ _ advance their careers. _»
But the latest report on economic trends ready fg   alumnl Becoming a member of lt ~
from the Economic Development Cabi- , MyCareerNetwork.com’s community is as  
net shows jobs in areas like business home and jobs easy, but it’s more in depth than just
and health services are continuin > a me- · ostin our resumé like on other
teoric rise in number. Today, the Efrum- for yOu,/lg alumnl! tOO° lhterngtlfecnriting sites. B
ber of Kentuckians employed in service MyCareerNetwork.com matches
jobs is almost double that of the number people to jobs based on an assessment
employed in manufacturing jobs, and through MyCareerNetwork.com not only of a members skills and his or her per-
the trend shows no sign of slowing. get a new job in one of Kentucky’s sonal profile. This matching process al-
But with so many professional jobs growing companies, they also get a lows corporations to find an employee
opening up in Kentucky, the problem S500 "signing bonus." And with the help to fit its specific needs, and helps the
becomes filling them with qualified of UK, MyCareerNetwork.com hopes to potential employee find a place where
1 workers, and that`s where the brain reach out to estranged grads and bring they will truly fit into the culture. It’s
drain begins. them back home to work. this attention to detail that attracted UK yin
One facet of this brain drain hasn`t "A lot of our brightest citizens gradu- grad and MyCareerNetwork.com mem- up
if received much attention until now. ated from college and found profes- ber Bill Brassine. [OC
Even if the state is able to keep young sional jobs in Kentucky were either hard "l had put my resumé on job post-
Kentuckians from leaving, how does it to find or non—existent," King says. “It ing boards before, but they didn’t have
bring back Kentuckians who have al- was easier to just pick up and move to a lot of jobs in Kentucky. I liked the
ready established themselves elsewhere? one of the boomtowns like Austin or idea that this site is not only dedicated jjj
Can Kentucky convince former citizens Charlotte to find good jobs. If we can to Kentucky, but it really helps to
R that the job market here can support just make that job search easier, we can match you to a job that’s right for you,” `
them? show those folks that the jobs they want Brassine says.
Collie King thinks he has an answer. do exist at home in Kentucky. And "Kentucky is a great place to live .
"liveryone always says ‘you can theres never been a better time. The and work. We just need to get that
" never go home againf But I prefer population is growing, and several of message out to the people who knew
4 something former Governor Happy our cities are ranked in ‘best places to that at one time, but may have forgot-
, Chandler used to say — Every Kentuck- live` listings. Kentucky is just a great ten it since. lt’s time for those folks to
ian is either going home or thinking place to be." come home?
    28 Kewruckv Atuivrnus