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l 2000-2001 OFFICERS wit. 71 M14
The Kentucley Alumnus
Itteksiuzsw rtssv Z%2—629 7)
I)£ll'l.£l L. She/ton '66 IS published quarterly
.·1l_/Jharettri. Ga. hy the University of {
Kentucky Alumni ~
l’k‘I:L€/IJEIVFLIECT Association, Lexington,
bkiridy Bugie Patterson '68 Kentucky for
lrbrt Thomas its dues-paying
‘ members. ‘ ’
1    2000  ty Moments m History
l Char/usrll. Moorejr ‘59 Kentuck;yAlumni · - · · · ·
  ,,M,,,I,,g Gm', AmCm,,w,A weep, What a fascrnatmg man Dr. Thomas D. Clark is! I-lis life 1S   personal
where noted- View am! chronicle of nearly a century. Words spoken and written by him 50, 60 or 70
S/£67{I;’I.>1kY opinions expressed in . ful d th _ h C 1 h . . .
5,,,,, KL., -72 my Kg,,,,,CkyA;,,,,,,,,,5 years ago are as meaning to ay as ey were t en. urrent y e 1S wr1t1ng a
ere*’Merf¢’1e¢~~’¤€··$ I book about the Governors Mansions in Frankfort. We don’t usually devote so
ASSOCIATION STAFF and do not necessarily l _ _ 7 _ _
859-257-8905 represent the opinions of l ITIQIHY p21g€S to O1'1€ p€I`SOI'1 OI` pI`O]€C[, l)Ll[ l.11'1Cl2l COL1ldI][ SCO;) WI`1[1I1g. Sl'1€
800-269 Arun its editors, the UK g - 11 7 -
wwwA"kyAedu/Alumni A_Umml,AmOC,amm Or { tells me she strll has left out a lot of good stuff and good stories that Dr.
A the cntu·mg»¤j 2 Clark has to tell. In November Dr. Clark spoke at an event sponsored by the
1   K”’""°’€’”   jefferson County UK Alumni Club and the Filson Club in Louisville. Again he
' Ct/MGEOF   regaled the crowd with his wit, wisdom and forrhright opinions. Hopefully,
Ass‘oct·111;tnktaomiv AD/>1et;s5 ONLY- g iu . h l. f h. Hf d h
I:`l)I7t)l<’ Records, LK Alumni As- { YOU W €n]OY t € S Ice O 15 6 PY€$€¤K€ €Y€·
I UZ Hettml Uettienttt —"*¢’”’i<*"» Kms /*1******l* l One of Clark’s missions in life has been the preservation of history in the
{ `68, 76 House, Lexington KY   _ _ _ _
I -10506-0119. taialhana ; making. \X/'hrle the memories are clear, they must be recorded. You may think
? .·1ssoc1 17 is [)IRl5C“I?)R $$9-2 5 7-8800. ram- ; · · - · _
A MW Hrjug/MA, 89 8591 { ZA i_ I 063 Emmy   of your family as just that. . .your family, but we are all part of the fabric of so
jIi1·bi12@pop.ttkinetln . crety that creates the trends and does the deeds that comprise history. jennifer
‘ .#IS.S`UCt·l7I;'DIRECIOR lin the web at , · · · · · i
i A M, WA lm, L_x_(A.m (hm, ,,,,,,,,,A ,,k},_w[M1[,,mmA Kasten, a UK student who spent the summer in Ha1t1, and internatronal stu-
  /err/~t¤!iv~/e 'l'”ill'l.Q$~ dents studying here are accumulating "history,” and so are you. Perhaps this .
l .·lIY.\'I.S`7j»1r\”I'l;`I)l'[?}I( [2/ettsesentl both mailing . . f d b . k . _ i
A L,-,,,,(, ,,,.,,3, 8.; [,,;,,,,5 ,0 ,;,H,,{,{,.m ) 15 a pro]eCt or you to get starte on. May e you Can p1C up a po1nter O1 two 1
  pm"(_m_[ www “""*‘°· y from ]ohn’s conversation with Professor jonathan Golding who teaches
. 1 A ix . . . . . . .
I .-11>1’1t1e11snv<; O1?/me 1\lAGAZINl;` Classes about learnrng and memory, Cognrtrve processes, and eyewitness testi-
1 john SC/7(l[1l'lll7('I;QL'I‘ Il! i9h\1Ei€.· · 1 · · ’
A KmmckyAIUWMSA mony. Help us as we Continue to present to you UKS Moments 1n Hrstory.
. ,\I/L1Il1’I:`R.S`IIll€’ I~IL\:L·I7tJl€” 7b/tyvhone; l
stvmm 1 Mar x;1¢·1.us ·S’i9»2 6 7- 71 64 . l
‘ .S'umlvItoykw1 90, UH Hue- .%*59-.i2_3-/063.  
[1,-Ullllb l
,51;.] ]·‘[·‘ itzizllizxzi @_[}0[1. illqv. Gill!.  
]lI'l'H(llI Ituin  
Q{»~/~ /;{·~»·z/iv/M 1 oar/att 2000 issue as/eedfor [Ds of the folks in the 1950 Kentuckian
. 11ll¢‘1' .1mrr1r*r‘ I . U , , . , , _
_y(,,,LilI (,-Hy, . celebrating something ” while moving down Main Street in Lexington.
  Donald L. Armstrong 53 was the first to ojjfer bis best guesses: the
.mim·.a viymm I _ n event was a torchlight parade for the 1949 Homecoming. Arthur
l'.IYIll(`(’5 ullllvl · l 1   . . t · ,
,,,____, Zuhmi AA   A se-;.  Q Lee Myles, a 5uKY member is probably the fellow in the centei of
2  ’ the photo with the   visible on his sweater Is that janice C. Stille
. \ —,, ‘ .5 t I; ·  in the scarf next to Betnljune Compton? Edward W1 Stroube might
  ' · ; »··~· be the young man standing on the running board Or is that
\ to %. ' ‘·” . 1 '
`\ at i ',   *\ Patricia Moore, not Betty june, as john T Ballantine 52 believes?
cv- •   ( _ . r .
  riqy Betty Przestbt Holland thm/es the photo was actualht taken after 1
"*°`  *   h]948NCAAh ‘ tw dh'h ··
I _ , wz I . .,» t e c ampions qa an s e ist egzrl in the dark dress.
li 9*qJ-U _ l' , C . Willa Haverhl is wearing the scaif
_ -i ·  -- 3 * A. joan Claagsen Shinniclz 53 says she is the woman in the middle
  ' I in white, directly under the ‘Q4” in Shackleton. She thought the l
— •—— . » ‘¢· . . 1 I
A 5 A   i/. \~ A A A -   A _ . SuKYsweater was bezngnlled out by Dicle Walker but was not sure
g , ;§» /   . } ,_ _ 1;l_‘—i§A. ._   0/ the event, other than the students were celebrating a joothall uic-
‘ · ‘ .4 · = — 1. . , , .
{y --·” *——=`-<=—e-*—*" tory. Also remember we did not get carded in those days. Un-
A   6lOlll7l€fllV LUG lU(3l'€ not ibltiily Z@ there. ll
, I Seepflge 54/`OV ll9lS I;9SZ(€$ ll/l()t’ll€t'lI`5 in Hllsloljt mystery, -
2 KENTUCKY Atumuus