25 Years Agg M • H. “Tvdvlelféh Nighpihyvas pr?ented r
The Student Government Stu- at e mgm) eater est J
dent Affairs Committee polled resi- `       members Claude Trapp, le Am 1
dents of three UK dorms to learn * ‘  ty r ev  _-_,-· ‘ ··'*   .j¢— gz; _>s _.·§,,·r»; ·.é Abderslemrkeel Henrglefeed h j
how they felt about co—educational _ r N   §··· ,  jj      l   R Lester hl? ilipese Of ell? O` .
living and visitation policies. Eighty-     ‘   r, ;_ ‘   -·  _ ‘   ;,,_     i'; i..» g    g      re%repA ler e Kte""I?le’ ee i
one percent of responding students   __ _*_ A .      ·  ` ads  [ge ' ‘l f eeelgeld e efrucley .
at two dorms that were already co-  F;  yvy  _ ,_.)   '   AE   »  j    _ ._ F  eme lem ellel e  
ed, Blanding I and lll, favored a 24- I              ·r,  · A Beallrllv told ef bemg at 3 eOn' r 
hour visitation policy. Ninety-five   l           ,t,», Z         `‘e    eerr m Memerlell Cellseum i
` percent wanted an increase in ex-   _ A   2            s Wl‘1e1‘€ two women were spot-  
ternal visitation. Sixty—two percent       jr  gt "§:'_           reel lb me erewe bel Weellbg  
j of responding students living in  fi    F *5 . *~’      »     ‘.. r g r      the eusremery lrpseele The  
Keeneland Hall, a residence for    '    A  *  , f       Wmer erleeuraged Omer _ _  
uppereiass women, wanted the hall   ,  e  r ,      l l   -   rr ) lé "   Wemee re rev Weermg llesllek  
to go co-ed. . .A roundtrip ticket YY.X ef ’ “"f“      V  we   .... Q beeeuse Llpsrleked Wemen .Q
between Lexington and Cincinnati ~   ‘· "=`°""   r     ik presem s g3§dY» ¤¤Wh¤l€S¤m€ ’
cost $10.75 according to an adver- From The Kentuckian 1990 ebbeeremee ‘ _‘ beremy Am _`
tisement for Greyhound Bus Lines Page 158 of The Kgntuckian *90 shows Neal, 3 lumer In me COllege Or _
in the Kentuc/gy Kernel. . .An assail— Greeks in the midst of their annual Mattress Arts and eeleneesg elle leem r
ant wearing Zl mask surprised evan- Marathon, Any idea who these fo]_ks are? They Kelvebelllgbi el eeblbr lb the Cole  
gelist jimmy Conyers near the certainly were an energetic bunch. Ca11’t help lege el Eellle_eeee’ Welebleleeel  
Student Center by smashing QI ple in but wonder if they exhibit that same vitality bY Mddemebelle megezlbe le le 
his face and then escaping. . . Dr. 10 years later in the 8-to-5 workplace! lebleSebt’UK Ob the  
Alan Moorer from the English de- Ifyou can 1]) these students, please share megezme s Cellege Bearer  
paitment presented a book review that info with us by fax at (859) 323-1063 or by Ther reperreel ell eempus fads,  
of "Zei1 and /beAr! Q/`Motorcyc/e mail to Kentucky Alumnus, University of Ken- news Find resmeb elurmg me  
Maintemmce  in the Faculty Club tuckyAlun1nj Association, King Alumni House, fellewlbg Veer '_ The UK Band,  
Lounge of the Student Center. . . Lexington, KY 40506-0119. We’H publish what llllelel the ellleellelsl el Warren  
Agriculture junior Donna Fynsk left we find out in an upcoming issue, W' Lure Played er the Sugar  
lor a nine-month stint to the Neth— Bewl game m New Orleems ml  
erlands to study fertilizers as part of _ January lr 1951 as me Kerr  
rr nationwide rrirer-ttrrrrre program. . A rrrrriseerrrierirrri rneriter- Mkr Wllécm lm the Qkl¤¤<>m $¤<>¤€fS 15-% breekmg  
tion lecture was offered in the classroom building as a way of OSU s mlrlemll reeerel Wm streak  
coping with the pressure of final exams. . .   Y A  
€211’S g0  
50 Years Ag() Th€ Uf1iV€1‘Sity cafeteria is l0Cated in the basement of the  
2 Fellow faculty members named Dr. Morris Scherago, head Aelmllllsllellell bll.llellllg’ Wllele ll has been for Seven yeele ll ;l
l of the Bacteriology department, "Distinguished Professor of llele eee leem Wllleb Seele 75 s“‘de‘}fS» ebelbel fel ee feelllly  
the Year in the UK College of Arts and Sciences." He received lllelllbele and ll lelellell lbel beeels meehsmeal leellgele- V 
a vacation from teaching to conduct a research project of his llellj ‘ ‘ ‘l'W' leeee Well elel bllze el eeee fel eleelmg an eel-  
own choosing and to prepare the annual Arts and Sciences Vemsemelll lelell “d"e“‘S‘“g and eelllllg elese The eelwesj  
lecture to be delivered in the spring. . .Lois Smith, a freshman ellleeleel ell gelllllg Lexlllglell melehellle le buy eelvelbsmg ln  
in the College of Home Economics, and Herbert Brown, a llle KelmleleV,KeWlel‘ ' mnk emllb ef Clellseelele’ MlSS" Wee  
y junior in the College of Agriculture, were selected as Queen elleeell eeblelll el lhe leee Wlleleelts leelbell team at lbe ell-  
and King of the annual Fall Festival of the College of Agricul- llllel leelbell bllllqllel llelel et llle Ph¤€¤¤< Hetel  
[ tutc and llomc Economics. . . Shalxespeares comedy, — Compiled by Linda Penn]  