., ,. · F • 20 commercial hybrid cor11s tested for silage purposes
l x     in the state was 11.4 tons per acre.
M *’ ¤ ¤ ¤
lt terials—one called Mylone, the other a mixture of allyl
" alcohol and ethylene dibromide—gave about 85 to 90
`   By FRANK B.BORR1ES,JR· percent weed control when applied to tobacco plant -
. __‘_, beds in the fall and spring, respectively.
. 5 ¤¤ Q
Here are capsule reports on research conducted last 1lASPBEl’¤l’~Y MULCH — SHWdllSt WHS tll€ best
~s. year by vnnnns departments of the Kentucky Agn- mulch material when tried on Latham red raspberries.
cultural Experiment Station and substations; CI`OUlld COI11COl)S and straw (the other mulches) did p
V"` not perform so well.
. ip - Q # ¢
` HORMOWS FQR STEEl°‘S—Wl‘°’“_ g"°“PS Pl B1.orcHY 1n1>EN1Ne-Biorchy ripening Or to-
y steers were given d1Herent.levels of stilbestrol and; or matoes in greenhouses (Ht Lexington) was Corrected
(_ Synotllax fgmmslmmlators m Synthetic hormong form) by adding potash to the fertilizer. VV hen nitrogen only —
_` no differences m slaughter grades were noticed re- was added, the blotchy ripening Showed up,
,, gardless of the type of treatment. Shrmkage (transit ¤ ¤ it
_, to °°°l€¥l MSO (hd NOT WY €*l°Pl`€°lal°l>’· Dally gém DWARF nrnirrns-Dwarf hybrid coms, tested in
ranged from 1.08 pounds daily (the control lot) to 1.36 Western Kentucky against regulapsizc hybrids, mu
,. pounds (steers given two pellets implanted in the ear). {mm 21-8 bushels and 40.8 bushels PH acm below thc
- T, ¤ *> ¤ latter in yield. depending on stalk population per acre.
_ CALF-STARTERS—Calf—starter rations with less ° ° °
· 4 I/mn 13 percent crude protein probably will NOT sup- SOYBEAN YIELDS—Soybean yields were reduced
  port growth of dairy calves at the proper rate, the significantly in some cases when two forms of 2, 4-l)
_ Dairy Section found. The conclusion is that starters (weed-control material) were applied to plots where
` should contain at least 13 percent to 16 percent crude the bean plants were already up. However, lower ap-
` -:4 protein to insure normal growth when fed with a plication rates of the material did not reduce yields
limited amount of whole milk and good alfalfa hay. as much as the higher rates.
_ In the test, the animals getting an 8.5 percent crude ¤ ¤ ¤
I t* Pl`0t€‘lll $t&l`t€`l` Clld NOT get the growth SUPPOIT BLUECRASS PLANT BUCS—Dieldrin insecticide
H ll€‘€€l€‘