bacco may force all companies to use this product in Direct Use of Stem Material _ ·
Cfgafottos in tno future Direct utilization of stem material in the production ‘- _,
Roconsntntoo tobacco consists of onolY sr¤¤¤d to‘ of cigarettes is a second way of decreasing production _   . _
. . . » 4- _
bacco particles which have been recornbrned to form eost_ The use ot stem material was especially Preya- ,
o connnnons Sheet (Fig- of This snoot is tnon cnt lent in the production of cigarettes by those companies
to form t¤l>¤¤¤<>-like Shr<¤¤<>¤¤S*i¤i¤*¤‘<>rnN(: 1958