of stem material. There was also a trend toward au found to contain between 1.84 and 2.41 percent nico-
increase in the use of Turkish or aromatic tobacco. time. The analysis made near the end of the study ·  `
Consistent trends iu the use of burley and Hue-cured (Tablé 1) indicates that the same range of alkaloid $4* g
tobaccgs Wgrg not Obvj()ug_ The yglgtivg use Of these COl1t€Ht still pI`€Vk1il€d. However, SOIl’1€ C0lT]p'3.l]i€S have · ' `
types seemed t0 depend upon particular company t€I1d€d {0 il1CI`€21S€ aud others t0 decrease the nicotine ** 
preference. One company shifted to the use of u much wlltéllt Of their cigarettes. The average nicotine 0011- lk"   
larger quantity of burley tobacco during the period of WNY of thff f€gl11Hf, kilig-SiZ€ Bild {HWY CigH1‘€tt€S is ‘
study, while another significantly reduced the burley essentially the same. This would not be anticipated 011 •··—
content. The quantity 0f Hue-cured 0r burley tobacco th€ b¤$iS vf Th€ SUPP0$€d US€ of St1‘0¤g€f t0b8€€0S in z, `_
which went into the manufacture of thc reconstituted Hlt€f-typ€ cigarettes. IH addition tO these Hgurcs, the '_
tobacco could not be determined. Burley tobacco blend data and ViSl13l 0bS€fVHti0H mHd€ 011 th€ 56PM- J"
varied fygm   to 40 pgycgnt Of (hg dried wgjght Of k1t€d fI`21CtiOl]S WOllld iI1diC9.t€ that th€1‘€ is little   Lllly ‘ _)
the tobacco leaf used in the manufacture of cigarettes. difference iu the tobaccos going into the cigarettes of ·
A/I()St (;()mPm]j(·g used klppygximgtgly SO percent burley Vz1l`iOllS types. T3.bl€ 1 shows that fh€ IUCOUDB COHt(:‘11t 1* ·»
in their cigarettes. The use of Hue-cured tobacco was is ¤PP€if€‘¤tlY 1'€gl1h1t€d by th€ €0mPH¤i€S· gl.
found t0 vary from approximately 30 t0 50 percent of Table 1__»1-he Percentage wml alkaloids (nicotine) {Gund I %
the total Weight of the tObz1CCO. in the tobacco of cigarettes of different types manufacunred v`
by 6 major companies in 1956 and 1957. P___ 
Composition Varies Widely   r _ 7
The variations iu blends probably represent an ut- _£""'”""V R°’g"’”' K*"g‘S"” Fm"' H"¥""" K"'¥‘·°i“’ ww
tempt on the part of the companies t0 produce u cig- M; Percent 4-+- ga}
ure-tte of definite smoking properties from the tobacco A 2.32   2.31 2.2:3 2.05 2.22 1
which was available. The wide variations indicate B 2-18 1-9]- 2-22 2-18 22-8 2-$8 ""
that the companies have considerable latitude in ac- C L84 207 216 L84 L95 Hm »
. . . . . . 1) ...... 1.93 2.22 2.16 1.9:3 2.04 ..
C()H]I)llShlll[.{ th1s ()l)]€CtlV€. In general, ut the start of E 2.05   2.40 2.05 2'11 223 ·
this study, it appeared that the use of burley was tend- F 241 2,4,0 QU;33 QU4] :129 g_()g A
ing to decrease. Ou the other hand, near the cud of   ,.;,2
the study the burley content tended to increase and ·———·l‘;” 
Hue-cured to decrease. This may have been influenced Sugar aU&l}’S€$ W€Y€ also made OU th€ wml t0baCCO V
by the vpyy mild fiuchcuwd crops Produced dm-ing and on various fractions obtained from the cigarettes.  
1955 uml 1956. The variations iu blends could also Th? 1`€‘$Ult$ i“di€¤t‘¤` that dw Variation in Sugar COW
he cm·r(»lutp(l yvith what is known ubgut the genera] tent is wider than the nicotine content when consid-
buying policies of the companies. Om; is known to €1'¤¤Sti¤¤*<*<* tOb“CCO> if it gives *1 COmP€titiV€ ¤dv¤¤t¤s=¢ ·*"`·
mm|ySgS_ [H 195;} and 1955 thc Cigmvttos of www COm_ to u company will probably become common practice `q
panics showed an lll1lI'k<‘(l increase in nicotine contcnh in Nw i“d“St"Y· The St“dY indicates that gwawr ef`
going ns high as 3 pcrccnt in somv instances. By the Forts me “OW bemg made bY the i“d“StYY as H “’h0l" ""~
timv of this study tho nicotine content of those which to i**€`*`<*¤$¢’ HW €`fH€i€`“(`Y Of Pmductiolh imd 1'€$•?%U`€h * _
had prcviously been 8 percent hud ln-en reduced *`H"“`t$ in M1 l)h““`S of Cigarette Pmd“Cti°“ me lwing `
murkvdly und, as shown in Tublc 1. ull (`igllI`(‘tt(‘S we·1‘c ((;,,,,H,,,,€d 0,, pagg 16) ·
8 K1·::<’m(:xY FARNI Am) II<>xt1·: Scu·:NC1·:—S1·m>1<: 1958