Recipe collection


The Recipe Collection (dated 1888, undated; 0.1 cubic feet; 2 items) consists of two recipe books.

Descriptive Summary

Recipe collection
1888, undated (inclusive)
0.1 Cubic Feet
Finding Aid Author
Sophia Whitman Sandmeyer and Megan Mummey
Preferred Citation
2015ms056 : [identification of item], Recipe collection, 1888, undated, University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Scope and Content
The Recipe Collection (dated 1888, undated; 0.1 cubic feet; 2 items) consists of two recipe books. One is a "Burnett’s Flavorings Cookbook" and the other is a handwritten collection of recipes along with a small collection of newspaper clippings.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment
Use Restrictions
Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact Special Collections.

Contents of the Collection

"Household Receipts", 1888

  • Box MS-42, folder 1
Scope and Contents

"Household Receipts. Valuable Receipts for those who value Economy as well as Excellence in the Cuisine and Toilet. Tenth Edition. Published by Joseph Burnett & Co. Boston, USA. 1888. Price, Twenty-Five Cents"

A collection of dessert recipes using Burnett's flavorings. Ingredients and directions are given in one paragraph. Interspersed throughout the booklet are advertisements for other Burnett’s products. Some include advertisements for cocaine which is said to cure “dandruff, baldness, loss of hair, irritation of the scalp, and hair-dressing,” and essence of Jamaican ginger, etc. Recipes are for experienced bakers; no temperatures or times are given. The book is marketed towards women, or “the mistress of the house.” Recipes are given for puddings, pies, cakes and creams, ice creams, preserves, and pudding sauces.

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Handwritten recipe book, undated

  • Box MS-42, folder 2
Scope and Contents

A collections of handwritten recipes. Original owner unknown. Collection also contains newspaper clippings of recipes and letters with recipes. One letter is dated February 1, 1910, from Carrollton, Kentucky. Most are dessert recipes but there are a couple savory sauce recipes. Recipes are on the first and last couple pages and the newspaper clippings are scattered throughout the blank middle. For some of the recipes only ingredients are given, and for others a few directions are interspersed throughout the list of ingredients. Like the Burnett’s book, they do not contain temperatures or times.

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