Authorized Agents for the 8Sae of the Puilcations of the


             N. S. SHALER, DiRgec-op, OUCCZgDED Bf CJ. R. PROCTER.

Rept., Roa Sb-
Reports of Progress. Vols. 3 and 5.. Sections
and plates. Royal Sen. Cloth. Each,      3 00
     (Volumes 1, 2, and 4, are out of print.)

ers, Et-
Carr (Lucieo). The Mounds of the MississippI
Valley Historic!.Ily Considered. pp. 107. Paper. 1 50
Carr (Luden), and Shaler (N. S.) On the Pre-
historic Remains of Kentucky. 7 Heliotype plates,
containing52slecimens. pp. 31. Paper.    2 50
Davis (Willi-m J.) Kentucky Fossil Corals A
Monograph of the Polypi of the Silurian and
Devonian Formations. Illustrated with 139 Arto-
type plates, containing 900 specimens, representing
41 genera an.d 10 species, of whirls 7 genera and
168 species are ne.- and hithertoW u-described, with
a Glossary of Technical Ter-s. Part 1, Text, over
700 pages, nearly ready. Part !, platY., with Classi-
fied Index, ready. 2 volumes            25 00
Garman   (SIanoelj.  On  the  Reptiles  and
Batrachiass of N-rth America. Ilntr ssution, pp.
31, and Part I Ophidia-Serpents, ssith Index. 9
plates. pp. 15,. paper.                 4 00
Netteirotih (1enry). Kentucky Fossil Shells. A
Monograph of the Fossil Shells of the Silurian and
Devonian Rocks of Kentucky. Illustrated with 36
Lithographic Plates, containing 220 SpecIes, of
which 43 are new and hitherto Vodescribed. 6 00

Shaler (N. S.) On the Fossil Brachiapods of the
Ohio Valley. 7 Albertype plates of 202 specimens.
pp. 44. paller.                         2 50

F. Geological and Economic Features of the Jack-
son s Purchase Region, Ballard, Calloway, Fulton,
Graves, Hickman, McCracken,, and Marsha'l
Counties. By R. H. Loughridge. Mlaps and Plates.
Royal 8Mo. Cloth.                       2 00
Linney (W. Sf.) Notes on the Rocks of Central
Kentucky, with list of Fossils. Royal 8vo, pp. i.
Paper.                                    25
Moore (P. N.) Report on the Geology of a Section
from near Compton, Wolfe County, to the Month of
Troublesome Creek, Breathitt County.  Folded
ectiou.. Royal 8vo, pp. 30. Paper.       25
Bath and Fleming Counties, Geology of.  By
W. M. Linney. Col. map. Royal 8vo, pp. 86. Pa. 60
Clark and Montgomery Counties, Geology of. By
W. M. Linney. (ol. map. Royal vo,. pp. 76. Pa. 60
Clinton County. Geology of. By R. H. Lough-
ridge. Colored map. Royal 8So,. pp. 48. Paper. 50
EllIott County, Geology of. By A. R. Crandall.
WIth Notes on the Trap Dykes of Elliott County, by
A. K. CrandaU an.I J. S. Diller. 4 Plates, 3 Maps,
and I sectlon. Royal 8vo, pp. 28. Paper.  65

  Garrard COuv y, Geology or. By W. M. Linney.
Colored Map. Royal S8vo, pp. 32. Paper.     50
  Harlan, Bell, and Knox Counties, Geology of. By
A. R. Crandall and R. C. B. Thruston. With Sec-
tions and  Illustrations.  Royal Svo, pp.
Paper. In p-es.
  Henry, Shelby, and Oldham Counties. Geology of.
By W. M. Linney. Colored Map. Royal Svo, pp.
19 + 17 + 35. Paper.                      60
  Lincoln County, Geology of. By W. M6. Lioney.
Colored Xap. Royal 8vo, pp. 37. Paper.    50
  Marion County, Geology of. By W. T. Knott.
Colored Map. Royal 8,m, pp. 43. Paper.     36
  Mason County, Geology of. By W. SI. Linney.
Colored Map. Royal 8S-o, pp. 31. Paper.     58
  Menifee County, Geology of. By A. R. Crandall.
4 Sections. Royal So, pp. 15. Paper. (In O0  20
.Mercer County, Geology of. By W. 5l. Linney.
Colored Map. Royalt8o, pp. 29. Paper.     30
Spencer and Nelson Counties, Geology of. By W.
SM. Lin-ey. Including Notes on the Birdls of Nel-
son County.  By C. W. Bickham. Colored Map.
Royal Svo, pp. 50 + 58. Paper.            75
  W-ahisgton County, Geology of. By W. Mt. Lb.-
ney. Colored Slap. Royal 8n. pp. 21. Paper. 50
  Whitley, and part of Pulaski Counties, Geology
of. By A. R. Crandali. Colored map, plates, aunt
sections. 8vo, pp. 44. Paper.             66

A. Peter (Robert). Chemical Analysis. Vol. L
being the first, second, and third Chemical Reports
and Chemical Analyses of the Hemp a-d Buck-
wheat Plants. Royal 8o. Cloth.           2 if
A.- The tems. Vol. 2, being the fourth, fifth, and
.sixth Chemical Reports, and Comparative VIews, of
the Composition of Soils, Coals, Ores, Limestones,
Clays. Mars, Mineral Waters, etc. Royal 8vo.
Cloth.                                   2 00
A.' The same. Vol. 3, being the Seventh and
Eighth Chemical Reports on the Coals. Soils, Clays.,
Petroleum, Mineral Waters, etc., of Kentueky.
Royal So. Cloth.                         I 00
Peter (Robert). Chemical Report of tWe 811s,
Coals, Ores, Iron Furnace Product, Clays, Marls,
Mineral Waters, Rocks, etc., of Kentucky.    I
Heliotype. Royal 8Sm, pp. 91. (In V. 5 and Al.) 40
Peter (Robert). Comparative Views of the Com-
position of the Soils, Limentones, Clays, Mairls, eta,
of the Several Geological Formations of Kentucky,
as shownv by their Chemical Analyses., with Re-
marks on their Characters and   Practical Uses.
Royal 8vo, pp. 62. (In A.')               40

Coal and Irea-
C. Eastern Coal Field. Comprising Eight Re-
ports on the Resources of some of the countles lo.