
Xedlcile-Cbetiaecd.            Page
Tripler and Blackman. Hand-book
    for the Military Surgeon .......... 67
  Walton. Hygiene and gducation
    of Infants ................. .......... 68
  Whittaker.  Physiology ............. 63
  Williams. Diseases of the Enar.... 64

  Benner. Prophecies of Ups and
    Downs in Prices ..................... 3
  Buck. A Studv of Man ............ 5
  Buck. NatureandAimof Theoso-
    phy ..............................   5
  Family Expense Book . .............. 16
  Mettenheimer. Safety Book-keep-
    i.n..                    , 36
  Morgan.    The  Shakespeareans
    Myth ..38
  Name and Address Bo.k .... ...... 39
  Nasb. Crime and the Family ...... 39
  Philipson. The Jew in English
    Fiction ............................. 42
  Phisterer. National Guardsman.. 43
  Piatt. Pencilled Fly Leaves ...... 44
  Rosenthsa. Manual fur Building
    and Loan Assoiiati,'ns ............ 48
  Roy. The Art of Pleasing. A
    Lecture .............................  49
  Roy. The Old, Old Story (Love).
    A Lecturem............................ 49
  Scotch-Iri6h in Americ .............. 50
  8pinoza and  His lEnvironment.
  Tuni-s.n.  Miaster Virgil in the
    Middle Ages .......................... 58
  Webb and .ohnson. Improved
    Tally Book .............6.............. 63

  Antrim. Champaign and Logan
    Counties ............................. 2
  Bouquet. Expedition against the
    ohio Indians. 1764 ................ 4
  Cincinnati. Bell. Water Works. 2
  Cincinnati. Nichols. The Organ. 40
  Cincinnati.  Tunison's  Presto.
    Music in Cincinnati ................ 58
  Cincinnati. Tyler-Davidson Foun-
    tain ...........................   68
  Constitution (,f Ohio ........9......... 9
  Finley.  Pioneer Record, Ross
    County..............        16
  Force.  Early Notices of Ohio
    Indians .1..............  
  Founders (The) of Ohio .............. 40
  Hunt. Coshocton County ........... 25
  Me Bride.  Pioneer Biographies.
    Butler County, Ohio ............... 32
  May. Journey to the Ohio Coun-
    try, 1788-9 ........................... 35
  Ohio Valley Historical Miscel-
    lanies ...........................   40


Ohio-C-ii-esad.                Page
  Ohio Valley Historical Series ...... 41
  Reemelin. Green Township, Ham-
    ilton Co ..........................   47
  Studer. History of Columbus, 0. 64
  Taney hill.  The  Leatherwood
  God ..........................  64
  Trent (Capt.) Journal to Picka-
    willany ..........................  67
  V enable. Footprints of Pioneers
    of Ohio -Valley ....................... 60
  Walker.   History  of  Athens
    County ..........................   63

Phonography      and  Type-Writ-
  Longicy. American Phonographic
    Dictionary ........8......0..... ......... 30
  Longley.  Compend of Phono-
    raphy    .     ..................... 29
  Lonley. Dictation Exercises.. ... 31
  Longley. Manual of Phonogra-
    pby    .      ....................... 29
  Longley. Reader and Writer .   81
  Longley. Reporter's Guide......... 30
  Longley. Reporter's Shorthand
    Dictionary .......................... 80
  Longley. Writing Exercises .   31
  Longley (Mrs.) Caligraph Les-
    eons .......................... 31
  Longley (M4re.) Type-writer Les-
    somi ........................  ,  31

  Andre (Major). The Cow Chace. 2
  Dexter. In Memoriam, etc ......... 13
  Gallagher.  Miami Woods and
    other Pems........................ 17
  Jordan. Kosemarv Leaves ......... 26
  Kinney. Lyrics ...................... 27
  Longworth.    The   Electra of
    Sophoeles ..................... ... 31
  Pintt. At the Holy Well ............ 43
  Piatt. Children Out of Doors.  43
  Piatt. Child World Ballads . ..... 44
  Prentice. Poems ...................... 45
  Rlickoff. Ohio. A Poem ............  47
  Stanton. Jacob Brown and other
    Poems ........................   53
  Stinton. The Moneylees Man and
    .,ther Poems ........................ .3
  Venable. Teacher's Dream.      CO
  Venable. Melodies of the Heart.. 6l
  Withers. Wildwood Chimes ...... 64

  Isham et a].  Prisoners of War
    and Military Prions ............... 25
  Lincoln's Pen and Voice ............. 59
  Moulton. Review of Boynton on
    Sherman's Memoirs ...... ......... 37
  Reed. The Vicksburg Campaign. 46
  Sketches of War History ............ 62