Saturday, 1 7Girls play University of Louisville.
Sunday, 18"Roch" takes Bessie out walking.
Monday, 1 9Amendments to Honor System.
Tuesday, 20Freshmen forget and applaud in chapel.
Wednesday, 21Farquahar stages morality play.
Thursday, 22George's birthday; we lick Vandy in first basketball game 27-18: Hurray!!
Friday, 23We beat V. again 22-18. Mountain Club dance; mountaineers do "shoo-fly" swing.   John Fox attends.
Saturday, 24Freshmen play Manual Training H. S. and give dance.
Sunday, 25Townsend and Utley take walk. Utley sees a robin.   Has Spring came?
Monday, 26It snows.    State box rilled for Elsie Janis.
Tuesday, 27H. H. Whorley speaks in chapel. Editress tears hair over Idea.    Lawyers have Exams.    Lochwitzky lectures.
Wednesday, 28Dean Hamilton entertains Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. in honor of Mr. Whorley.
Thursday, 29Leap Year day. Lady quartette in chapel and leap year Idea out. Everybody sees Maude Adams in the chicken show.
Friday, 1Lent butts in on dances. Saxaphone dance in town. Basketball season closes.   We are undefeated champions.
Saturday, 2Strollers try out for Virginians. Dutch Ammerman goes to Mrs. Hughes' dancing class. Spring Maid. Patterson Declamatory Contest.
Sunday, 3Vesper services begin. Mrs. Lafferty speaks on Passion Play.
Monday, 4Y. W. C. A. candy pulling. Senior girls turn ignoramuses.
Tuesday, 5Annual Staff gets blisters on hands.
Wednesday, 6S. Lime switch completed. At last. Kinky excuses Misses Hughes and Ncland to go to Frankfort.
Thursday, 7Anglo-Saxon class meets.    How strange!
Friday, 8"H 2 O" party. Glee Club goes on trip to Mt. Sterling.
Saturday, 9Boxing contest in Gym. Sunday, 1 0Blue eyes in evidence.
Monday, IICivils have feed. Josh reads paper on "Poetry of Mathematics."
1 uesday, 1 2Miller and Townsend go through mental gymnastics.   We get $50,000 appropriation.   Everybody glad.
Wednesday, 13Unlucky day! Shorty Barrows has three hands. Why, Shorty!
Thursday, 1 4Baseball practice begins in the Armory.
Friday, 1 5Si Hollar chaperones excursion to Zoo.
Saturday,  I 6Mountain Club girls entertain.
Sunday, 1 7Vesper services. Jack Wadsworth sings a mixed quartette!    Sacred concert.
Monday, 18Inter-society debating contest. Investigation turns out fine.
Tuesday,   19Horace Mann society organized  by Education students.    Track men get busy.    Junior Mechanicals leave on trip. Wednesday, 20Civil Seniors start on annual tour. Thursday, 21Annual Staff exterminate write-ups.