kentuck S/kIM
nineteen twelve
TAYLOR  BATTA ILE, Lexington, Ky.
B. S.
Kappa Kappa Gamma.
"Know you this lady
When 1 came from Sayre I thought I knew a ?reat   deal,   so   1   started   to   take Chemistry;
but soon 1 changed one tiling I'm afraid all other men. My classes under Josh, am very intellectual cided  opinions most
to Math.    There  is only of and  that  is Josh and chief  aversion   is small I  am  very   modest, but and  can  express  my de-beautifully.    If  1  had my
life to live over, I would be a suffragette. My greatest accomplishment so far has been to make Professor Webb burn the midnight oil to keep up with me in differential equations.
Secretary and Treasurer Philosophian Literary Society; Secretary Senior Class; Secretary Idea Board of Control.
"The most certain sign of wisdom is a continual cheerfulness."
This fair maiden has gotten it into her head that Korea is the place for her, but we all know that is a mere bluff. Cora is one of Sandy's favorites, and he has given her some valuable missionary instructions. She is a faithful member of the campus club, and can be seen loafing just any old time. She has studied less than any other graduate of this school, winning her way on her smiles. Cora is rather steady in choosing her associates, is a great advocate of track and boxing, the track men especially holding her fancy.
St. Louis, Mo.
Thesis:    The Bibliography of the Short Story.
Alpha Xi Delta; Executive Committee Student Government; Social Editor "Idea;' Class Prophet; Y. W. C. A.; Editorial Staff "Kentuckian."
"Grace was in all her steps, heaven in her eye, In every gesture dignity and love.'
Don't forget my nicknames: "Dede," "Little Dean," "Peanuts," "Cupid," "Piggie Lee," etc., etc. I've gotten a new one every place I've lived, and I've lived everywhere, mighty near. I know lots about literature:Rossetti wrote the "Rossetti Stone," and Shakespeare a dramatic poem, "The Age of Chaucer." 1 never let my work interfere with my college activities, though, and I just have packs, of fun, but I'm always making breaks and getting into more trouble. I sometimes shock people by unexpected exclamations, too! I'm so busyOh, I bot the bestest letter from home today! I'm so happy!