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.         ac mg for More
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n ` "   _ _  [ by Kay]ohnson
“A lot of it is that you I able to women all over the state, no mat-
thlllk, lit WOf1’t happen I »’’`       ter their iI`1COm€. Sl'1€ says, “If SOm€bOd}’
A5 to me-’ You d<>¤’t get j     ‘```     needs re choose between bnyrng srrees
{ ` sick, y0u don’t have     for their kids, or if the refrigerator needs
headaches, you don’t     " _·  j x  fixing, they’re going to do those things
have a fever, you don’t feel anything   ,  ’.. before spending $100 or $150 for a test
  not when it’s tiny, not when it’s in l if g   that will probably be negative."
the stage where it’s really curable. You    K   et  i‘i   The women decided to ask the
know you’re fine.” r i     _i  if  I t A iiiii General Assembly to mandate that
Doris Rosenbaum is talking about I     `' A  I     insurance companies already covering
breast cancer. s    E g breast cancer treatment, pay at least
A cancer survivor herself, Rosen- 'lfii       ‘ $50 toward a screening mammogram.
baum is a tireless advocate for making il if     The fee for a screening mammogram
screening mammograms available to ,     can be as high as $180. "We started
every woman in Kentucky.     V»··‘  nv talking to legislators and organiza-
“She’s touched so many lives I     _ , tions across the state telling them of
wouldn’t know where to begin ...,"   nlii `  —    i _ the importance of early detection,
says Rosemary Graves, receptionist at · and the importance of having screen-
the Breast Diagnostic Center in   E  j ing mammography covered by insur-
Radiology at the UK Medical Center.     ance." Rosenbaum also wanted free ,
“I’ve known her for many years. I was Doris Rosenbaum, a tireless volunteer in screening mammograms made avail- j
her Reach for Recovery volunteer the battle against breast cancer, believes able to medically indigent women. l
when she was first diagnosed with   "It’s nice when people give of themselves. VVhen legislation was proposed in
breast cancer — then about seven It’s just the thing to do." 1989, Dr. Gilbert H. Friedell, director I
years ago when I had to have a second Photo by Mark Kidd. for cancer control for the Lucille r
surgery, and my other breast was Parker Markey Cancer Center, recalls I
removed, I found out what true cancer who meet once a month. "We that Rosenbaum primarily was respon-
friendship is. She was right there with enjoy getting together so much — there sible for mobilizing women across the ,
me every minute. Last Sunday in j are a lot of little questions that you ask state to support it. "The women called j
church Father said something that I each other about feelings, and about everyone in sight. One legislator was r
applies to Doris: ‘A friend is a gift physical characteristics after you’ve had heard to complain to other legislators  
from God to be treasured more than surgery. You hate to keep calling your that these women were rising unfair y
{ gold.’ She is my gift." doctor all the time — women can tactics, and said, ‘why, they even l
And, so it seems, a gift to all of the answer each other’s questions," says called my wife.’
women of Kentucky. Rosenbaum. "It’s this group of women, "Doris moved from being an V
Her interest in helping others led to especially, who recognized the need for important member of a support  
volunteering at the UK Hospital over 20 early detection in breast cancer." group to the role of major responsibil-  
years ago. Then, about IO years ago she Her concern for early detection led ity for the idea of enhancing and
joined the Thursday Group, a support Rosenbaum to spearhead the effort of encouraging screening for breast can-
group of women who have had breast making screening mammography avail- cer,” says Friedell. {
Summer 1993 Kcrrurcky Alumnus 9