hoop-skirted ladies, parades with KA’s aiding in their early existence in Lexing-
  in Confederate regalia with their ton. In 1890, he was in the process of
, belles, marching to the Fayette County wooing the best faculty and students he
j Courthouse to secede from the state, could find for the Lexington campus.   Greek letter
the Union, and the university for the One faculty member that he was able, to Social Organizations
remainder of the week. The week-long recruit in 1891 was Professor Frederick
f celebration of the fraternity’s southern Paul Anderson of Purdue University and and the year  
1 heritage usually ends on Saturday the Delta Delta chapter of Sigma Chi. '
I night with the Old South Ball. There Shortly after his arrival, two more Sigma were established
* also are golf tournaments and jam ses- Chi professors joined the faculty ranks on Campus,
Y sions and other "modern—day" events — Arthur M. Miller of Beta Chapter at
to celebrate Old South week. Wooster College and james H. Wells, also
The fraternity brothers had always a Delta Delta from Purdue. The men FRA S
fired a cannon to start the festivities, carrie to a campus that did not hold a wel- Kappa Alpha 1893
but in 1978, then coming attitude Sigma Chi 1893
assistant dean of stu- Frafgrnifigg toward fratemities but Sigma Alpha Epsilon 1900
dents, T. Lynn Wil- they soon changed Kappa Sigma 1901
liamson, said ex erts ’ ' that condition. 1/Vith Pi Ka aAl ha 1901
had found the ian- tradztzonalbl choose the help of the men Sigmz-Iflilu P 1902
non to be unsafe. , of Zeta Zeta chapter Alpha Tau Omega 1909
"They said it would a charitable at Centre College in Alpha Gamma Rho 1920
be highly dangerous Danville, and Lexing- Phi Kappa Tau 1920
to use it any 1onger.” gygunizatign [0 ton businessman Delta Tau Delta 1924
Today Theta chap- Leonard G. Cox, who Phi Sigma Kappa 1926
ter is a diverse rou had raduated from Lambda Chi Al ha 1930
of young mengwhg support as a Thetg Theta chapter Sigma Phi Epsiffm 1933
are involved in all _ _ at the University of FarmHouse 1951
facets of campus life. ndtzondl $€7'°VZC°€ Michigan, Lambda Tau Kappa Epsilon 1951
In 1988, LeRon Ellis, Lambda chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha 1965
a forward on the pyaject   Sigma Chi was char- Sigma Pi 1973
Wildcat basketball tered on the Lexing- Omega Psi Phi 1980
team, became the · · · ton cam us March Ka aAl ha Psi 1981
mst African Amen- ]9’”d'"”’·"’”g ‘l’""’e·" 31,1893.p 1>hiD&pp§ Psi 1988 r
can to ever pledge _ _ _ On the campus Beta Theta Pi 1989
the UK chapter. dnb! dCtll}ltl€S. where Anderson Phi Beta Sigma 1992 . V
Despite the Old once taught engi-
South theme, KA has been integrated neering, an eight-story engineering SORORITIES
nationally since the federal Civil complex now bears his name, and Alpha Gamma Delta 1908
Rights Act of 1964. Miller Hall stands as a monument to Kappa Kappa Gamma 1910
Fraternities traditionally choose a the brother who once taught all of his Kappa Delta 1910
charitable organization to support as geology classes in a single room. Chi Omega 1914 l
a national service project, with fund- As a social fraternity, the big event of Delta Delta Delta 1923 i
raising drives and activities. These the year is the annual Sigma Chi Derby, Delta Zeta 1923
activities have, and do, run the gamut a week-long series of competition Alpha Delta Pi 1941
from simple collection boxes to the between UK sorority pledges. The Kappa Alpha Theta 1941
Kappa Alpha Boxing Tournament Derby helps bring pledge classes Pi Beta Phi 1962
held in 1981 when a total of 11 frater- together and at the same time is a phil- Delta Gamma 1962
nities entered the competition. anthropic project that has raised hun- Alpha Kappa Alpha 1975
Because the tournament was for chari- dreds of thousands of dollars for charity Delta Sigma Theta 1975 j
ty, no designated winners were estab- since it first began in 1930. Sigma Chi Alpha Omicron Pi 1982 I
lished. Theta chapter supports the now gives its financial support to the Sigma Kappa 1989
Muscular Dystrophy Association. Children’s Miracle Network. Zeta Phi Beta 1989
Sigma Chi can credit Dr. james The week`s events vary from year to Alpha Xi Delta 1991
Kennedy Patterson, president of Ken- year. In 1964 the Derby included a Sigma Gamma Rho 1991
tucky State College, for unknowingly balloon toss, an egg throw (coeds
Summer jggg KentuckyAlumnus I3