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Circuit Court mx?
. tj g, Applications with circuit court for licenses to practice law, Jan. 24, 1 {
i 1914-Nov. 4, 1955, showing name of applicant, date filed, certificate £ 1
5 of moral character and fitness, signatures of circuit judge and com- ii;
. { monwea1th*s attorney, and certification of circuit court clerk; gé
7 b. Orders appointing special judges, May 5, 1924-0ct. 17, 1932, showing name h—®
A of Governor making appointment, name of appointee, style of cases to be 1 §l®
_; tried by special judge, date appointed, seal of Commonwealth, signatutes 1
. i of Governor and Secretary of State, date filed, and attestation of V
1 circuit court clerk; 4 l_e
f c. Petitions for habeas corpus, Apr. 50, 1930, showing names of petitioners yyg
i and affiant, facts to—wit, notarized signature of petitioner, date and sg? ~
. E by whom.notarized, enclosed copy of order to affiant to appear in court, Etgi
E signature of circuit judge, date filed, and attestation of circuit court {ft 4
V 'Y,
_i clerk; % 1 ;
1 d. Reports made to circuit court of condition of banks, Dec. 10, 1915-Sept. tt; E
. S 25, 1916, showing name of bank, address, date of report, resources, {Q, é
· V receipts and disbursements, names of directors, number of shares held Dyg 4
  by each, signature of Deputy Banking Commissioner, date filed, wld      
. 1 attestation of circuit court clerk- ¥,1§
1 Also contains: Depositions, lvfay 5, 1914, entry 161-L; ¤iVil 9X€¤'¤1·7j-Ons: D€°• lo:     A
a 1915-Sept. 5, 1950, entry 1é9; misdemeanors, Dec. 5, l917eMar• 5, 1920, entry 174} img
-_   examining trial minutes, Nov. 8, 1917, entry   inquests, Uct. 28, 1918-  
  D°°• 14, 1920, entry 265} trustee of jury fund reports, Aug. 14, 19].4, Glltry 215;  
. y§.¤¤t¤r&lizaticn papers, Nay.5, 1860, entry 255. No obvious &PP• No i¤d°X• HdW· tg?
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, 5 °¤ pr- fm. 5 x 11 x 15. _ \ » J ,t A _ l aE&
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