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j? County Agricultural Agent n U M A
g` to wheat, current acreage allotment, normal wheat yield per acre, com» A g
gg putation of payment due, names, addresses, and signatures of producers H é
§} on farm and witnesses, date certified, and signature of certification E ii
§‘ by cou ty committvémani gi j
g j. Soil depleting allotments and yearly acreages, showing name of operator, Q dig
g Q serial and code nu bers, kind of crop, yield per acre, acreage for ® A c~%
§, deduction, deduction rate per acre, gross deduction, gross payment, I " tl
gp ‘ net payment or deduction, address and signatures of applicants, division , J
·§f of payment, other farms owned or operated by applicant, recommendation i U lg
_ gi and signature of county committeeman; § ` ii?
§i k. Applications for payment under 1937 conservation program, showingrsmate lv-flag
gi and county code and serial nu bers, name and address of applicant, kind j ii é ·iA`A
gp of crop, yield, rate per acre, base acres, 1937 acreage, difference, Q., ii
gi maximm  diversion allowed, deductions, gross payment, payment to be W A i
gd divided on share of crop, other farms owned or operated by applicant, e {
gp miscellaneous items and soi1•building allowance, division of depleting { ~lp
%, crops, division of practices, superphosphates furnished, totals,·sig- T V lg
gv natures of applicants and witnesses, and signature of certification of f Wea
s ,1 ‘ .
%§ supervisor or committeeman; $;n—,h?
§M 1. Monthly reports of AAA educational features, showing meetings held, methods ?i cp 3
Q used and results obtained, plans for educational procedure following ipiuiig
§ month, indicated improved coordination of programs, change of attitude my ffl?
d gy E of general public toward AAA, educational aids or difficulties, and E; ,·»,' °i%§
§§ ‘s1gnature of county agent; i A5·. ggwg
A me Reports of performance under 1956 conservation program, showing state and ' dg gg?
ii county code and work sheet nu ber, name and address of operator, acreage E Vf§M&