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  a. County plan 4-H club work, showing year covered by plan, number of clubs    
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  in county, enrollment and completion goals, type of projects to be carried if 5.
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  out, picnics, tours, rallies, and conferences to be held, date exhibits   `  
  to be made at fairs, number of clubs using planned programs, and names i  
  of clubs in cozmty;    
  b. Report of scores attained by club members each month, 1958--, showing points    
  awarded for organization work, project work, achievement and rally day    T ii
  attendance, participation in demonstration and judging contests, product { _
  exhibits at fairs and shows, writing news articles, attending 4-H camps _ _  
  and picnics, service rendered community, and money raised for benefit of    
  club, signatures of secretary and local leader of club, and approval er     l
  p county extension agent; . · ·    
  c• Monthly certificate of service and mileage report, 1939--, showing date of g M    
  report, community visited, time spent in field, office, or absent from V    
  ‘ duty, miles traveled by auto, rail, or not charged, total mileage for  ,    
  month, date of certification, signature of agent, meetings held, attendance, Z       
  . 4. wifi  
  number leaders functioning, rating of meeting, and progress of club; ;      g
  d. Home demonstration agents’ monthly statistical reports, 1959-•, showing days  ,  V,~- U __,,-,_    
·   spent in office, field, vacation, or sick leave, miles traveled, 4-H clubs i      
  organized or reorganized and number members added, number of farm homes  · in    ‘
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  visited, number of news stories published, letters written, telephone calls    
  made, circular letters and bulletins made, radio talks delivered, training    
  l and method demonstration meetings held, tours conducted, and encampments  W   ‘
  held, summary of county projects, assistance received from college of   ·
'   agriculture and other sources outside of county, date and name of person ¤ 
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  rendering assistance, and line of work and nature of assistance received;   2*** ’i:’ ’ g
  l   .