i than one—flfth of this amount, or one pink or red color shall be considered Og 1
percent, shall be allowed for decay. seriously damaged. Del;
Not more than 5 P‘—`i`C°iii» by veiumci "Diamctcr" means the greatest alto
ef tim berries in 0iiY i0i· may be ii0i0“' dimension at right angles to a Nor
i the Specified minimum Size- straight line running from the stem Cllli
"U. S. No. 2" shall consist of straw- to the apex. bull
.. berries which are free from decay and carl
I ·   SEIQZEF. diiiizifii..;22ii°‘;..‘“;.,:ii?. Sm FAGMRS IN THE PRO- LEE?
·. mais. Unless otne l·\t»   S,.€aa..i DUCTION 0F Bi·AKEM0RE  
_ the minimum size shall be not less STRAWBERRIES Car
` than five-eights of an inch in diam- i\i¤iii3' Sii'¢i“'ii0i`i'Y Bi”0W0i`$ iii “'0$i‘ iiiiii
l. etelg ern Kentucky have found the grow- Bla
lll 0l—dgl· fg allow fel- `·;ll·lllllepS ing of the lllakeinore variety very wit
etbel- tllell Size illgidgllt to pl·ppel· profitable on certain years. Some of var
1 grading gllld hgilldiing llgt lllgl-Q than i[S Cill(‘i` Sililllg lltlillibl Z\l'C HS Util'- I
gr tgtgll ef 10 pepeelll, by volume, ef liness, its unexcclled carrying quality. mu
. the berries in any le; slmll be gllggygd its drouth resistance and ability to ms
I fOi° defects CZ1u$iHg SGl`iOilS(i1llll[lg9[)\_l[ Uiiike il Siliiili of I`llIIll(`·l' fllilliis \\'ilt‘ll {Ol.,
not to exceed lbl·ee.lepllls Ol tllls other varieties often fail, and the abil- lu l
` · amount, or 3 percent, shall be allowed iiy to iii¤i<0 seed 5'i0i‘i$· S0“i0 of orc
` l fel- beyl-les affected by (leelly_ Not its weak points are; its susceptibility pm
more than 5 pel-Cem, by yelume, eg llle to the yellows disease, its habit of lll
berries in any let may bg bglggv the producing smaller berries toward pla
specified minimum elZe_ the end of the season, and its habit pal
··Upelasslfled·· shall consist Of of blooming early, which causes it {ell
slmwbel-ries jyhich are Ilotg-l·=1d€dil1 to suffer from late frosts in certain ;lel
. conformity with either of the fore- Y0·Tii`$· iis iifiviiiiiiiges 0pi‘*ii°iiii5' Fic
going gl-ages outweigh its drawbacks for in the lllc
I ten years since it was introduced it elle
i I DEFINITION OF TERMS has become the most widely grown el-3
_ "OVerripe" means dead ripe, becgm- variety in the Ynited States. lt is lllll
i . ing soft, a condition unfit for shipment replacing the Premier in Maryland. lat
, . `» and necessitating immediate consump- has replaced the Missionary and Klon- rot
‘ , tion. dyke in North Carolina, and has re- acl
. I "Underripe" means so immature placed the Klondyke in Tennessee. thi
that less than two-thirds of the surface It is the leading variety in southern fro
- of the berry is of a pink or red color. Illinois and is gaining popularity in on
"Undeveloped" means not having western Kentucky. thi
.   attained a normal shape and develop- when ally ggctigll Starts growing nil
, ment 0`Wiiig to ii`0$i iiij¤i‘Y» iiick of larger acreages of a newer variety Tii
;  ‘ Poiiiuatioui iiiS€0i iiiiiii`€d» 0i` 0iii€i` it often takes a number of years of Sii
I , V, causes- “Biiti0ii b0i`i`i05" ¤i`€ €ii€ study to find out the most proftable thi
» Q I As', 1110St COIIIIHOD WPG of T.}1iS C0l1diti011. cultural practices to be used on the of
I uD3.I113gBI’ Hl€Zt.llS {lily illjlll‘y fl‘OIll 1[Q\\'C]‘ vglyjgiyl Tilig ig Q(¤l`i,{`l,illi}` th
Q the causes mentioned which materi- true with the Blakemore. This varietr M
Q, ally affects the appearance, edibility.   developed in 1923 by crossing Ii"
, ·_ , 0i` Shipping €1iii1iii£Y· the Premier with the Missionary Ti
` , _ "Serious damage" means that the variety. The variety was released “"
· » I, strawberries are soft, badly deformed, for trial in 1930. There were a num- Iii
L     badly bruised, leaky, o1· otherwise ber of problems to be worked out Sp
` ., seriously injured. Strawberries which with this variety. These were studied
_ are caked with dirt or which show no by Dr. G. l\I. Darrow, who is in charge Bi
r ._ 2