peratures ln the orchards were a few of prepared Bordeaux work well and
- degrees colder than the official others do not. The difference seems
Weather Bureau records. to be in the type of filler and the
- The examination of twigs and volume of Bordeaux used. Most grow-
branches on peaches around Lex- ers have had satisfactory results with
lngton, Covington, Louisville, Hender- Corona and Orchard Brand Bordeaux.
- son, Princeton, and Bowling Green The formula more often used is 3
indicates less permanent injury to the pounds of Bordeaux to each quart of
tree than was expected two months linseed oil. The dry Bordeaux powder
ago. Peach growers, however, have is sifted slowly into the oil with con-
been advised to delay their pruning stant and thorough stirring. Not
until new growth starts. This will over a gallon of oil should be used at
be after April 15 to 20 and if the cold one time. It will seem at first that 12
weather continues, somewhat later. pounds of Bordeaux in each gallon of
Anytime during May will be a good oil makes up a mixture entirely too
time to do the pruning. stiff to be applied with an ordinary
Dchorning vs. Cutting Back into 2 paint brush, but after the paint stands
and 3 year old wood. The general for several weeks, it thins out. ’When
age and vigor of the individual or- allowed to stand for several months
chard will largely determine the ex- before using, the consistency of the
tent of pruning desirable. A major- paint is much improved.
ity of the growers I have visited the If the paint is made up too thin, the
past two months do not plan to dehorn oil seems to sink into the wood and .
their trees, but instead will cut back leaves entirely too thin a paint film
into two and three yea: old wood, over the wound. On the other hand,
leaving the general framework of the paint must be made up with a
__ the tree, and thus develop new fruit- higher percentage of oil when used
ing wood along the main scaffold in cold weather. The consistency of
m branches. In all cases, the best place Bordeaux paint must be varied some-
Ue to make a pruning cut is just a couple what to suit the weather during
is of inches above the area where a new which it is being used, and this
5* growth shoot is starting out. of course is also true of other tree
le- Whltewashing trunks of Dehornecl paints, although to a lesser degree.
trees. To prevent sun scald on de- Hoosier Horticulture January. 1938 `
to horned or cut back peach trees paint E
ta- the top surface of the exposed scaf- NEW FRUIT PUBLICATIONS ‘
all fold branches with a home made mix- There are three New Kentucky
he lure prepared as f<>1l¤ws—T¤ 1 sal1<>n Fruit punneenene that have net been g
ih of S“'€€t Skmmled Milk- add 2 previously announced in this bulletin.  
30. ounces of Linseed Oil and sufficient They aye an three ef greet iniper- ·
he hyd¤·¤t<¤<1 lime tv make ¤· medium tance in different phases of fruit
he thick Paint- APPIY with il Cmmmm culture. Circular 347, Planning and
FYC paint or whitewash brush. You will Planting nn ()rcha.rd by Professor A.
`O; be Sm`P*`iS€d how mug it will Ill`0t€€l3 J, Olney. head of the Horticultural j _
.2; your peach tree trunk and branches Depnytnient, gives a clear and concise 1 '
‘T· from Slm Scam- discussion of the important problems T .
las in establishing a new orchard. In- A
OW BORDEA-UX TREE PAINT formation is given on the selection of j
`Qd Many Indiana growers have been orchard sites and soils, the selection  
9b‘ making up Bordeaux paint and have of varieties for the home and com-   .
Om reported very favorably on it, while inercial orchards; directions are given   _‘
in Others have had difficulty in prepar- for spacing, setting, labeling, and for 2 ,
fm" ingit. They report that some brands the early cultural practices, spray- i -