
3.   Personnel

     All employees of the Hospital are employees of the

     University and as such will be subject to all of the

     personnel policies and regulations governing employees

     of  the   University.   Revisions  of   the   University

     personnel policies subsequent to the date of this

     agreement   will  consider   the   uniqueness   of   the

     Hospital's  operations   and   incorporate  appropriate

     language, or reference to the policies specifically

     designed for the Hospital employees.

4.   Medical  Staff  Rules   and  Regulations,   Bylaws,  and

     Quality Assurance

     Authority for the development of relationships between

     the medical staff and the Hospital and for the

     development  of  quality  assurance   systems  will   be

     vested in the Hospital Board.

     The present relationship between the colleges of the

     Medical Center and the Hospital will be preserved.

     Thusly, the Bylaws of the medical staff will be

     adopted by the Board of Directors and the University

     Department Chairmen, or their delegates, will continue

     to be the Clinical Board of the Hospital.