l  . R
.i`;_   j of Analysis has occupied a considerable portion of the time of V
j   l the chemists. V
    A mzbrsis and bzsj2ccz‘i0ui¢y’ Cammercirzl Fe¢*z‘z`Zz`zcrs.-—'1`l1e an-
      alysis of commercial fertilizers has been continued. The greater i
      portion of Mr. Curtis’ time has been occupied in this work. The v
{9  funds accruing from this source are not adequate to the work .
  done, and it is hoped that the next Legislature will amend the
{   law, so that a more thorough inspection can be made.
·;tii?.i l
    Under charge of Prof. Garnian experiments have been made
    on tobacco insects, on broom-rape, on the gape worm, on potato _
  I scab, on apple rot ; and observations have been continued on
    forage plants with reference to a future bulletin. Prof. Garman, _
 Q;.} during the summer, inspected all the nurseries of the State,
  jj complying in this respect with the provisions of the San ]ose
  » Q? Scale law. None of the nurseries were found to be infested by ·
    San jose Scale, but inspection is necessary at least once a year, t
  for it is possible that the disease may be brought to nurseries
    from purchase of nursery stock from without the State. `
    if Prof. Garman has given considerable attention to perfecting
      an equipment in apparatus and literature, for work in bacteriol- -
      ogy, a subject that is rapidly looming up in agriculture. Some ’
      attention has been given to growing several aroma-producing
      bacteria and introducing them into cream as a means of improv-
      ing the flavor of butter. One of the many tested seems to have
      a value for this purpose, and gives a butter that good judges
      pronounce superior to the best made without the aid of bacteria.
      Under Prof. Garman’s direction, Mr. Harper, our Superin-
 -   tendent of Dairy Experiments, has devoted some time to special
i   `Q; work in bacteriology, and Prof. Garman informs me that he has
 Y   obtained some interesting results. Prof. Garman has also in-
  structed a class in Entomology in the College.
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