  T11e Horticultural work has been confined to a very li111ited
he 7 range of subjects. Special €tEt€l1t10ll has been given to straw-
mk berries, both upon-our own grounds a11d and as produced 111 the
he State, and a bulletin IS soon t0 be issued upo11 tl11s Sl`ll)_]€Ct.. Tl1e
' present year Prof. Mathews desires t0 give special atte11t1o11 t0
grape culture.
` Under my general supervision, Mr. J. N. Harper has co11-
ade ducted tl1e field experiments during the year. The work may
MO be classined as follows ;
on 'WHEAT— Test of varieties .......... . .............. 26
an, " " fertilizers ................... . .... IO
1te, 0ATs- " " varieties . . ........... . . . . ....... 28 »
dose " " fertilizers ................ . ....... IO
.by v POTATOES——" " varieties . .................t..... 250
ear, ¤ " " fertilizers .._... . ................. IO
ries Study of insecticides 2`tllCl fungicides ........ 20
HEl\IP— Test of fertilizers . . . ........................ 2O
ti11g CORN— " " " ..r.....   ..........   20
riol— CLOVER—" " " ..... . ................. . 2
ome FERTILIZER experiments 011 pasture ...1.. . .... . . . . 5
cing FERTILIZER " 1 " meadow ........ . ...... 2
rov- Tests of strawberries ...... 1 .....1..1... . ......... about 100
MVC Tests of fertilizers in different parts of State ..1....1...... 30
eria. DAIRY \\`ORK.
erin- Under Mr. I-Iarper’s innnediate supervision, t€I1 cows have
ecial been under test as to the effect of feed 011 tl1e production of milk
.1155 and butter. The feed tests were; bran versus dry distillery A
1 in- slops. Tl1e experinients are completed, but the enormous num-
ber of calculations have 110t yet been c0111puted. Mr. Harper
has also llfld llIl(l€I‘ test cows as to tl1eir butter capacity for a Q
week or over. All tl1e cattle associations have asked tl1e Statio11
authorities to make tests of cows for butter seven days or more, I