its ‘ Division of Chemistry,
11d ‘
.ve ;
du M. A. SCOVELL, DZi}'(’£f07',
js, Sir;—I submit herewith a report of the Division of Chem-
istry for the year 1897. Very respectfully,
(Signed) A. M. PETER.
The chemical work in 1897 already published is that per-
m- tainingito the fertilizer control published in bulletins 68 and 71.
Such other analyses as are of general interest are given here-
with. Besides these, many examinations of rocks, minerals,
potable waters, etc., have been made, lwhich it is thought useless
to publish.
Butter made at the Station farm in a test of the jersey cow
Bluster’s Pip, lasting from january 7 to 27, 1897.
Number ...,. 3653 3655 3656 3657
Milkings ...,. jan. ']·IO ]an. 11-13 jan. 14-15 jan. I6·I’]'
Fat ......,... 83.14 82.64 83.56 82.07
W'ater ,.,.... 13.8o 13.84 13.13 12.95
Salt and Ash 2.37 2.71 2.61 3.91
Curd .......,. .69 .81 .7o 1.07
1oo. , 1oo. 1oo. IOO,
Number ..... . ........... 3658 3671 3685
Jul- Milkings ........... .. .. jan. 18-2o jan. 21-24 jan. 25-27
Fat ........._____,_____. 86.46 80.49 77.58
1 \Vatei ·............... ... 14.99 I`§.Q7 18.33
Salt and Ash __ _. M. . 3,97 2.8o 3.35 ·
`Curd ... ,_.._ _ ,__. ___ .64 .74 .74 l
1 oo. 1 oo. 1oo. T
Butter made at the Station farm in a test of the jersey cow
Princess Marie S., lasting from February 8 to March II, 1897.