g _ .7 · i` 13,0 INDEX. 4 -
E .
g Rose, Dr.`]. N., report on woolly mullein in Kentucky ....,................. 99
  . Rye feed, analysis of ................. L ....... L ........................................... xviii T¤b¤¤¤<
  _ “ · Salt-lime-sulphur solution on San jose scale   ................ . ................. 55
  *‘ ‘ ' San jose scale in Kentucky, Bulletin 67 on ........................   .............. 41
  . _ description of ..... L .... . ............... . ............... . ............ 48 T°dd· C
Q 1 i, · i detection of ................................................ . ........... 47 · Trichog
L ,,` . ‘ food plants of ...... . ............ . ..... . .................¢ 4 ............ 4 5 V¤*b¤S<
  ` . history in the United States ........ ’ ......................... .   45 Vfryj  
i · U ‘, legislation against ................................................... 56 Vlrgim
ii ` .   liability of distribution from nurseries .................,..... 47 Waldro
  _ · - life history .. .... . ........................ . ............................ is “’¤ik¢*
§ H ~ . ` name and origin ............................................. . ....... 44 Walker
 "   _ nature of its injury ........ . .........‘ . ....... . ............ . ....... 46 “’h€at·
  · ` remedial treatment ........ Q .......................,........................... 52
  ' Scolopendrella immaculata ............,....,....... L ................................. 37
` A M Scovell, M. A .........................,................... ; .................................. vi
i` ' and Spurr, R. ].; test of Fertilizers on Tobacco by ......... . 3
i Peter, A. M. and Curtis, H. E., Bulletin No. 68 by ......... 75 _
{ · { Peter, A. M. and Curtis, H. E., Bulletin No. 71 by ...., ..... 121 Willm
  _ A Shelby, Miss Alice M .................................................................... vi “’}¤°· ‘
  . . Soap solutions on San ]ose scale ,...... . ......... . ...................... . ..... 56 Wmthe
E `ii Sporotrichum globuliferum ..... . ......................... . ..,..... ‘ .................. 31 W°°d Z
i, _ ` Sprayed tobacco, arsenic on .......................................................... xix WOOHY
  ` i Spurr, R. A ..................................... ‘ ........... . ............................... v
  Spurr, R.] ...................................................   .... . ....... . .......... vi
fi _ · and Scovell, M. A.; test of fertilizers on tobacco by ........... ii ,
  , Station oiiicers ................. L ..............   ......................... . ................ vi
  _ Stored tobacco, white spots on ........... . ............................. ` ............... 33
i· - i Sturniia inquinata .... . ............ . .......................................... . ....... 29
  y - triiida .......... ;...; ................................ . .......................· . .1.. . .. 29
  ‘ Sugar beets, analyses of ..... . ...` . ................. . ........................... . ....... xviii
  _' V ` Sulphur water, analysis of .................... . ....................... . ............... xfviii .
#1* Sweeney, Dr. W. O., coal and coke from   .............. . .... , ........... xxix, XXX
  i_ v Syngamus tracliealis ....... `   ..... . ............................................ . ...... 1*.*3 i
v i Telenomus sphingis ...................... L ............................................... Yi
 i · Thaxter, Dr Roland, observations on tobacco worms, by .... . .............. 17,30
 1 Tobacco, analyses of ..... . ..... . ........ . ............................................. XX p
 i v_ Bulletin No. 66 on ..... .. .......... . ....... . ...................... . ...... i
_ i diseases of ..................................................... . ................ 33 .
 i ` _ test of fertilizers on ............. . ......................................... ii
QI  bud worm ..................... . ........ . ....................................... 35
  bug, the spined ................. . ............................. . ............... 53 ‘
  ` insects, notes on ........................................... Q ................ .. 33
 i worms on drying tobacco ......................................... . ..... vii `
i_  effects of Paris Green on ............... . .....   ...... 5 ...... i
V enemies of ........ . .................................................. Yi