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· INDEX. 131 l  T_ . •` 1  
99 1 V i  
wm Tobacco, worms Northern and Southern ........................... . ............. 20 4 _` ’ . __»i_jV_;
54 notes on , ...................... , ...............,....................... 6 i ·  
44 two kinds .....‘ . .............. . ............ . ..............,.......... 16   _ ·, _. _ ‘_ {ji  
48 Todd, Capt. Thomas .......................... . ........... . ............................ v 4 i' `jiwrl q
44 , Trichogramma pretiosa .................. .. .................... . .,,..,.,,,,,,,.,,,,... 29 4 ‘ . ’  {aiizrl
45 Verbascum phlomoides .....   . ..................................... , ........... xxxi, 99   - _V `_  
44 Very, C. F., iirst discovered woolly mullein ................. .. .. ............. 104   V ,  
56 Virginia (jersey) butter test of ...................... . ................................ xv ‘ V  
44 Waldron, Henry, sugar beets sent by ............................................... xviii   Y V  
44 Walkeh Messrs, Hiram 8; Co., tobacco damaged by caterpillars., ....... 18   , . I,  4_;;V_{
44 Walker, 'lfhomas R,, concord wine sent by .......... . ........................... xxix i , V I ~· · *f-2;;:1
46 Wheat, Bulletin No. 69 on ......................................................... .. 77 V ‘“ -  
52 description of varieties ........................,............................... 83 ` ,  
37 milling qualities, of .................... · ........................................ S1 · _ Qjg
vi test of fertilizers, on ...................................,.   ................ . 82 V ~ _  
3 test of varieties .........,... . ..................... . ..... . ...................... 80 V  
75 treatment for smut . ............ , ................ . .......................... 95  
424 White, james G .... . ....................................................... . ............ viii _  
vi Wine, Concord, analysis of ............................................................ xxix _ ,  
56 Winthemia 4-pustulata . ........ .   ................................................ 29 ] , .·  
34 \Vood ashes, analysis of .............,. . .................. .   ....................... xxxi I . , _  
xix \Voolly-mullein ....... . ............ . .................................................   xxxi r ’  
V in Kentucky ..........................     ........................ 99 Q _ . h  
,,4 description of and comparison with common mullein .. 106 _  
3 . dissemination in Kentucky ................... . ...... _ ........ 102 z .  
4,4 in EQurope ...................................................... . ..... . 105  
38 history of in Kentucky., ...........,.. . ......................... 104 . ‘ I  
29 as a weed in Kentucky ......................................... .. 105 V  
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