



On Trial!





colleg- Does a boy or girl have to study
The diary of the
hard, put in long hours, in order to
ian in the near future promises to in- Evils of College Football Are
make a respectable showing in preselude accounts of such events as sleep-in- g
Discussed at Educational
ent day schools especially in col
through a dull lecture in ancient j
leges and universities? If you will
history, under the very shadows of
the boys and girls the
the Pyramids, or flunking a zoology
mid-terwhile a school of sharks-- '
courses are terribly hard and they
(From the Dartmouth)
UniThe Kentucky Kittens stellar bas
The University of Kentucky Kittens
Butcher, hefty center of the
The University of Kentucky Kittens sport beneath the quiz room windows versity of Tennessee basketball team,
Perhaps- the most outstanding fea ketball quintet had a very busy time have to put in long hours
Of course it has been many years won their fifteenth consecutive game
powerful basketball team ran their Sounds fishy, eh ?
Saturday night, ture, from the point of view of actual last week, and according to schedule, since we went to school but we have by beating Woodland Athletic club by
delightful little lived up to. his name
Can you picture
string of consecutive victories to sixEduca- they should have a much busier time
moon, for at that time he and his cohorts accomplishment, of the recent
a recollection that even then there
teen Tuesday nighty in the Euclid lovedipping under ever-errin- g Hawaiin
Wildcats tional Parley at Wesleyan was th in their games this week. The Kit- was a similar line of talk by stu- 50 to 27 at the Euclid gymnasium
frosh in did butcher the
Intercollegiavenue gymnasium by defeating the or
Saturday night.
tens have continued to mow down all dents.
of the University of Kentucky by the discussion of the case of
.famed Lexington High school Blue Che Dead Sea? Can you of the jour- score of 31 to 20 in the Euclid gym ate Football. The whole problem was opposition, having won their sixteen
Although the Kittens got away to
We always have to laugh when we
Devils by the score of 31 to 19. Ap- nalistic clique imagine a reporter
clearly and concisely stated by
starts so far this season. They took hear this talk about hard study, of a slow start .and although their lead
proximately 3,000 persons witnessed the University's publication scoop-- 1 nasium.
52-2- 4
Wilkins, Chairman of the American
ing" the Associated Tress, on the disThe 'Cats were the first to score, Association "of University Professors. the Wesleyan Cubs over by a
how stiff the courses are, of how high was small during the. greater part of
the contest.
score, and followed up a night later
? Jenkins making two field goals
The rame had hardly started when covery of the missing link in Borneo
with by, drubbing the Smith Specials, an the standards are, of how many hours the first half, they warmed up to the
was the Conference,
Helm quickly fol- The result
rapid succession.
Spicer, star Blue Devil center, broke And why not?
one exception, stood unanimously op independent team in Richmond, Ky., are put in studying. We do not be- task in the latter part of the fir3t half
All because the large -- number ot. lowed with another basket, giving the posed to
lieve that courses are any harder
through the Kitten defense to score
the sport in its present stat by a 51-2- 3
Last Saturday
college students, both graduate and 'Cats a 6 to 0 lead. But Butcher
than they were in our day in school or and during all the second half, and
a crip. Jeffries came right back with
of definite and drastic
undergraduate, who wish to travel, started and made nine points before us and in favor one exception was Mr.
soon were so far out in front that no
a free throw, following this immed""""
7" L
feated the Woodland A. C. 50-2- 7,
Tennessee revision. The
while in the pursuit of enlighten- - Kentucky scored again.
iately with a goal from mid-floodoubt of the outcome was left in any3
H. B. Holton, Chairman of the Wes .lasl rn
- l nJiit ui cuuib Ul uiauia lu juanc
lUCSUilJ IllgllL me xvibbcua mauin any school.
Then Combs and Milward both regis-- r ment, has influenced the Universitya led from that stage to the end of the leyan Alumni Council.
one's mind. It was just another game
aged to eke out a victory over the fair record
game. At one time in the first half
making the score Travel Association to undertake
tered from the floor,
We have heard boys and girls brag for the Kittens.
In the first place let it be said that Lexington High Blue Devils, 31-2- 9,
novel kind of college course, in the Butcher had scored 12 of Tennessee's
quarter ended.
7 to 2 as the
the question was treated from the in one of the closest and most excit- about making "B's" as though they
Jimmy McFarland was in the
The second quarter was the most form of a cruise afounnd the world. 13 points. The score at the end of
of the "mass" of college ing games they have played so far had accompolished something. It may Woodland lineup, and played a good
- oTcitinir nnrc on me irarnir. m nwo A "college aboard ship" it has been the first half was, Kentucky 11, Ten stand-poibe that they have but there are still
of this season.
From the stand-poir-ifVin Rltio Tioviis. with Koden called, for the students sail in
nessee 15, 12 of which were made by students.
Irvine Jeffries managed the
girls who make "A's" and game.
those who actually play the game and
of each year, spend the year Butecher.
This week they play the University don't and
leading, fought an uphill tight ana
break down under the strain. freshmen in the absence of McFar
participate on football squads, the adIn the final half-- the 'Cats managed vantages of the sport could not be of Louisville freshmen at Louisville.
came within one point of a tie with the abroad, and return late in May.
No doubt there have been advances land, and plenty of substitutions were
This game should prove very good, as
A faculty of about forty men and to cover Butecher and held him to
. . yearlings as the half ended. Score:
made in education. We hope and be
women travel with the students, ar- one point, but he had already butech- - denied, but the part of the player is the Louisville frosh are reported to
Freshmen 13, Blue Devils 12.
plaudit and be considerably strengthened since lieve that most boys and girls know
McFarland was high point man for
How a far cry from that of the
In the third quarter, with Combs ranging lectures and tours, and plan- ered the home boys enough.
study while on ever, while the 'Cats were holding the plaudits are the mass. There is their last game with the Kittens. The more when they finish high school Woodlend with 14 points. For the
putting 'em in from everywhere, the ning the courses of
college than they did in our day.
made to more Butcher the other Tennessee sharp only one player out of every sixty Georgetown Tiger Cubs will be en- and
Kittens drew away from the Blue board ship. Visits are
There should be advance in all lines Kittens, Lyons, with 16 points, was
college students! In other words, out
Devils rapidly. The blue team did than thirty foreign countries.
shooters were romping away with of every sixty men in college fifty-nin- e gaged at Georgetown Saturday night, but the advance in education should high scorer, and Miller played brilwhich is selected for this the game.
while the Centre Lieutenants may be
liantly at back guard.
jiot make a point in this period. The The boat
get practically none of the ad- met, also. Thus, it is clearly to be be gradual from the first year in
'"score at the end of the third quarter "ocean voyage" is equipped with a
The lineups:
Near the close of the contest Sharpe
school and not
library, study halls, gymnasium and was injured and Ropke, who was sub vantages and practically all of the seen that the Kittens have quite, a years in, college. all come in the few Kittens (39)
Pes. (27) Woedkad
was: Kittens 23, Blue Devils
evils connected with the sport in its task on their hands, but they are. peron even swimming pool, so that the young stituted for him, thrilled the.on-loo- k
Lyons (16)
. The two teams fought
F. (14) McFarland
present dimensions. With this fact fectly capable of handling the situaUnless times have changed greatly McBrayer (11) F.
quarter, the fresh- - people may work and play, and en- ers with his long shots and
(1) Brock
. terms in the last
as the axis, the case may be stated: tion, is is believed, and by the end of most students have too little to do Milward (11) .... C.
content to hold the score gage in all their regular college activ- good playing.
(2) Sidener
men being
That was the Combs
1. It is an absorbing recreation by the week, their list of victories should instead of too much.
ities. .
- (7) King
as it was
Butcher, Dean and Rice were Ten means of which anxiety and staleness be considerably lengthened.
condition 30 years ago. When we
While the- - "university afloat" is
G. ...
Spicer was the mainstay for the
Miller (2)
For Kentucky, may be expelled and pep and fresh
nessee's luminaries.
boys and
- Blue
Devils. He was always in the primarily for college students who, if
The frosh defeated the Smith Spe think of the thousands of
Jenkins and Ropke played well. If ness instilled.
girls who graduate each year from Ellis (4), McLane, Sisk (2), Williams
thick of the fight. For the Kittens, they take passage for the year's trip, Ropke had entered the game sooner
cials in an easy and
colleges it is going to be difficult to
(4), Torok, Meyers, Jones, Byrnes,
Miller, Milward and Combs played and fulfill all the requirements, are
2. It is a means of strengthening Combs and Miller were the only regthere might have been a different tale
convince us
brilliantly throughout the contest. given regular college credits, a limitthe unison of the group, giving it a ulars to start the game. Lou' Ellis tion today. that it is not the condi- Hampton. Woodland Clark (3).
to relate.
Irvine Jeffries, playing his first game ed number of postgraduate students
Referee Underwood, of Kentucky
common interest and a common bond performed remarkably well, making
It is surprising how easily the
since he was hurt two weeks ago, re are also accepted. McGill Daily.
Lyons made 13 and
3. It is a clean and interesting topic eight points.
ceived a slight injury to his ankle
Milward had a total of 10 points to youBg people can make their parents
of thought and conversation.
(7) Spicer
believe this propaganda about how
Milward (10) .... C. ...
and left early in the contest, but
4. It is a means, by virtue of the his credit. Moberly was best for the
(2) Bronsten
Combs (9) . .. G. ...
near the .end of the game.
gate receipts it draws, of maintaining Independents, making 12 of his team's hard they study, when the parents
know how little they worked when
H. Miller
Miller (3)
The lineups:
other sports, less profitable financial points.
they were in school. We do not blame
(19) Lexigton
Substitutions: Kentucky Ellis (2),
Kittens (31)
ly, with the college.
In the Wesleyan game Jeffries was the young people
but we do believe
(8) Boden McBrayer, Williams; Lexington
Jeffries (3) . ... F.
The evils of the sport on its present unable to participate on account of his
parents were not so gullible
(2) Kleiser Roberts, Davenport.
Lyons (2) . . .. F.
Kappa Sigma and Sigma Nu scale are:
ankle. Milward was the star of the that if
many students would do much better
Occupy First Place in Inter-fraterni- ty
1. It tends to distort in the stu game, making 16 points. At the be
League; Others
dent's mind the normal scale of values ginning of the second half, the sub work and learn much average
Anyone who has
The stitutes were given a chance and
of colleee work and of life.
Follow Close Behind
gence, knows how to study, and wants
football captain as campus idol high every one performed creditably. Tur to learn can
make a fairly good rec
Our fountain is equipped for the best
newspaper ner was Wesleyans star performer,
FURTHER PLANS STATED pay to professionals
in school and not
fancy drinks and sandwiches
glamour alumni insanity enormous and besides playing a good floor ord or girl who will work hard. A
really study
basket- financial outlay high pay to coaches, game, he contributed 10 points to his three or four hours a day can easily
In the field of intra-murside's cause.
ball, the leadership in the fraternity etc.
graduate from any college but boys
2. It causes general over-exciThe
divisions remains unchanged.
One of the closest and most inter
hysteria" neglect esting basketball .games seen this and girls are no different from men
Kappa Sigmas, with five wins and no mentA"Saturday
and women and we all like to pose
losses, and the Sigma Nus, with four of work absence from classes in season came off last Tuesday night at as hard workers although few work
victories and no defeats, are tied for attention and loss of interest in fun the university gymnasium. The Kit very hard. Hillsboro Ohio News- first place in Division 1. In the sec- damental interests and concerns. tens defeated Coach John Heber's Herald.
ond division, the Alpha Sigs are lead- which interferes with and often dis Blue Devils, but the game was no
Hark, ye knights of
by a long shot. To give
ing, with Alpha Gamma Rho and rupts the normal pursuits of both the walk-awa- y
Brown University Dairy compa
the squared circle! The
In the, college and the individual.
Sierma Beta Xi close seconds.
some idea of the closeness of the nies are swamping the coaches and
3. Minor evils such as drinking, dis scores, the Kittens led by 7-- 2 score at athletic directors
new boxing gloves and
other two divisions, Men's Dorm and
with requests to
dishonesty in ticket the end of the first quarter, but only
This sipation, betting,
Company C are the leaders.
ring equipment has ar- write articles on the strength-givin- g
week's clashes wind up the. prelimi speculation, and financial support of 13-1- 2 at the half. The Kittens start- qualities of milk. The world will not
rived. We are prepared
players by alumni, all of which re ed off with a rush in the second half, be let in on
nary games. From the looks of things
to furnish you with all
the secret if the football
reh fleet not only in the individual and his
and their greater endurance and
now, it seems as though the
team is a successful next season as
your needs.
program moral character but upon the good serve power enabled them to draw was the milk-fe- d
contest of the entire
team of the past
away at the third quarter by a 23-1- 2
will be unfolded on March 1 when the name and reputation' of the college.
With college football fast becoming score, and the game ended 31-1- 9,
Kappa Sigs and Sigma Nus meet,
probably for the division champion- the most popular of all American teams holding just about their respec
A star halfback of the University
sports, and with its unique qualities tive distances as to scoring.
of Iowa was arrested and fined $25
Bicycles, Spertiag Geeds,
for the development of leadership and
Jeffries, in the time he played, was and costs for tackling a Christmas
March 14-1- 9,
after basketball closAthletic Supplies
strength of character in those who an outstanding star. "Spooks" Mil tree
free-thro- w
es, there will be an intra-murand carrying it down the street
128 North Lisa est ese Street
Each entrant will play as well as the other advantages ward was high point man with a to- for a touchdown' a few days before
to abolish
Lexingtea, Ky.
throw fifty times. There will be fra- mentioned above, however, stamp out tal of ten points, while "Pisgah' Christmas.
ternity teams, composed of ten men the whole sport in order to would be, Combs garnered nine markers. Lou
to it
Ellis, who substituted for Jeffries,
each, of which the highest eight will the evils correlative
Suitable cups tritely, to cut off your nose to spite played a very eood game. Len Miller
compose each team.
should be rather played, a wonderful game at guard,
will be awarded. The last week in your face. The aim
track meet will first to limit the evils in so far as pos- and Lyons completed the brilliant
March an intra-mur- al
sible without harming the sport as teamwork of the Kittens. Boden and
ir r
be held, and after that, an intra-mur- al
boxing contest, with seven weight a whole, and second, to secure to now Spicer were outstanding for the Blue
l wn
from bantam to heavy. greatest number the advantages few. Devils, scoring eight and seven points
Miller at guard was
Tennis and baseball will also be so exclusively shared following pro- respectively.
also an outstanding cog in the Lexing
played, trophies being offered to the With this in view, the

















You Can Get A



His honor, old Squire Pipe is unques;
tionably the world's ablest judge of pipe
tobaccos. Who else is by nature, training
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and experience so
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it? .. So, in the case of Granger Rough
Cut, the plea is that Judge Pipe's verdict
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To make a long brief brief: Character
witnesses everywhere have sworn to
Granger's sterling quality. Experts have
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Finally, it has been shown that by
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tin) it is possible to sell Granger at just
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convince Squire Pipe that it is the worlds
greatest pipe tobacco... and any good
judge of tobaccos will confirm the decision!


The grocer had just put a new boy
to work, and among the other instructions was this:
"If you don't happen to have what
a customer wants, suggest something
else as nearly like it as possible."
Soon a woman came into the store
and asked the boy, "Have you any
fresh green stuff, today?"
"No, ma'am," answered the boy,
"but we have some nice bluing."
Forbes Magazine.
Dean E. Bowen is the only male stuclass
dent in the Home Economics
which deals with the selection and
preparation of foods at the Ohio
State University. He says he is taking it because he is going to be a

bachelor and bachelors have to take
care of themselves, but the real reason is because he is going to Cornell
next year to take up hotel management and it is required there.

Gives your hair
Does not leave



Glossy and Orderly


ten cents.

posals for limitation are suggested:
1. Exclude the public from attendance at games, or abolish gate receipts, or raise the price of tickets to
the public to a prohibitive figure.
2. Have all coaching from within
the active college, abolish the control
of coaches during the game and put
the responsibility of the whole affair
on the shoulders of the players, and
increase intramural sports; or
3. Limit the schedule to four games
per season; or
4. Limit participation to one year
for each man a one year eligibility
rule. Such a rule would have the following advantages, it would mean the
academic work of the player would be
interfered with during only one season; it would secure to a much greater number of men the advantages now
enjoyed by a comparatively small
group; it would cause a decrease in
individual publicity and glorification
valwhich tends to distort the proper
ues; it would eliminate "alumni buying" of players for the college; it
would eliminate class-roosail- and the possibility of a player

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Rough Cut

uum tin
cents, th

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Liquid Hair Dressing


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Granger Rough Cut is made by the Liggett & Myers Tobacco




ton High team. All in all, the game
was excellent, and the Blue Devils
proved themselves a powerful quintet.

ing through college without having to
measure up to the conventional schol
astic standard; it would bring a wider
technical understanding and apprecia
tion of the sport by permitting more
to participate; and lastly, it would
not noticeably decrease popular inter
est in and enjoyment in the sport, per
se, which means that competition
among candidates for teams would be
as strong as ever, that the financial
support for other sports gained
through the gate receipts would con
tinue, and that the publicity enjoyed
by colleges concerned and the desire
to have good teams would not be re


Now Ready For Your Use





L. W. Culley, Mgr.


Intercollegiate football has been on
trial for three years. It is now I
major concern in almost every Amer
ican callege, and it is time something
were done. The above statement we
trust will clarify the issue so that
Dartmouth, of all colleges one which
should be most deeply concerned, may
judge it. The Dartmouth stands
heartily in accord with the reform of
some kind, be it costructive or radical.
We invite discussion and plead for


Mrs. W. M. writes: "My little
girl said to me the other day,
'Muwer, how long is it to my birth-

" 'Not very long, dear,' I told her.
" 'Well ' she asked, 'is it time for
me to begin being- a good girl?"'
Boston Transcript.

Music won a vjctory over notoriety
last week when Fritz Kreisler's violin
attracted nearly twice as many people
in Des Moines, Iowa, as did Aimee
Aimee's attraction was
free but people preferred to pay to
hear Kreisler. Who said people are
not improving in their tastes?

University of Southern California
has issued an edict which bans smoking at functions of any kind in university residences or on the campus.


This is the play in which Peggy Woods chose to

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Lower Floor 75c
First 2 Rows in Balcony 50c
Gallery 25c
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