commencement ceremonies because of time constraints. The president was able to shake hands
with all graduates and have pictures made with them. A more personalized commencement will
also be held in May. To allow this, UK will reinitiate Founders’ Day, at which all faculty awards
will be given — the Sullivan Awards, the Kirwan Award, and other awards that have in the past
been announced at the May commencement. The president thanked all who worked to make
these changes possible.
University Press Books Receive Acclaim
The president urged board members to read all ofthe PR l articles, but he jumped to this item to
speak about the University Press’s outstanding accomplishments. He announced that, in addition
to the books mentioned in the PR article, yesterday the Press published a book on President
Frank L. McVey. Because there was no biography about President McVey to this point,
Presdident Todd had wished to commission one and get it done before Dr. Thomas Clark,
longtime UK professor and Kentucky state historian, passed away. Dr. Clark regarded President
McVey very highly. The book did not materialize until now, however, and President Todd
welcomes it. Three generations ofthe McVey family were able to attend the ceremony
announcing the book.
SKY BLUE House Featured on KET
SKY BLUE House, which finished ninth of 20 competitors at the 2009 U.S. Department of
Energy Solar Decathlon competition, was featured on a program that ran on KET, KET2, and
KET Kentucky through February 22. UK‘s solar house team was an interdisciplinary group
comprised of students, faculty, and staff from six colleges and 16 centers and departments within
UK. The television program on the university‘s solar house was produced, shot, and edited by
the College of Engineering and the Center for Visualization and Virtual Environments at UK.
President Todd elaborated further on why a benefit is derived from sponsorship of such projects
for students when he described a grant offered by the Kentucky Highlands, an investor group
from London, Kentucky. Part ofthe grant had the purpose of applying the knowledge gleaned
from solar decathlon participation to make energy-efficient bulk-manufactured housing. This
housing would be usable as standard housing as well as during national disasters where a large
number of homes were needed in short order. The president expressed his wish that research we
do here would furnish ideas and concepts that could be applied in other parts of the state so that
we can create real jobs and put real people to work. Research really can make a difference in
Kentucky, and the president is proud that our students are having success in their research.
President Todd urged the Board to read all ofthe items in PR l.
J. Waiver of Part X of the Goveming Regulations Pertaining to the Employment of
Relatives: Brian P. Butler (PR 3)
President Todd introduced PR 3 and asked that the Board authorize the continued
employment of Brian Butler, the son of Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration
Frank Butler, as required by Goveming Regulation X, Part X. Two years ago, the Board
approved a waiver for Mr. Butler, and circumstances have not changed. Brian Butler is four
levels removed from his father, and his father will not be involved in any personnel actions or
decisions concerning his son. President Todd recommended that the resolution be passed, and