L. Academic Degree Recommendation {AACR 2)
Ms. Brown explained the background of AACR 2. The Department of Behavioral
Science is establishing a Ph.D. in Clinical and Translational Science to support intellectually
rigorous research education, training, and career development of Clinical and Translational
Science scholars at the University of Kentucky. The Ph.D. in Clinical and Translational Science
is an interdisciplinary training program. Scholars enrolled in the program will have completed
tenninal professional training in interdisciplinary programs, and the curriculum reflects the
rigorous training that scholars will have completed prior to enrolling in the program. The Ph.D.
in Clinical and Translational Science is an interdisciplinary training program. Scholars enrolled
in the program will have completed terminal professional training in interdisciplinary programs,
and the curriculum reflects the rigorous training (e. g., medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing,
public health) that scholars will have completed prior to enrolling in the program. On behalf of
the Academic Affairs Committee, Ms. Brown recommended approval of AACR 2. Dr.
Brockman asked for a second of her motion, which was supplied by Ms. Curris. The motion
passed without dissent. (See AACR 2 at the end ofthe Minutes.)
M. Change in Degree — College of Agriculture {AACR 3)
AACR 3 is a change in degree for the College of Agriculture. In 2008, the University of
Kentucky Natural Resource Conservation and Management (NRCM) undergraduate program
was reviewed by an extemal committee appointed by the Dean ofthe College of Agriculture.
One key recommendation of the extemal review committee was to revise the NRCM curriculum.
The June 2008 Extemal Periodic Review report recommended ‘“the steering committee and other
UK faculty work together to develop a set of more well-integrated courses that would better train
students in the particular knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to succeed in enviromnental
science and policy careers.” The curriculum has been revised based on input from the NRCM
Steering Committee and stakeholders. The curriculum has been restructured to provide better
focused and more integrated study of specific natural resource and environmental science topic
areas, explicitly related to a student’s selection for the required intemship or research experience.
Because of the growing interest by students in environmental sciences and the addition of
environmental science topic areas, the college proposes to change the name of the NRCM
program to Natural Resources and Environmental Science (NRES). Ms. Brown moved for
approval of AACR 3 and was seconded by Ms. Brothers. The motion passed without dissent.
(See AACR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)
N. Change in Degree — College of Communications and Infonnation Studies
{AACR 4)
Ms. Brown introduced AACR 4, a change in degree for the College of Communications
and Infonnation Studies. It recommends approval of a change in the name ofthe Bachelor of
Arts/ Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Telecommunications to Bachelor of
Arts/ Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Media Arts and Studies, effective in the spring
of 20l l. She explained that the current name ofthe program, Telecommunications, has always
been rather opaque to prospective students. It is not a tenn they are generally familiar with, and
does not help to convey the true nature ofthe program. Thus, the name change to Media Arts