ROTC men realize a feeling of patriotism while the flag is raised.
Developing ...
a transition to adult maturity
Students are individualsthey are enrolled in different colleges, represent different sections of the world, belong to different groups; but all are here for one common purposepersonal development.
College and college life offers a wide spectrum of opportunities for personal development. In the student's four year period he matures mentally, socially, and physically from youthful exuberance to mature adulthood. During this time he sets forth goals and ideals that will be followed throughout his life. The University is a mold for studentsin which his future will be cast.
Expanding in only one of these capacities is developing a portion of one's ability. While at the University a student gets a fresh outlook on people and life because he is constantly confronted with new situations and environments.
Maturing not only includes parties, dates, and occasional sessions in the Grille, but it is the association with people. The campus offers opportunities for participation in various organizations and activities which are based on the principle of cooperation. As the student assembles with others and develops an interest in his fellow students and their ideas, he thus matures.
Students in the quadrangle get acquainted at an informal afternoon jam session.
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