Expression ...
a reflection of association
The roar of the crowd, a football game, a painting in the art gallery, a Student Congress campaign poster, and a foreign student performing at the Cosmopolitan Club's annual show, all exemplify one ideaexpression.
A student expresses himself by his appearance, his choice of environment, and his associations. He sees expressions displayed as he greets his friends on campus. A sad look probably denotes a bad test grade or the Monday blues. A happy smile suggests that it is Friday or an "A" on an examination. The student's outward appearance reflects his inward feelings.
The student seen in the Grille talking with friends, chatting with someone in McVey Hall, or taking a cigarette break with a study-date in front of the library, reveals his need for companionship. The University is the setting in which the student expresses his needs and desires. It provides a place for the student to express himselfit does not give the student an expression.
A way of life, an atmosphere, is revealed during sorority rush.
Determination is demonstrated avidly by the Thetas at the first pep rally.